THE QATSPY® Inside-the-Leather Golf Coach and Sports and Fitness Page

By: Charles W. Boatright
Locking UP the Wrist Action in the Golf Swing, a Wrist Action that will Sync and Preset 80 Percent of the Golf Swing by Locking the Wrists
The key in Locking UP the Wrist action in the golf swing by Syncing and Presetting the wrist into the Cock-Lock Position as shown above.
There is just two maneuvers that are simple and instinctive maneuver that will deliver more consistency in hitting more fairways and greens in regulation on the golf course.
In the Cock-Lock Position, if there is one indicator that the golfer has Synced and Preset the wrists properly, it is looking down and seeing your wrists in the featured image above as a great check position.
If Rembrandt were going to paint a classic wrist action in the Cock-Lock Position in the golf swing for an illustration for a textbook, this would be the portrait above that he would paint.
This is classic Ben Hogan Cock-Lock Position in the featured image, this establishes 80 percent of the entire golf swing with TWO (2) simple and instinctive maneuvers called Palmar Flexion, (or CAM action for short) maneuver like throwing a baseball with the lead wrist followed by a Pronation (or CAM-OVER) with the trailing wrist maneuver like swing a baseball bat, shown below.
Below I did a 3-part video series that I did for a local sports show demonstrating the CAM and CAM-OVER into the Preset Cock-Lock position similar to throwing a baseball and swing a baseball bat.
This CAM & CAM-OVER technique takes advantage of you standing in batter’s box to improve your confidence, even on the first tee box.
The golfer is tapping into their familiar baseball or softball swing technique to develop an incredible consistency golf swing. This one piece takeaway maneuvers is so easy that it took me just ONE take for me to do a three (3) part video series for a local Sport show called SPORTS ZONE on WJTV-12 here in Jackson, Mississippi.
What I’m demonstrating in this video series using special practice balls that are hit in feet instead of yards where the camera crew could capture the entire flight of the balls and where they were landing in regards to the Orange Bucket.
Since these are special practice golf balls that are hit in feet, we are using the football field at Germantown High School to hit the tee shots 295- feet, from one end zone to the other end zone. With actual golf ball, this would represent a 295- yard Tee Shot to within 15- foot of the Home Depot Orange Bucket with a golf pin and flag.
This helped the camera crew to capture where all five of my consecutive tee shots were landing. REMEMBER- These three (3) part video series were done in just one take after I warmed up hitting chip shots and stretching using my Yoga routine.
All three of the raw videos are posted below for you to view:
THE Orange Bucket Challenge Link INTRO
The Orange Bucket Challenge Walk-Through
The Orange Bucket Challenge Demo
As appreciation for me doing this 3-part video series, the WJTV-12 production team put together a Television promotional video that they ran before their Sports Zone Show and that I could use in my golf training:
WJTV-12 Promotional for my Three Golf Video Series that they ran on their SPORTS ZONE Show:
If the golfer could Cock-Lock their wrists into the Lock Position, shown above in the illustration above and illustrations below. These videos, above, and images, below, allow the golfer to take the handle of the club up to the top of their swing. If the golfer could CAM & CAM-OVER their wrists by Palmer-Pro Tech they would run the tables on the golf course and break 80, then score Par for the course, and finally go into the RED Numbers.
Overhead shot of the Palmarflex Sync-Preset Lock Position shown above in the illustration and videos:
One Piece Take Maneuvers from Your Baseball Swing to the Golf Swing
Breaking Down The CAM & CAM-OVER
There are two instinctive maneuvers that all of us have performed since childhood, especially if we played catch with your father, mother, sister, or brother and swinging a baseball bat with the trail wrist.
DON’T OVERLOOK THIS IMPORTANT FACT– If your golf swing on the course isn’t instinctive based on instinctive motor skills developed during early childhood development, you won’t be able to have a reliable golf swing on the golf course. The golfer has to go back to childhood to develop a reliable golf swing, if not you will never have the consistency you want to have in your golf game. Consistency is KEY! Without consistency, you the golfer can’t build a golf game.
There are TWO muscle memories the golfer needed to execute in order to establish 80 percent of the golf swing into the Cock-Lock Position, shown above.
You’ve heard of the phrase- Set-it-and-forget-it, and this is what The Palmer-Pro Golf Coach TECH does. The Palmer-Pro Golf Coach TECH allows the golfer to use the Palmaris Longus (visible muscle/tendon in the wrist), shown below, to set the Palmer (CAM) maneuver and the Brachio-Radialis muscle to (CAM-OVER) the wrists into the Cock-Lock Position. GUY & GALS, The Palmer-Pro Golf Swing Technique is that simple.
By just using this one tendon/muscles, the golfer will be able to transition their baseball swing from the batter’s box to the Tee-Box to hit more fairways and greens with consistency and accuracy. The golfer using The Palmer-Pro Golf Coach TECH will not only gain distance and accuracy, but more important, confidence. There is no substitute for confidence on the golf course.
There a important term that will change the way you practice and play golf called Apperception or APP-for short. It is so important that I put it as part of my website address. Apperception meaning to take motor skills from one sport, like baseball, and utilize these same motor skills in another sport, like golf.
Below is my E-Book that I have in my THE GREAT QATSPY Online Store, Please click on the image below:
For those wanting to apply Sports Psychology to their LIFE and SPORTS, Click on the E-BOOK Below:
For those wanting to turn your body into an AGE-DEFYING, CALORIE-BURNING-JUGGERNAUT I have also included my Diet & Fitness Program that has allowed me to have health and fitness of a guy in their mid-30’s over the age of 65. Below is my MELIORA DIET & FITNESS Program that is simple to follow:
The work MELIORA is Latin for a better Pursuit
The photograph below was taken in November 2023 in our hangar after we did a photoshoot for our SAFARI COCKPIT Collection & Aviation Gear, again I was 66 years old when this was taken:
The motorcycle is my INDIAN Scout Bobber 60 and the aircraft is a P-51 Mustang similar to the one that Tom Cruise flew in the movie TOP GUN: MAVERICK.