Inside-the-leather Classic Golf Swing Mechanics and simple golf swing tips for self-coaching techniques and Fitness.
This 13- Page Download will help the golfer properly Sync/Preset their wrist in order to hit more fairways and greens in regulation to make PAR or BETTER with a simple preset technique. This is more than a coaching technique, but sports medicine approach.
Syncing & Presetting the Wrists- More Than just a Coaching Technique, but an Ergonomic One
Syncing and Presetting the wrists is more than just a coaching technique that I use in my training procedures, articles, and in the production of my YouTube Videos. It is an ergonomic-sports medicine approach to the golf swing for more distance and control, without injuries. To improve consistencies and to prevent injuries to the elbow, shoulders, and lower back, the golfer’s wrists need to be synced and preset just over the pocket, as in Figure No. 1 below, prior to taking the handle of the golf club to the top of the swing.
This is based on what is called the Threshold Muscles Technique, or in other words The Preset Technique. There are two groups of muscles in the human body, those that are small and quick-responding muscles for speed, and the larger and slower-responding muscles for power. To avoid injuries and to improve the golfer’s game, the Low-Threshold muscles should be engaged prior to the High-Threshold muscles. The High-Threshold muscles, as the name implies, naturally engage later in the golf swing, as needed.
The Low-Threshold muscles are generally located in the lower forearms and wrists, while the High-Threshold muscles are generally located in the arms (upper arms) shoulders, torso, hips, and quads. The Low-Threshold muscles are for speed, while the High-Threshold muscles are for power to create distance.
Properly syncing these two groups of muscles up correctly is a key component in The QATSPY Golf® Swing Technique that should be a part of the golfer’s strategy for both training and on the golf course. Eighty percent of the golfer’s swing is completed just by properly Syncing and Presetting the wrists into the Lock Position, over the trailing pocket, as shown below in Figure No.1. This QATSPY Download will show how the golfer should properly Sync and Preset the wrists to gain more distance and control in the golf shots, without causing injuries.
This was a technique that Arnold Palmer gave to President Eisenhower before a Pro-AM to allow President Eisenhower to sync and to lock his right elbow next to his side for more distance and control.
Figure No. 1
The Sync and Preset technique places the wrists into the Lock Position, over the trailing pocket, that will allow the golfer to hit more fairways and greens in regulation and get closer to the pin to make par or better. The biggest benefit of the Sync and Preset Technique into the Lock Position is the confidence the golfer develops just by setting the wrists into the Lock Position, right under their nose. This provides a great checkpoint for the golfer.
What is to the advantage of the golfer in the Sync and Preset Technique are these instinctive maneuvers, in other words, these components that are well- established. These components tap into existing motor skills that were learned and developed at a very young age, if you’ve played either baseball or softball. These are permanent motor skills that the majority of us learned in the batter’s box before the age of eight.
Find out how to take your natural baseball swing from the batter’s box to the tee box with a few easy techniques that we perform each and every day. The only requirement is that the golfer has to convince their subconscious mind to use these same techniques in establishing the golf swing sequence. After the subconscious mind realizes the results, it will reinforce the Palmer-Dorsiflex and Preset Technique used in The QATSPY Golf® Technique.
My YouTube Video on the Bunt-Chip/Pitch Technique has the same Sync/Preset to the Lock Position that is used in the regular full golf shot, except the swing arc is just larger. Just be sure to use the Throw-Down Home Plate Training described in this YouTube Video:
A T-N-T Putting Technique to hole more putts and avoid three putting or worst:
In this YouTube Video, I’m 61 years old. I have followed the CASPER Fitness Program since I was 15 years old. Due to my hip replacement, I swapped out jogging for bike riding, but all the other elements are the exactly the same, including working out with a 80-pound bunching bag. If you are a golfer, don’t exclude the bunching bag element from your workout routine, great for stamina.
This DOWNLOAD contains 13 Pages of golfing techniques, Illustrations, and videos to help you improve your golf game from tee to green!
QATR-406- The Palmer-Dorsiflex Sync/Preset Golf Technique