5-Minute Dynamic Golf Swing Workout Prep

The QATSPY GOLF Inside the Leather Sports Page

Inside the leather Classic Golf Swing Mechanics and simple golf swing tips for self-coaching techniques.

By: Charles W. Boatright

Author of The ESPY Golf Swing Coach, Delta Technique Geared for Distance and Control



The 5-Minute Dynamic Warm-up Golf Swing Workout for the Golfer’s Flexibility & Pre-Programming Coaching Technique



A consistent golf swing sequence depends just as much on flexibility and muscle memory as it does strength and power during a golfer’s practice session. To adequately address the golfer’s flexibility and developing muscle memory, a 5-Minute Dynamic warm-up is a great pre-programming coaching technique that is essential to the golfer’s game.



The 5-Minute Dynamic warm-up should precede the golfer’s golf swing workout sessions or the golfer’s pregame warm-up routine. The 5-Minute Dynamic warm-up, besides providing stretching and flexibility, are exercises similar to yoga. The 5-Minute Dynamic warm-up also can be used to pre-program the golfer’s muscle responses, or muscle memory, in executing their golf swing sequence on the golf course.



The golfer needs to take every opportunity and advantage of their golf swing workout exercises to pre-program a consistent golf swing sequence under various conditions. This allows the golfer to develop and be able to access what I refer to as their subconscious golf swing technique.



The golfer’s subconscious mind contains 90 percent of the golfer’s ability (motor-skills and muscle responses). To be able to perform on the golf course, the golfer needs to do everything he/she can to develop their subconscious golf game for confidence on the golf course.



The golfer may very well practice using their conscious mind, but I can guarantee  the golfer that they will use their subconscious mind once on the golf course. This is one reason why the golfer can’t carry their practice to the course.



The golfer who mainly focuses on their golf swing mechanics and sequences during their practice sessions is just addressing 10 to 20 percent of their golf game. They are not developing and/or working on 80 to 90 percent of their total golf game. Developing the golfer’s feel is based on repetition of the golfer’s golf swing sequence and mechanics until the subconscious mind can process the muscle memory and fine-tune one’s motor skills to match the golf swing sequence.



The 5-Minute Dynamic warm-up on the Fly to Develop a Consistent Golf Game



The 5-Minute Dynamic warm-up provides the golfer with the ability to take their golf swing workout practice sessions anywhere. The golfer using their golf swing routine in one of the 5-Minute Dynamic warm-up drills is actually performing a subconscious golf programming function. The golfer’s golf swing sequence becomes so routine that it becomes second nature, or instinctive, where the golfer doesn’t even have to think about their golf swing. The golfer just has to perform the sequence.



Opportunity to use the 5-Minute Dynamic warm-up at the office


Sitting has become a major concern in occupational health professionals, where sitting is the new smoking. Those of us having to sit at a desk for a long duration of time need to develop relief exercises. Ergonomic specialists recommend performing relief exercises for 5-minutes out of each hour. This will avoid heart disease, back issues, and other health risks, while improving creativity with the increased blood flow to the brain.

I have five (5) simple exercises that a golfer could do as relief exercises by using a 22-inch weighted golf baton that you can make at home, shown above. This golf baton is a short, cut-off golf shaft that the golfer can actually use at their office, living room, home gym, or before a round of golf.    IGOTCHA detachable weight for the golf baton. Great for overload golf swing training.


But there’s another benefit to having a 5-Minute Dynamic warm-up at your desk or workstation, and that’s being able to work on your golf game 12 times per day for 5-minutes and getting paid to do so. That’s like having an hour per day to practice your golf game, or 7-hours per week of practice. The average golfer only spends 1.83 hours per week on their golf game.



I have five (5) simple exercises that a golfer could do as relief exercises by using a 22-inch weighted golf baton that you can make at home, shown above. This golf baton is a short, cut-off golf shaft that the golfer can actually use at their office, living room, home gym, or before a round of golf. A great way to pick up an inexpensive golf club shaft is at a flee market, garage, or yard sale. Usually you can pick up an individual golf club for less than 10 dollars, $10.


Direction for making The 22-inch Golf Baton:

  1. Take the old golf club and measure 22-inches from the grip end and use a Sharpie pen to mark the 22-inches.
  2. Use a hacksaw and place the golf shaft into a bench vice or clamp-down on a workbench.
  3. Wear safety glasses and cut the shaft, removing the clubhead end, and take a file and smooth off the tip end of the golf baton.
  4. You can re-grip the golf baton with a training grip that I would recommend you do. NOTE: Two reasons, ONE- the existing grip could be dry, worn, and difficult to grip, SECOND- the training grip will help you maintain the proper grip on the handle. Wear safety glasses when re-gripping golf clubs, as the solvent will spray out the grip vent hole.
  5. Purchase the detachable IGOTCHA weight from your local golf store or on the internet (D.W. Quail Golf) and place the weight at the tip end. This weight will also protect golfer and others from the cutoff end that could cause injuries. Place the weight where the end of the weight is flush with the cutoff tip, as shown above.



These exercises not only provide flexibility training, but they also program and fine-tune the golfer’s subconscious golf containing their motor skills and muscle memory (responses). Below are the five elements in the 5-Minute Dynamic warm-up using the Golf Baton:



  1. Mountain Pose Forward Bend– These are yoga poses using the golf baton. Raise the golf baton horizontally, held at each end above the head, and bow the back backwards, hold for 2-breaths. Then, while bending at the hips, bend over to maximum extension toward the toes, hold for 2-breaths. Perform for 1-minute.
  2. Oblique Twist– Holding the golf baton horizontally at each end waist high, rotate at the waist to maximum rotation, right and left, holding each rotation right/left for 1-breath. Perform for 1-minute.
  3. Stocking the Shelves (diagonal wood chop)– Holding the golf baton in a diagonal incline to the golfer’s top right, stock the shelves, going from the top right to the bottom left for 30-seconds. Reverse and go from top left to bottom right for 30-seconds.
  4. Baseball-type Swing Practice– Sync and Preset the wrist first, then perform a baseball-type swing slowly, at first, then increase the speed from the preset position. Perform for 1-minute.
  5. Overhead Squat– Hold the golf baton horizontally in each hand and raise the golf baton over your head, reaching as far as you can. Perform squats, while bending at the knees. DO NOT let your buttocks extend below the knees. Perform for 1-minute.


I have done a YouTube video to demonstrate The 5-Minute Dynamic warm-up exercises; please review my YouTube Video below.



Great way to finish off your golf warm-up on the range is to start with your Sand Wedge or Pitching Iron and make short chip/pitch shots before moving to your mid-irons, fairway woods, and driver.


The Subconscious Golf Effect

I had the pleasure of meeting with and interviewing Colonel George Robert Hall who was held as a POW at the Hanoi Hilton for seven-and-a-half years. He survived his situation by playing golf in the virtual world of his cell, each and every day.


I had the pleasure of meeting with and interviewing Colonel George Robert Hall who was held as a POW at the Hanoi Hilton for seven-and-a-half years. He survived his situation by playing golf in the virtual world of his cell, each and every day.



Before his active duty assignment and later capture in September of 1965, he had a handicap of four (4). Six weeks after Col. Hall’s release in February of 1973, he played in the Greater New Orleans POW Pro-Am, where he shot his handicap of four (4). An amazing story and an amazing interview that I did with Col. Hall in March of 2002, in Hattiesburg, MS.


For his Story: Col. Hall- P.O.W. Veteran at the Hanoi Hilton Story

For my Interview: A Memorial Day Hero From Hattiesburg, MS



In Section 18 and Section 20 of my book, The ESPY Golf Swing Coach, I have a Quick Reference Guide Sync/Preset maneuver and an Exercise regimen called The CASPER Workout Program. To purchase your copy of The ESPY Golf Swing Coach, use the links below, or visit your local bookstore:




The ESPY Golf Swing Coach, a Self-Coaching Technique and simple Sports Psychology enabling the golfer to take the baseball swing sequence from the batter's box to the tee box.

The ESPY Golf Swing Coach, a Self-Coaching Technique and simple Sports Psychology enabling the golfer to take the baseball swing sequence from the batter’s box to the tee box.


My book can also be purchased on-line at:


Barnes & Noble




Training Assisted Coaching Kiosk


The TACK Room is list of training equipment and gear that I use in my routine practice and self-coaching techniques. The golfer can incorporate this equipment and gear into their routine practice sessions to help develop techniques to improve their mechanics, or muscle memory, on a consistent basis. Before a golfer can develop their golf swing sequence feel, they first will need to develop and establish their golf swing mechanics. The following are training equipment and gear that I have personally purchased and use in my self-coaching approach.



The golfer can use the TRACK Room as a Kiosk to link to the manufacturer and distributor websites to purchase this training equipment and gear. Just by selecting the images below, the manufacture or distributor site can be accessed.



BirdieBall® Putting Greens



Develop a complete Tee-To-Green practice session in the convenience of your home or office. To complete the golfer’s practice session, the golfer will need to have access to a putting surface. Without installing an expensive artificial green in your backyard, the golfer can use an affordable option of the storable BirdieBall® putting greens that has realistic, undulating surfaces and green speeds that match those of an actual green on the golf course. This can be placed in the garage, spear room, or in a business sitting.



To improve one of the most important areas of the golfer’s game, putting, look at the BirdieBall® website to build your own putting green to fit your needs and budget:



Almost Golf Balls®

To help develop a more effective golf training exercise in your backyard or vacant field, I would recommend purchasing a dozen or more of the Almost Golf Balls® from LIBERTY Health Supply. Please select one of the products below to purchase these golf balls that simulate the actual golf ball, without the concern for property damage or personal injury to others. These balls only travel a third of the distance of an actual golf ball, up to 100 yards.


To help develop a more effective golf training exercise in your backyard or vacant field, I would recommend purchasing a dozen or more of the Almost Golf Balls® from LIBERTY Health Supply. Please select one of the products below to purchase these golf balls that simulate the actual golf ball, without the concern for property damage or personal injury to others. These balls only travel a third of the distance of an actual golf ball, up to 100 yards.


Pack of 10:


Pack of 36:


If you use the Promo Code: ALMOSTGOLF, you will receive free shipment on any order of Almost Golf Balls® from LIBERTY Health Supply.


I have a utility bag full of these Almost Golf Balls that I practice with, three to four hours per day, four days per week.


Health and Fitness Program Golf Exercise for Power


This book is based on a self-coaching forum (ASPEN Pyramid). The ASPEN Self-Coaching Technique provides the beginner and advanced single-digit handicap golfer with a safe, ergonomic classic golf swing mechanics. The ASPEN forum for coaching golf provides basic skills for more power and control in the golf swing sequence without debilitating injuries that are common with some modern-day golf swings. As part of The ESPY Golf Swing Coach forum is a workout program that includes golf exercises with medicine ball designed especially for golfers.



I have also included a FREE SR925 Diet program that anyone can access, where I lost over 40 pounds and 7.5-inches in my waist within nine-months. I went from 37.5 inches in November of 2014 down to 30.0 inches in July of 2015 with the effective SR925 Diet Program that I developed, see detailed below. REMEMBER an easy RULE-OF-RULE to determine if you have a healthy BMI, you can take half your height; and your waistline should fall below this figure.



Please take advantage of my SR925 Diet Program, where I lost 6 inches in my waist in 3- months (FREE of CHARGE) with the CASPER Fitness Program, detailed in Section 20 of my book, great golf swing workout:

SR925 Diet Program lost 7-inches where I went from a 37.5 inches to 30.25 inch waistline within 9 months, and more importantly, kept the weight off and my waistline after 4 years. Not too many diet programs can provide results like this.   

SR925 Diet Program lost 7-inches where I went from a 37.5 inches to 30.25 inch waistline within 9 months, and more importantly, kept the weight off and my waistline after 4 years. Not too many diet programs can provide results like this.


CASPER Fitness Program consist of golf exercises with medicine ball to develop a great golf swing workout for DISTANCE and CONTROL.



One component in my CASPER Fitness Program that I follow is using a Medicine Ball golf swing workout to perform what I call Stocking the Shelves, illustrated below in the figure:

A part of the CASPER Fitness Program are golf exercises with medicine ball - that includes Stocking the Selves and medicine ball exercises Burpees. For endurance and a full body workout, I also include a boxing glove-punching bag exercise.

A part of the CASPER Fitness Program are golf exercises with medicine ball – that includes Stocking the Selves and medicine ball exercises Burpees. For endurance and a full body workout, I also include a boxing glove-punching bag exercise.


Please include an exercise routine in your weekly schedule.       




Operation DOG TAG

Sports, such as golf, along with fitness and an exercise regimen that includes yoga, has been proven to be a great Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for trauma victims. Veterans and those who have experienced a traumatic situation where the mind has been traumatized and disrupted can use golf and yoga to help re-establish connection and pathways in the brain. Golf also provides an excellent opportunity for trauma victims to reconnect in a social setting to develop a dialogue without the pressures of clinical visits.


Sports, such as golf, along with fitness and an exercise regimen that includes yoga, has been proven to be a great Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for trauma victims. Veterans and those who have experienced a traumatic situation where the mind has been traumatized and disrupted can use golf and yoga to help re-establish connection and pathways in the brain. Golf also provides an excellent opportunity  for trauma victims to reconnect in a social setting to develop a dialogue without the pressures of clinical visits.


Introduction- Forum for Coaching Golf and Life Skills Operation Dog Tag

Section 1- Operation DOG TAG | GOLF CBT Intervention for PTSD

Section 2- Operation DOG TAG | Objectives and Scope




THE LOCKER ROOM a source for golf tips

Please visit "The Locker Room" for an Index of all my golf articles to improve your golf game and life. Discover how you can take your baseball swing from the batter's box to the tee box.



Please visit “The Locker Room” for an Index of all my golf articles to improve your golf game and life. Discover how you can take your baseball swing from the batter’s box to the tee box.



Learn How to take your baseball-style golf swing from the batter’s box to the tee box.

Time-lapse photography that I reviewed during my Kinesiology Xerox Box Golf Research Project compared the golf swing vs. baseball swing and how similar the Sync/Preset wrist action in the golf swing was to the baseball swing sequence.


Time-lapse photography that I reviewed during my Kinesiology Xerox Box Golf Research Project compared the golf swing vs. baseball swing and how similar the Sync/Preset wrist action in the golf swing was to the baseball swing sequence.




Here’s the QUESTION: How many times standing in the batter’s box did you think about your golf swing mechanics, techniques, or elements. Your were only focused on the pitch. Why not use the same Outlier technique in golf.



Sir Nick Faldo demonstration of the Preset Golf Swing Technique


One of Sir Nick Faldo’s first golf swing fundamentals that he learned as demonstrated in this YouTube video entitled The Preset golf swing technique. Nick Faldo discussed the WHAT, but didn’t explained the HOW in his YouTube video.


The Sync/Preset Elements in The ESPY Golf Swing Coach explains how to setup the classic golf swing maneuver to place the wrists into the key Lock Position. This was the same golf swing technique used by David Duval during an interview with Charlie Rymer on Golf Channel. These two Videos are probably two of the best Videos to discuss the wrist action in the golf swing.


For Comments or questions please contact me at 1-888-514-1228 Mon – Fri from 9 am to 4 pm CT Zone.


A Recommendation for your Golf Game:

I would like to recommend an interesting radio program that I regularly listen to originating from my home state Arkansas on my I-Heart Radio app on KARN 102.9 FM station, out of Little Rock. They air a golf show called Arkansas Fairways and Greens, at 7:00 AM CT each Saturday morning, hosted by Bob Steel, and co-hosted by Jay Fox and Charles Crowson. Bob occasionally as has his guess Alex Myers with Golf Digest and Ron Sirak with Golf Channel. I was interviewed on his show about my book, The ESPY Golf Swing Coach. This show is worth tuning into for golf news and information.

Jay Fox is an Administrator with Arkansas State Golf Association that discuss amateur golf and rules of the game.