SR925 MET Diet, A Defense Against Alzheimer’s

The QATSPY Sports Page 4 Golfers

Classic Golf Swing Mechanics and simple golf swing tips for self-coaching techniques.

By: Charles W. Boatright

Author of The ESPY Golf Swing Coach, Delta Technique Geared for Distance and Control



The Triple Benefits of the SR925 MET Diet Program 



The month of September is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, and we also recognize Labor Day in September. This heinous disease affects 5.7 million Americans of all ages, with 5.5 million being over the age 65. The onset of Alzheimer’s will affect approximately 200,000 Americans under the age of 65. One in ten Americans (10%) will develop this disease.



Since we recognize Labor Day in the month of September and also Alzheimer’s Awareness, it is fitting to assess and be aware of our physical and mental health. It would be negligence on our part to work 25-plus years and not maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to enjoy our retirement. Consider your health/fitness routine as your medical 401(k).



Alzheimer’s has devastating impacts on families providing long-term care to loved ones with this disease. I’m always looking for measures that I can take to form a defense against this and other ravaging diseases. I was reading an article on the prevention of Alzheimer’s entitled, 10 Foods That Prevent Dementia & Alzheimer’s. Needless to say, the title of the article caught my attention. As important as my physical health is to me, my mental health is just as important and vital.



Like the quote from Bobby Jones, Sr. about golf that can be applied to other parts of our life- Golf is a game that is played on a five-inch course – the distance between your ears. Just take the word golf and substitute the word life in its place.



Like many of you, I had a close friend who had to deal with the ravages of Alzheimer’s. My Boy Scout leader, who was like a father to me, developed Alzheimer’s and that was demoralizing. So researching Alzheimer’s is a personal pursuit of mine. I like to take all precautions to defend against the onset of Alzheimer’s and other debilitating diseases.

As I read the 10 Foods That Prevent Dementia & Alzheimer's article, I noticed that the majority of these 10 foods were among items on the SR925 Diet Program. I developed a Weight Factor (WF) to identify foods that turn my digestive system into a calorie-burning juggernaut, where I lost 43 pounds (8-inches in my waist). These 10 foods were among foods on my SR925 WF Chart that were below a rating of 3.0. Eighty percent of my SR925 Diet comes from food items below a WF of 3.


As I read the 10 Foods That Prevent Dementia & Alzheimer’s article, I noticed that the majority of these 10 foods were among items on the SR925 MET Diet Program. I developed a Weight Factor (WF) to identify foods that turn my digestive system into a calorie-burning juggernaut, where I lost 43 pounds (8-inches in my waist). These 10 foods were among foods on my SR925 WF Chart that were below a rating of 3.0. Eighty percent of my SR925 MET Diet comes from food items below a WF of 3.

These 10 foods were among foods on my SR925 WF Chart that were below a rating of 3.0. Eighty percent of my SR925 Diet comes from food items below a WF of 3.


The Triple benefit of the SR925 MET Diet Program is, first and foremost, weight loss, the second is preventing Diabetes, and now the THIRD from this article is preventing the onset of Alzheimer’s. I realized that 40 percent of health issues and medical costs are directly related to what we eat and being overweight/obesity. But we tend to think of our diets as impacting only our physical body, and not our mental health.


The WF Calculation: Calories / Carbs + Fiber + Sugar + Protein


The Simple SR925 MET Diet Program and the Big Impact on Our Health


As a matter of fact, every time I visit Cracker Barrel, one of my favorite menu items that I order is a big bowl of Beans & Greens. My wife hasn't acquired my taste for Beans & Greens yet.


When it comes to my SR925 Diet, I approach it based on the simpler, the better. The main staples in my SR925 Diet menu are pinto beans, and collard and mustard greens. As a matter of fact, every time I visit Cracker Barrel, one of my favorite menu items that I order is a big bowl of Beans & Greens. My wife hasn’t acquired my taste for Beans & Greens yet.



When I developed the premise of the SR925 MET Diet Program, I didn’t even consider the mental health impact. But to my pleasure and delight, my SR925 MET Diet Program has an additional benefit besides losing weight, and it is preventing Alzheimer’s. I hope to use my SR925 MET Diet Program and CASPER Fitness Program to prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s that can affect myself and others.



The Proof is in the SR925 MET Pudding



No pun intended about the Proof is in the Pudding, but I lost 43 pounds, or eight (8) inches within nine months, following the start of the SR925 MET Diet Program. Six of these inches that I lost came within three months of being on the SR925 MET Diet Program. I started the SR925 MET Diet Program during the first part of December in 2014, after a video that I did for my book, The ESPY Golf Swing Coach. Once you see yourself on video, you form a new perspective.



I know that starting a diet program during the holidays is a challenging undertaking. But in reality, it was the best method to prove that my SR925 MET Diet Program and WF theory actually worked. If you can follow a diet program during the holidays and still lose weight, that is proof in the pudding.



Better yet, the real proof in the pudding is the second measurement of the successful diet program, which is maintaining your weight, especially after I lost the 43 pounds. This is now the first of September in 2018, and not only have I maintained my weight, I have actually lost an additional inch in my waistline. I’m now wearing 30-inch waist pants and have a one-and-a-half-inch gap, because I have a 28.5-inch waist. I was wearing pants with a waistline of 38-inches.



The Seven (7) Benefits of the SR925 MET Diet Program        



Here are the Benefits of the SR925 MET Diet Program, but there is one drawback. You’ll have to buy new clothes, due to the weight your loss:


  1. General improved Health.
  2. Turn your body into natural calorie-burning juggernaut.
  3. Maintain a healthier blood pressure and glucose numbers.
  4. Prevent certain mental health issues, like Alzheimer’s.
  5. Easy-to-follow diet program, even during the holidays.
  6. Better yet, it is FREE to use and follow. No prepackaged food to buy or membership to pay. You can even joint others at church or work as a team effort.
  7. You can take the money that you save using the SR925 Diet Program and buy new clothes that you will need. When you go from a 38-inch waist to a 30-inch waist, you have to buy a new wardrobe.



While 80 percent of your mental/physical health is diet, the other 20 percent is fitness. Along with the SR925 MET Diet Program, I have followed my CASPER Fitness Program, which consists of 12 simple elements that can take as little as 20-minutes, up to an hour, based on the reps, or duration times like bike riding that I enjoy doing.



A good fitness program also has a sporting activity that you can enjoy on an individual level or with friends. I developed The ESPY Golf Swing Coach that provides basic golf swing coaching techniques for people who are picking up golf, or would like to improve their golf game. You can purchase your copy of The ESPY Golf Swing Coach from the links below, or visit your local bookstore:



The ESPY Golf Swing Coach, a Self-Coaching Technique and simple Sports Psychology enabling the golfer to take the baseball swing sequence from the batter's box to the tee box.

The ESPY Golf Swing Coach, a Self-Coaching Technique and simple Sports Psychology enabling the golfer to take the baseball swing sequence from the batter’s box to the tee box.

Barnes & Noble


To help develop a more effective golf training exercise in your backyard or vacant field, I would recommend purchasing a dozen or more of the Almost Golf Balls® from LIBERTY Health Supply. Please select one of the products below to purchase these golf balls that simulate the actual golf ball without the concern for property damage or personal injury to others. These balls only travel a third of the distance of an actual golf ball.


Pack of 10:

If you use the Promo Code: ALMOSTGOLF you will receive free shipment on any order of Almost Golf Balls® from LIBERTY Health Supply.


Pack of 36:

If you use the Promo Code: ALMOSTGOLF you will receive free shipment on any order of Almost Golf Balls® from LIBERTY Health Supply.



If you use the Promo Code: ALMOSTGOLF you will receive free shipment on any order of Almost Golf Balls® from LIBERTY Health Supply.


I have a utility bag full of these Almost Golf Balls that I practice with three to four hours per day, four days per week.


Health and Fitness Program Golf Exercise for Power


This book is based on a self-coaching forum (ASPEN Pyramid). The ASPEN Self-Coaching Technique provides the beginner and advanced single-digit handicap golfer with a safe, ergonomic classic golf swing mechanics. The ASPEN forum for coaching golf provides basic skills for more power and control in the golf swing sequence without debilitating injuries that are common with some modern-day golf swings. As part of The ESPY Golf Swing Coach forum is a workout program that includes golf exercises with medicine ball designed especially for golfers.



I have also included a FREE SR925 MET Diet program that anyone can access, where I lost over 40 pounds and 7.5-inches in my waist within nine-months. I went from 37.5 inches in November of 2014 down to 30.0 inches in July of 2015 with the effective SR925 MET Diet Program that I developed, see detailed below.



Please take advantage of my SR925 MET Diet Program, where I lost 6 inches in my waist in 3- months (FREE of CHARGE) with the CASPER Fitness Program, detailed in Section 20 of my book, great golf swing workout:

    CASPER Fitness Program consist of golf exercises with medicine ball to develop a great golf swing workout for DISTANCE and CONTROL.



One component in my CASPER Fitness Program that I follow is using a Medicine Ball golf swing workout to perform what I call Stocking the Shelves, illustrated below in the figure:

A part of the CASPER Fitness Program are golf exercises with medicine ball – that includes Stocking the Selves and medicine ball exercises Burpees. For endurance and a full body workout, I also include a boxing glove-punching bag exercise.


Please include an exercise routine in your weekly schedule.       




Additional Motivation to Develop a Fitness Program

If you need addition motivation, which the subconscious mind works from and consist of 90 percent of the classic golf swing, include a fitness and exercise program designed for the golfer daily schedule. This type of exercise provides the critical overload underload training to improve the golfer’s power and speed in the golfer’s game, please look at another golf fitness enthusiast: The Fit Golfer Girl



Operation DOG TAG

Sports, such as golf, along with fitness and an exercise regimen that includes yoga, has been proven to be a great Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for trauma victims. Veterans and those who have experienced a traumatic situation where the mind has been traumatized and disrupted can use golf and yoga to help re-establish connection and pathways in the brain. Golf also provides an excellent opportunity for trauma victims to reconnect in a social setting to develop a dialogue without the pressures of clinical visits.   



Sports, such as golf, along with fitness and an exercise regimen that includes yoga, has been proven to be a great Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for trauma victims. Veterans and those who have experienced a traumatic situation where the mind has been traumatized and disrupted can use golf and yoga to help re-establish connection and pathways in the brain. Golf also provides an excellent opportunity  for trauma victims to reconnect in a social setting to develop a dialogue without the pressures of clinical visits.


Introduction- Forum for Coaching Golf and Life Skills Operation Dog Tag

Section 1- Operation DOG TAG | GOLF CBT Intervention for PTSD

Section 2- Operation DOG TAG | Objectives and Scope




ESPY Golf Swing Coach- Rhythm Without the Blues

ESPY Golf Swing Coach- ESPY Golf App Develops the golfer's Rhythm w/o creating the golfer's Blues. The ESPY Golf Swing helps the golfer establish the correct wrist action in golf swing demonstrated by David Duval in an interview with Charlie Rymer on Golf Channel.


ESPY Golf Swing Coach- ESPY Golf App Develops the golfer’s Rhythm w/o creating the golfer’s Blues. The ESPY Golf Swing helps the golfer establish the correct wrist action in golf swing demonstrated by David Duval in an interview with Charlie Rymer on Golf Channel.





Also, learning The ESPY Golf Swing Coach process is an excellent way to develop natural Rhythm without experiencing the Blues in your golf game to build confidence; learn how to take your baseball-style swing from the batter’s box to the tee box.





THE LOCKER ROOM a source for golf tips

Please visit "The Locker Room" for an Index of all my golf articles to improve your golf game and life. Discover how you can take your baseball swing from the batter's box to the tee box.



Please visit “The Locker Room” for an Index of all my golf articles to improve your golf game and life. Discover how you can take your baseball swing from the batter’s box to the tee box.



Learn How to take your baseball-style golf swing from the batter’s box to the tee box.

Time-lapse photography that I reviewed during my Kinesiology Xerox Box Golf Research Project compared the golf swing vs. baseball swing and how similar the Sync/Preset wrist action in the golf swing was to the baseball swing sequence.


Time-lapse photography that I reviewed during my Kinesiology Xerox Box Golf Research Project compared the golf swing vs. baseball swing and how similar the Sync/Preset wrist action in the golf swing was to the baseball swing sequence.




Here’s the QUESTION: How many times standing in the batter’s box did you think about your golf swing mechanics, techniques, or elements. Your were only focused on the pitch. Why don’t use the same Outlier technique in golf.




Sir Nick Faldo demonstration of the Preset Golf Swing Technique


One of Sir Nick Faldo’s first golf swing fundamentals that he learned as demonstrated in this YouTube video entitled The Preset golf swing technique. Nick Faldo discussed the WHAT, but didn’t explained the HOW in his YouTube video.


The Sync/Preset Elements in The ESPY Golf Swing Coach explains how to setup the classic golf swing maneuver to place the wrists into the key Lock Position. This was the same golf swing technique used by David Duval during an interview with Charlie Rymer on Golf Channel. These two Videos are probably two of the best Videos to discuss the wrist action in the golf swing.




For Comments or questions please contact me at 1-888-514-1228 Mon – Fri from 9 am to 4 pm CT Zone.



A Recommendation for your Golf Game:

I would like to recommend an interesting radio program that I regularly listen to originating from my home state Arkansas on my I-Heart Radio app on KARN 102.9 FM station, out of Little Rock. They air a golf show called Arkansas Fairways and Greens, at 7:00 AM CT each Saturday morning, hosted by Bob Steel, and co-hosted by Jay Fox and Charles Crowson. Bob occasionally as has his guess Alex Myers with Golf Digest and Ron Sirak with Golf Channel. I was interviewed on his show about my book, The ESPY Golf Swing Coach. This show is worth tuning into for golf news and information.

Jay Fox is an Administrator with Arkansas State Golf Association that discuss amateur golf and rules of the game.


Check out my full library of BLOGS @ or purchase your copy of “The ESPY Golf Swing Coach” @

Facebook – The QATSPY Golf Approach
Twitter – @cwboatright
Google+ – ESPY Golf Swing Coach
YouTube – ESPY Golf Swing Coach

Once you learn WHY, you don’t forget HOW!

YouTube Videos: (Cam & Cam-over elements) (Figuring your proper swing plane) (Developing muscle memory)

Two decisions that you can make for yourself and your kids are to get a copy of my book and place the book and a golf club into their hands. You will never look back, but only forward. You will not miss with this for yourself and/or your kids.


Until next time– Be Synched, Tee-to-Green, with The ESPY Golf Swing!