THE QATSPY® Aviation Gear, Fitness, Fashion, & Sports Performance for Your Health and Wellness of You and Your Company


CLICK BELOW this includes our Health & Fitness Programs

All the following BOOKS in our ONLINE store are on KINDLE that can be purchased:

Golfer’s Sync-Preset Strike Zone APP Self Coaching Book on Kindle:

Learn to take what muscle memory that you developed at a young age in the batter’s box to develop a golf swing that is more consistent with power, clubhead speed, and better control to hit more fairways and greens in regulations. Drop your handicap and score and enjoy your golf game without long hours on the practice range.

We don’t play golf with our conscious mind using swing thoughts, but we use our subconscious mind using our instinctive muscle memory that becomes second natural to us. I can guarantee any golfer that they may use their conscious mind to develop swing thoughts, but once you step foot on the golf course the golfer will rely totally on their subconscious mind.

This is on Kindle in E-Book for $9.95, Please use link below to Order a Download copy:



List of E-Books on KINDLE covering the Importance of your Health, Fitness, Sports, and Hobbies

The MELIORA HEALTH & FITNESS Program is based on three principles of WHEN (9 a.m. to 6 p.m.) and WHAT you eat based on the ability to read the Standard Nutrition Labels. Including having a strengthening program for your muscles to burn calories and provide age-defying results to slow, stop, and reverse the aging process. The two cover photographs of my book was taken of me in our hangar at age 67. I’m still able to model our SPORTY Cockpit Apparel & Gear. There isn’t a greater critique of your health and fitness than modeling.


Athlete’s Forged Performance

EXCALIBUR is a FAITH-BASED BOOK to encourage families, and ESPECIALLY homeschoolers, the ability to establish sports into their life and curriculum for supporting their health of the mind. body, and soul. Faith Based AUTO-Type APP is a well-defined developmental technique based on using natural muscle memory skills that has been developed since early childhood. The fitness portion of this book provides an age-defying ability to slow or even reverse the aging process based on strength training and conditioning.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been used to help athletes dealing with slumps and people that are dealing with PTSD’s for multiple reasons. Physical therapy that includes athletic fitness and sporting activities in team sports and hobbies are great techniques to address these symptoms of PTSD’s or even slumps in performance. There are other benefits in having a Health and Fitness program that even includes Yoga and cardio-aerobic with strength training for your general overall health and wellbeing. OPERATION DOG TAGS explains and detail various way PTSD can be addressed:

Our SPORTY Cockpit Apparel & Gear for those with Discriminating Taste for All Occasions:

We at THE QATSPY support VOTECH Colleges/Schools to help people to develop a high skilled trade that our Nation needs NOW. Right now there are ONLY 2 skilled workers replacing 5 skilled workers RETIRING. Avoid the high cost of a 4- year college and enroll into a VOTECH school. Start your career in less than 18- months! I retired from HI-LINE work after 36- years to start my second career in welding and enjoyed welding ever since. PURCHASE YOUR T-SHIRT to support Trade Skills.

Since Fitness is an important part of Fashion

I’m available to present training sessions for groups of 10 or more, just use the CONTACT in the toolbar to contact me for a quote and scheduling.

If you want the best age-defying Technique Follow The MELIORA DIET & FITNESS Program and include Strength Training in your workout. There’s nothing that Spas, Clinics, or want you find in a bottle or jars that can equal these techniques. In the feature image, I’m 66 years old.


Using the Golfer’s Elbow Technique for Power

Arnold Palmer explained a GOLF TIP he gave President Eisenhower where he would realize more power, club head speed, and control. The President did such a great job tucking his elbow that he wore a blister on the elbow at the end of the day.



American Conservative Exceptionalism Sports Page 

THE QATSPY® From the Kerosene Cowboy Journal Perception

How to use Sports to Achieve Success in Life






General Grant’s Western Shiloh Character

I usually write article on Sports, Health, and Fitness; but History is my other favorite topic to read and write about.

I hope that you’ll enjoy this article on the actor, Justin Salinger, who played one of the unsung figures of American History, Grant!


Articles on how we can use the importance of SPORTS to enhance our LIFE, HEALTH and Fitness as an Age-Defying Factor! Don’t Exercise without a Purpose!



Men, especially those over 45, Get Your PSA Test Done at Your Next Annual Physical!

I received news on Thursday, March 21, 2024, I have NO Signs of Cancer!

Early Detection with a PSA TEST was key to my Recovery from Stage 2 Prostate Cancer; THANKS TO all my Prayer Partners! Dr. Mark A. Runnels was my surgeon with Jackson Urology here in Mississippi 

Guys, I realize that the PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) is not perfect, but it is the best detection we have NOW to detect Prostate Cancer, hopefully early. I had an above PSA Test score over 4.0 that prompted me to have a biopsy perform in December of 2023. The biopsy confirmed that I had malignancy in 2 of the 12 sectors tested. Fortunately, I caught my cancer in the very early stages, stage 1. That what you want from your PSA Test, GUYS! NOW GUYS, GO GET YOUR PHYSICAL AND HAVE A PSA TEST PERFORMED, ESPECIALLY, IF YOU ARE OVER 45! UPDATE: Just to illustrate how serious Prostate Cancer diagnosis is that biopsy that was barely Stage 1 turned out to be Stage 2 Cancer from the pathological of my prostate.


My NEW DIET & FITNESS BOOK to Drop Your Weight and Years in Weeks instead of Months, Based on WHEN your Circadian Rhythms & WHAT Deciphering Nutrition Labels to eat to turn your Body into Calorie-Burning Juggernaut, This is NOW on KINDLE:

Develop a Confident, Consistent Golf Swing with Power and the essential Clubhead Speed to hit more fairways and greens NATURALLY without learning any new techniques that you used in the batter’s box. Learn two easy maneuvers of CAM & CAM-OVER to preset your wrist into the Cock & Lock Position. Please read my Article below, I’m shown in the Cock & Lock Position after I performed the CAM & CAM-OVER Technique:

While Part of Our Business is to Provide Sports Health & Fitness, we also Provide our Safari Cockpit Collection & Gear that includes both the A-2 & G-1 Leather Bomber Jacket, Chino Khakis, Logged Button-Down Oxford Shirt, and Aviation T-Shirts 

 For those Aviation enthusiast between age 8 and 98 we also carry Die-cast scale Model of Aircraft for your collection below. These are durable for kids over the age of 8 to enjoy that later will become memorabilia of a earlier time:


THE Quapaw Aviation Tiger Sportswear Performance is also established to Improve Your Health, Fitness, and Fashion of yourself and of your company with a new approach, called MELIORA Health & Fitness. Meliora is a Latin term to improve, make better, or pursue a better objective. You and your team can drop weight, inches, and years off in weeks instead of waiting for months to achieve.

We all have made New Year’s Resolutions over the past years to improve our lives by losing weight and to get into better shape, but we have faced difficulties in achieving these objectives where we lost interest and gave up on a very important objective, improving your health & fitness.

MELIORA describes an improved diet based on nutrients that your body can used for energy form the intake of Protein, Fiber, Complex-Carbohydrates and Complex-Starches, Probiotics, and Omega-3 Fats to drop weight and years off the appearance of the skin. In the featured photograph above, taken in our hangar, I’m 66- years old and have the health and condition that I had in my mid-30’s. THE QATSPY® MELIORA Health & Fitness Program is an age-defying-calorie-burning-juggernaut Diet that not only slows the aging process, but can even reverse the aging process based on better nutrition and fitness.

THE QATSPY® MELIORA Diet is all about making better choices in your menu meals and having an effective fitness program to tone your muscles and even better yet to provide a tone and young looking skin. A strength program is your best fountain of youth that no skincare or makeover can provide.  


As many of you have soon discover within six-weeks after making New Year’s Resolutions is lack of results and only frustration. It is frustrating when you don’t see results from following a strict diet and your workouts at your GYM or at your home don’t show results. By the middle part of February, you lose interest in your New Year’s Resolution by not being able to lose weight and get into better shape and health. That doesn’t have to be the case in losing weight, getting into better shape, and in looking and feeling years younger, if not and decades younger, as I have experienced on THE QATSPY® MELIORA Health & Fitness Program.

Again, THE QATSPY® MELIORA Heath & Fitness Program isn’t about denying yourself food and sweating it out in a gym, but making better choices of what you eat to turn your body into a calorie-burning juggernaut. The fitness part of THE QATSPY® MELIORA Heath & Fitness Program isn’t just about strenuous exercises; but more about strategic and repetitious exercises done in sets with a reset period between sets.    




I got GREAT NEWS for you and your team where you all can avoid this type of frustration and endless workouts and actually see results in less than three (3) weeks with THE QATSPY® MELIORA Health and Fitness Program. I can attest to the results in my own case in less that 4-weeks of the success of THE QATSPY® MELIOR Diet part even over the age of 57, when I started THE QATSPY® MELIORA Health and Fitness Program, in December of 2014.

In just one month, back in December of 2014, I dropped 4- inches in my waistline and 22- pounds right during the holidays. NOTE: For even inch you lose in your waistline represents 4.5- pounds of weight dropped. I kept a waistline chart showing my actual results, noted below, where I was able to start modeling our Tiger Sports Performance apparel from my success that I achieved in dropping not only weight but years off the appearance of my skin. Here’s a QUESTION- How many people in addition to dropping excess pounds and inches off, would also want to drop decades off the age of their appearance?

The Top Two (2) New Year’s Resolutions

The top two (2) New Year’s Resolutions are: (1) To lose weight and (2) To get into better shape. Getting into better shape with THE QATSPY® MELIORA Heath & Fitness Program NOT only includes toning muscles and abs, but also toning up your skin for a younger looking skin based on three principals (1) WHAT you eat, (2) WHEN you eat, and (3) How to effectively workout. Your strength program is your best skincare treatment that one can follow, skincare products can’t equal. When your muscles are worked during strength training they release a natural growth hormone that provides collagen to your joints and just as important to your skin for that younger feel and look.

By losing weight, inches, and looking and feeling better, you will gain confidence and better self-esteem. 

The WHAT, WHEN, & HOW to Improve your Health and How You Feel

WHAT To Eat– The only thing you are required to do following the MELIORA Diet is to be able to decipher Nutrition Labels off your food labels from your local grocery stores and/or off menu items at your favorite restaurants. This allows you to make better choices in what and when you eat. You can use your I-phones to access menus and determine WHAT you can eat and the best time to eat.

Refer to the nutrition label, below of RANCH STYLE BEANS, using just nine (9) data points to figure the MAC (Metabolism Analytics Code) score number. You want to keep the MAC score at or below 3.25 to start seeing results in as little as three (3) weeks.


RANCH STYLE BEANS are considered the PERFECT FOOD by Dietitians.

Being able to decipher nutrition labels will allow you and your team to be able to turn your body into a Turbocharged-Calorie-Burning- Juggernaut by doing three (3) simple things- First– Learn to decipher Nutrition Labels for the MAC score, Second-Schedule your meals when your body can metabolize your food for energy instead of using your food for fat retention. Third– Follow a healthy and easy fitness workout that is simple base on reps and sets that delivers results, and have an active Lifestyle engaged in hobbies and low impact sports.

What you need to know about the importance of having a safe and effective strength training program is this- It provides you a fountain of youth for the best age-defying skin treatments that you can ever have for strength and endurance. I have attached a video, below, where I detail each of my 15- workout elements.

The age-defying results is from your muscles releasing a natural growth hormone that provides collagen to your skin and joints, as I stated above for younger looking skin. Not only do you drop weight, you will have younger looking skin and stress free joints. In the feature image above, I’m 66- years old with one of our models in her early 20’s. I have the health and condition that I had in my mid-30’s at age 66.

Cryotherapy– Is what elite athletes use after their workout sessions and competition. I use Cryotherapy at night to tone muscles, reduce stress, and to cool my core temperature down before bedtime. The toning with Cryotherapy is where the body’s white fat is transformed into a gray-brown fat where the body can more relatedly burn it as energy. This works great for the abdominal, neck, face, and especially around the eyes. I wrote an article entitled- Icing Down| Toning & Fitness, to Burn Away Your AB Fat.  

Following THE QATSPY® MELIORA Health & Fitness Program is all you and your team need! Better yet you and your team don’t even have to deprive yourself of great tasting food, starve yourself, or workout until exhaustion at the GYM on the MELIORA Diet and Fitness Program. Below, is an example of one of my lunch meals that I enjoy having once a week, I placed the MR score by each menu item:

The second photograph, above, is our Thanksgiving meal where instead of cornbread dressing, I substituted mixed vegetables for a healthier choice. This is an excellent example of The MELIORA Diet with making better choices.

IMPORTANT– Your DIET accounts for 80- percent of your health while 20- percent is based on your FITNESS and LIFESTYLE. You and your team might think focusing 80% on your DIET is a disadvantage, but actually this is to your advantage by knowing WHAT to eat while you enjoy a healthy meal with family/friends. You can eat based on WHAT (MAC score at or below 3.25) and WHEN you can eat (between 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.). You will be surprise of the selection of great tasting food that you can choose from that are at or below 3.25 MAC score and still drop weight, inches, and years off the appearance of your age. The biggest impact that you can have on your health and fitness is NOT eating past 6 p.m. 


The numbers, shown above of my steak lunch, are MAC scores of food that I can eat from at or below a score of 3.25. This allowed me to drop over 42- pounds and 6.0- inches in my waistline within just six- weeks, see my actual waistline chart below. Six-weeks is usually when those that have made New Year’s Resolutions in prior years want to see significance results from their hard work. 


As you can see from my Waistline Chart, noted above, I dropped a total of 9.25- inches in my waistline, and over 52- pounds, within ten (10) months between December 0f 2014 and September of 2015. But that wasn’t the real big news, I have kept off my weight and inches now for nine (9) years and dropped three-decades off my appearance. I’m able to even model my SPORTY. Safari Cockpit Collections at age 66. How many diets or fitness programs that you or team tried or seen advertised that can provide an age-defying results and in addition to weight lost?

Because I was able to dropping 9.25- inches in my waistline, over 52- pounds, and dropped three decades off the appearance of my age, I have been able to model our SPORTY’S Wright Bros Safari Cockpit Collection, shown below, at age 66, shown below:

The real true results of THE QATSPY® MELIORA Health & Fitness Program is probably one of the most critical ONE, that is being able to do an AB Challenge pose photograph, especially over the age of 65. Below is an AB Challenge that I did after a photoshoot we did at our hangar on August 12th, 2015, at age 66:



How many diets and fitness program that you and your team have followed or heard about that in addition to dropping inches and weight, that you are able to drop decades off the appearance of your skin and your numbers?

A lot of diets you hear advertised on TV mention the weight that you could drop, but they don’t talk about dropping your others important NUMBERS– blood pressure, blood glucose, or cholesterol levels. These are just as critical to you and your team’s for your overall health as losing weight. Below, are my actual physical exam numbers from August 29th, 2023 at age 66:

Blood Pressure: 116/61

Blood Glucose: 109 (Non-Fasting)

Total Cholesterol: 158

And these numbers are without me being on any prescribed medication at age 66, shown in the AB Challenge, above! The real advantage of THE QATSPY® MELIORA Health & Fitness Program is the possibility of not having to take prescription drugs for Hypertension, Diabetes, and high Cholesterol, these are Big 3 issues, especially as we age. All drugs have certain side effects that can have a positive or negative impact. I want to give my body every opportunity to maintain itself without medication.



THE QATSPY® MELIORA Health & Fitness Program is based on just three (3) simple principals- Knowing WHAT to eat (MAC scores at or below 3.25), knowing WHEN to eat (between 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.). The third principal is having an effective and simple fitness program. I’ve demonstrated my simple fitness program in the video below that I performed in my GYM, four times per week. This video was done November 05th, 2023, at age 66. THE QATSPY® MELIORA Health & Fitness Program is base on a simple Diet and Fitness routine. Use the FREE video link, below, is where I demonstrate my workout program that is covered in my NEW book, order your download copy TODAY!   



BONUS: I have provided below my Metabolic Aerobic-Cardio Strength (MACS) Fitness FREE for those that want a safe and healthy Fitness Program to follow using simple equipment:

If you haven’t workout, or hadn’t worked out for a long period of time, start slow and limit yourself to one set per element with limited number of reps. If all you can perform is just 5- reps, that is where you start from and gradually increase your reps and set with increase amount of weight, tension, and duration in sets and reps. Also take a 20 second rest period between sets.

IMPORTANT– Also consult your doctor before you start any workout program. You want to perform the reps and number sets right up to the point of just being fatigue, that is a great cutoff point. In this video above, I demonstrate my MACS Exercise summary of my workout program. I do two light 20- minute workouts and two heavy 40-minute workouts per week. The difference between a light and heavy workout is the number of reps and sets I perform. These two workout duration is a great way to rehab by limiting the sets, reps, and intensity of your workout. 

A great Probiotic is Sauerkraut for Your Health and an Anti-Aging Skincare Main Basis of MELIORA Diet to Eliminate Belly Fat

 Our Quapaw Aviation Tiger Sports Performance Yukan Apparel

to Accent your Health & Fitness


 Whether Traveling for Business or Leisure, Travel in Style and Convenience with the Sporty Cockpit Carry-On Bag and Accessory/Med Kit and our Apparel


Always have the right apparel and gear for all Occasions from of Cockpit Collection!

Aviation Enthusiast, we have detail Die-Cast scaled Aircraft in our Online Hangar Store for Aviation Collectors of all ages!

Honoring a Very Dear Friend and a Hero!

CWO Donovan Briley, friend I crew up with and served with in the U.S. ARMY



Using Health, Fitness, Athletics and Sports to Help Addressing PTSD in our Military and First Responders!

Operation DOG TAGS- Defender’s Oasis Gym Tactical Athletic Geared Sports is to help address Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Condition)

1ST Peter 5:9 Resist, stand firm in the faith, knowing that the same kind of sufferings are being experienced by your fellow believers throughout the world. Just know that you aren’t alone in dealing with PTSD is IMPORTANT!

Use image below to Order Your OPERATION DOG TAGS E-Book Download for $45.00 (Available starting May 28th, 2023, Memorial Day) This is for Athletes dealing with slumps; and especially our Veterans dealing with PTSD’s. This is a three book special.



Established June 2015

A Large Part of Our Business is Health & Fitness

A large component of our business in our aviation outfitter company is health & fitness training, and sportswear to improve people’s lives where they can enjoy an active lifestyle with confidence even as they age. Your best fashion statement that anyone can make or have is with their health & fitness.

Here’s WHY– You want to be able to replicate how those great clothes will LOOK and FEEL that you purchased in stores or online at home for your business and Leisure wear as they did on professional models. Like any athlete knows, all too well, there is no substitute for one’s confidence on the field or court, that is directly linked to their health and fitness that impacts one’s performance.


The Health & Fitness for Individuals, Businesses, & Corporations

One of the biggest benefits and assets that we all have is our confidence, self-esteem, relationships, health, fitness, and wellbeing in our professional and personal lives. There is no substitute for our health, fitness, and confidence in our lives. There is no difference in the way a sports team functions and how a business, or individual functions. Any coach of a team will tell you that a healthier, stronger, and more confident athlete is a better performing athlete on the field.

The same can be said of your team members at your company, for your family, and yourself, that is a healthier, stronger, and more confident person is a higher performing team member and individual. If an individual’s improves their health and fitness their performance, problem solving, confidence, and their satisfaction in their lives improves.

THE QATSPY® MELIOR Health & Fitness Program

THE QATSPY® MELIOR Health & Fitness Program will improve the lives of your team members, family, and yourself just by using a simple but very effective diet, health, and fitness, posted above, in video and in my E-book. The fitness component is based on a simple 20-40-minute MACS (Metabolic Aerobic-Cardio Strength) Fitness Program that I have demonstrated in the video that I made, above. This video includes basic calisthenics and aerobic-cardio with simple exercise equipment using elastic resistance tubing, light dumbbells, and Medicine Ball. The MACS Fitness Program can be performed at your office, home, or at your gym.

Please take time to review my FREE MACS Fitness video for safe ergonomics approach to your workout.


How THE QATSPY MELIOR Health & Fitness Program Works

THE QATSPY® MELIOR Health & Fitness Program is based on how to consume certain foods with a DAC Score  at or below 3.25 that indicates foods that are high in Protein (amino acid), Fiber (soluble), Omega-3 Fats, Probiotic, and Complex Carbohydrates with Aerobic-Cardio with Strength exercises. THE QATSPY® MELIOR Health & Fitness Program improves muscle mass while burning fat for energy. It is important to stay within the serving size as noted by category No. 9 on the Nutrition Label for RANCH STYLE BEANS. DAC scores are food that are considered the perfect food by dietitians. 

One thing you don’t want to do with any diet is to achieve your weight goal at the expense of reducing your muscle mass at the same time. This is why strength training is important part of the MACS Fitness Program. You will depend of your muscles for more than just strength and endurance, muscle provide a natural growth hormone releasing collagen to have an age-defying skin to look and feel years younger.

CAUTION– The diets where you lose muscle mass are called calorie deficit diets. It is essential that you include an balance diet that is high in Protein (amino acid), Fiber (soluble), Omega-3 Fats, Probiotic, and Complex Carbohydrates, with an exercise routine that includes strength training. Strength Training is the best age-defying therapy that anyone can use to look and feel healthier.

Turn Your Body into a Turbocharged-Calorie-Burning-Juggernaut

THE QATSPY® MELIOR Health & Fitness Program allows you and your team  to turn your body into a Turbocharged-Calorie-Burning-Juggernaut that allows you to drop excess and/or existing fat and increase your muscle mass with a Full Body Exercise. While this diet improves your over-all health numbers, It also improves (Melior) the health and appearance of your skin to look decades younger. Ladies don’t be concern about adding a boxing bag workout to your normal workout. A bag workout is a full body workout that many women are doing as part of their workout.

Fitness provides you with a great age-defying toned effect, combine that with a diet that is high in Protein, Fiber, Probiotic, and Ogema-3 Fats to slow and even reverse the effects of aging. In the AB Challenge photograph, above and below, was taken in our hangar, I’m 66 years old. These photographs were taken on August 12th, 2023 after a photoshoot we did for our Sporty’s Wright Bros. Cockpit Collection.

THE QATSPY® Health & Fitness Program since November of 2014.      

Both the health and fitness components of THE QATSPY® MELIOR Health & Fitness Program can be done anywhere and anytime to fit your teams’, family, and your schedule to allow them and you to reach and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I did my during fuel stops in hangars to relieve the issues of sitting for long periods of time in the cockpit performing patrols that causes sciatic issues.

As any athlete will state, nothing replaces their self-esteem, health, fitness, wellbeing, and confidence as person. Once there is an emphasis placed on the health, fitness, and wellbeing of others, your team’s, family, and your own health and wellbeing will improve (Melior) that includes the out look on life with confidence and self-esteem. This allows businesses to retain and recruit and have a positive impact on individuals’ wellbeing and self-satisfying performance.

SIX Components of Success:

Remember the Components of Success in any adventure of life has to be based on (1) Understanding the process, (2) What are the benefits of efforts, (3) Can the Process being replicated over-and-over, (4) Convenient for those to following and using the process, (5) Realizing Results and what success will look like once you have achieved your objective. And number (6) have metrics in place to measure your process and make any corrections when needed.

After I Retired in June of 2015:

After I retired at age 57 from Entergy Corp. after 33- years, I started a sportswear and performance training business for individuals and corporations to use to improve the health and fitness of their workforce for their professional and personal lives.

Part of my activities in my current business that I started is modeling our Sporty’s Wright Bros. Cockpit Collection and doing training videos, so health fitness are essential to me in my line of work that I do. The only way this is possible over the age 65 is following THE QATSPY® MELIOR Health & Fitness Program that has allowed me to model my sportswear at my age. So how effective is THE QATSPY® MELIOR Health & Fitness Program? Just refer to another AB Challenge, below, taken on August 12th, 2023!

SO How Effective is THE QATSPY® MELIOR Health & Fitness Program

Here is how effective THE QATSPY® MELIOR Health & Fitness Program is- I was able to do an AB Challenge after a photoshoot that we did for our Sporty Safari Cockpit Collection in our hangar on August 12th, 2023, below. Again, I’m over the age of 65!

If your diet & fitness provides you with this type of age-defying results, like I have achieved, you need to stick with that diet & fitness program. If NOT, YOU NEED TO consider THE QATSPY MELIOR Health & Fitness Program. SELECT the AB CHALLENGE, below, TO PURCHASE THE QATSPY MELIOR Health & Fitness Program , BELOW. AGAIN I’M over 65 Years Old!

I’m available to present and attend training sessions for groups of 10 or more, just use the CONTACT in the toolbar to contact me or call 1-888-514-1228.

Below is an article that I wrote that provides a summary to the benefits of THE QATSPY MACAD Health & Fitness Program:

How to Avoid the Consequences of Aging

I let you be the judge if you think THE QATSPY MELIOR Health & Fitness Program works according to my AB Challenge photograph, above, in our hangar nine (9) years after I started this DIET &  FITNESS Program. There are only nine (9) data points that I use when purchasing food at the grocery store or from off menus at my favorite restaurants. YES, you can take this on the road and still maintain your health & fitness. NO FOOD TO MAIL ORDER HERE! AND ENJOY DINNER WITH FRIENDS!






THE QATSPY® stands for  Quapaw (Quapaw was my Boy Scout Council in Little Rock, Arkansas) Aviation Tiger SPortY & Performance Outfitter Company is a company that I established in June of 2015. Sporty. is a company that I represent. 

My grandfather, Hemingway Quinn Boatright, was always an impeccable in his dress usually with khakis chinos and button-down Oxfords shirts (see photograph below at Yellowstone National Park in 1927), below. My main focus was to provide that classic conservative look that included sportswear for both business and leisure wear. I also included performance component, after I got into shape, allowed me to come from in from behind the camera to posing in front of the camera at age 65.

I wanted to show the advantage, charisma, and persona of our classic look that includes a fitted look of my L.L. Bean® logo button-down Oxford shirt in the two photographs above and below. This L.L. Bean  Logo shirt provides a person with specify a variety of neck sizes and sleeve lengths with THE QATSPY logo. Our khaki chinos pants even have inseams of 28- inches.


I accomplished something extraordinary that I had to document in a book for others to improve their health and fitness. I wanted for others to be able to work on there health and fitness in the convenience of their own home and on their own schedule. I started this diet & fitness on November 28th, 2014, At age 57. I dropped 52- lbs., 9.25- inches off my waistline, and dropped 30- years off the appearance of the age of my skin in just six (6) months.

This is a simple diet and fitness program based on WHAT and WHEN I ate. Eighty percent (80%) of your ability to drop weight, inches, and years off your skin will be due to your diet. I proved that the best fashion statement that you can make is with your health & fitness regardless of your age.

The biggest adjustment that you will have to make with the MELIOR Diet will be NOT be eating past 6 p.m. Eating past 6 p.m. interferes with your body’s natural ability to repair and rejuvenate itself and more important to repair and rejuvenate your skin at night along with fitness exercises. THE QATSPY MELIOR Health & Fitness Program will be your best SPA treatment that you ever had experienced with lasting effects and results at home or office that is also inexpensive to that of what SPA charges.  



THE QATSPY MAC Health & Fitness Program

Due to the love and appreciation I have for sports, I wrote three (3) books that are also on KINDLE under my name, Charles W. Boatright, and in my online store covering our health, fitness, and coaching fitness techniques I use in coaching the sport of golf. These e-books include my training videos on golf and fitness. These books below are in my online store:


Below is my article that I wrote detailing the story behind INDIANA JONES and MAVERICK apparel to how the classic and conservative khaki chinos pants got their name and how the iconic leather jacket was chosen as the trademark both INDIANA JONES’ and TOP GUN Movie series.

One piece of trivia information you might not have known about INDIANA JONES Character- Harrison Ford wasn’t the first choice by George Lucas and Philip Kaufman, that would had been Tom Selleck, but CBS would not let Tom go to do the movie due to Magnum P.I. role. Another actor considered for Indiana Jones was Sam Elliot.

The Story of Indiana Jones is captured in the Sporty’s Wright Bros. Cockpit Collection 



Of Go Anywhere- Do Anything- At Anytime Apparel

Check out our other apparel items that THE QATSPY® has for that tailored fit and look for business or casual wear. Select the image below for a full inventory of THE QATSPY® ONLINE items


We also can take your company or organization logo and make patches, provide military insignia, and what has become real popular Motorcycle back panel Rocker Patches (Harley-Davidson and Indian Motorcycle Patches). I have a INDIAN HEAD Rocker Patch on my A-2 Leather Flight Jacket that attracts a tremendous of attention




My grandfather was an proficient athlete that stayed in shape and enjoy sports as a spectator and as a participant. He was my first baseball and golf coach. Learn to take your golf swing from the batter’s box to the tee box, fairway, and green with a similar wrist action that you developed playing baseball or softball with the same confidence you had standing the batter’s box.

Below, I made a Video for a local Television Station demonstrating the Orange Bucket Challenge where I hit 295-yard tee shots with my driver using my PALMER-PRO Golf Technique where I placed 4 golf balls within 15- foot of the orange bucket on the first take. Select the video below to view my video.

I would like to introduce myself and my golf swing, I’m Charles W. Boatright- I developed the golf swing of the future from OUR past- Preset the wrist action in your golf swing developed from the batter’s box. Hit more fairways and greens with confidence from a swing that was as natural as swinging a baseball bat. PLEASE SELECT TO DOWNLOAD THE PALMER-PRO GOLF & FITNESS COACH.



THE QATSPY® stands for Quapaw Athletic Tiger & Sportswear Performance Yukan Outfitter. Yukan is a Japanese word for Strong. Vigorous. Spirited. Decisive and Exuberant. These are the advantages following a healthy Diet & age-defying Lifestyle can provide. The term Quapaw was my Boy Scout Council and name of the Quapaw Indians located in original people of Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi, and Tennessee. Quapaw also means Akansa or Arkansas where I grew up and attended high school.

Learn how to take your Baseball Swing from the batter's Box to the Tee Box!

The same motor skills that are instinctive and were developed playing baseball can be used to build a consistent golf swing without the confusing thought process that some golfer’s experience in their golf game. This is like putting your golf game on AUTOPILOT and just enjoying  this wonderful game we call GOLF!

The PALMER-PRO GOLF & FITNESS CoachYouTube Video Orange Bucket Challenge

YOUR BETTER GOLF SWING IS YOUR BASEBALL SWING: One of the best means to improve your golf swing is to analyze the golf swing from an objective point of view. H. James Harrington made an important quote to this fact:

Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t understand it, you can’t control it. If you can’t control it, you can’t improve it.

One of the best means to perform a golf swing analysis is to capture the golf swing in slow motion, with either time-lapse photography or video. With the availability of I-phones and golf apps, this can be readily performed, with the assistance of a friend on the course.

I was able to analyze hours of golf swing videos of myself and professional golfers to develop a very simple golf swing. I used my background in procedure writing for energized transmission hi-line work to develop the perfect golf swing fundamentals in The ESPY Golf Swing Coach.

I even found that energized transmission hi-line work can be simplified with proper mechanics, according to a sequence. The same approach can be applied to the golf swing as well. The golf swing mechanics and proper sequence can be applied to your golf swing to maximize distance and control.

One of the most historical golf swing analysis performed was when Mr. Arnold Palmer and President Eisenhower teamed up to play in the 1964 benefit for the American Heart Association in Merion, Pennsylvania. Mr. Palmer noticed on the practice range that the President’s right elbow was flaring outward in the backswing. After Mr. Palmer brought this to the President’s attention, President Eisenhower did such a great job of keeping his elbow next to his right side that he wore a blister on his elbow.

What Mr. Palmer was trying to get President Eisenhower to do was to Synch his right elbow with his shoulders. Synching the elbow with the shoulders was the main priority that I focused on while working on The ESPY Golf Swing Coach, in Madison, MS.

About the Book

This book, The ESPY GOLF Swing Coach, was written to allow golfers to use mental images to develop muscle memory, instead of swing thoughts. Muscle memory produces a confident golf shot, even under competition. This book is ideal for the beginner golfer as well as the lower handicap golfer. Most golfers seek to get better by making their golf swing consistent and as simple as possible to produce distance and control.

The ESPY technique is like riding a bicycle: once you learn, you don’t forget.

The ESPY Golf Swing Coach

The ESPY golf swing is based on fundamental sprocket mechanics, set up by the Synch, Protract, and Yaw elements. With the ESPY, the golfer uses the elbows and shoulders as gears to produce power and speed according to sprocket mechanics 101. By learning what these mechanics are and how they create power, speed, and control, you’ll be able to:

  • Control backspin, loft, and trajectory;
  • Eliminate the negative effects of downtime and nerves;
  • Overcome common obstacles to develop a consistent golf swing.

Most golfers have played baseball during their youth, The ESPY Golf Swing Coach allows the golfer to take the baseball swing from the batter’s box and apply it to the tee box. Why not take advantage of a swing that you are comfortable with and apply it to your golf swing. I HAVE, and you CAN. Gear up your golf game with The ESPY Golf Swing Coach.