The CAM-OVER Turbo Drive Wrist Action in the Golf Swing

THE QATSPY® Yorker Performance Sports Training & Apparel Quarters

The PALMER Maneuver based of the name of the Muscle/Tendon used to set the CAM Element to Sync up the golf swing.
The BRACHS Maneuver based on the name of the Muscle/Tendon used to set the CAM-OVER Elements to Preset the wrist action in the golf swing.

By: Charles W. Boatright

The CAM-OVER Turbo Drive Wrist Action in the Golf Swing– How to Use the BRACHS-PALMER Technique to hit more Fairway & Greens in Regulations

If you ever play either baseball, softball, or swung a tennis racket before you have performed the PALMER-BRACHS Maneuver before that is significant to you in golf because these are instinctive or intuitive. You can’t think about these in your golf swing.

QUESTION– How many times did you experience the same difficulties hitting a baseball standing in the batter’s box that you experienced hitting a golf ball on the tee box? I would guess NONE!

I was watching a local sportscaster hitting pitch shots with his 9-Iron from the outfield food court at the Trustmark Park, I never seen him hit these type shots before. This is where the Atlanta Braves Double-A Baseball Team plays. They were doing the pitch shot challenge as a fundraiser at the ball park. The Sportscaster’s name is Noah Newman, using his 9-Iron, he was hitting darts to the outline of a green in the middle of the diamond, just behind 2nd base.

I’ve seen Noah play golf before in a special Spot ZONE series that was called The Toughest Hole in Golf f that aired each Sunday night after the newscast last year. I never witnessed him hit dart-type golf shots before this Trustmark Park Setup last spring.

When we had an opportunity to talk later last year, I told him that I had never seen him hit darts like that before. I explained to him the reason was that he was using his baseball-type swing that capitalizes on a person’s baseball swing mechanics or even swinging a tennis racket, if you ever played tennis before. Look at the Preset Technique in the featured image that mimics a tennis-type maneuver.


I also asked Noah, If he ever felt that comfortable and confident hitting golf shots like he did at Trustmark Park? ” Noah replied, “Charles, I never felt that my golf swing was that solid, confident, and carefree before.” I explained to Noah why he felt that his golf swing was that solid, confident, and carefree due to the fact that he was engaging his subconscious mind. You convinced your subconscious mind that you needed your baseball mechanics that are instinctive from being inside a baseball park setting.

There’s ONE THING THAT I Guarantee the Golfer

The golfer might very well use their conscious mind during their practice sessions in the backyard or on the practice range, trying to develop conscious swing thoughts. But I can guarantee the golfer this ONE THING, that once they step foot onto the golf course the golfer’s subconscious mind will take over their entire golf game, GUARANTEE!

The golfer’s subconscious mind doesn’t rely on their swing thoughts on the golf course, but instead relies totally on their instinctive muscle memory motor skills that they developed before the age of 12. If the golfer ever wondered why they couldn’t take their practice sessions from the backyard or practice range to the golf course, you just found out the reason.

This was the very reason why my friend Noah felt comfortable, confident, and so carefree about taking a 9-Iron to Trustmark Park and hitting darts to his targets that the management at the park setup in the middle of the outfield.

The Orange Bucket Challenge

The station (WJTV-12 in Jackson, MS) where Noah Newman works, contacted me about doing my GOLFER’S PALMER-BRACHS Technique in June leading up to the 2021 US OPEN. BRACHS is pronounced like the candy company’s name. The PALMER -BRACHS is short for two muscles/tendons used to preset the wrist action in the golf swing. The PALMER is for Palmaris Longus and BRACHS is for Brachio-Radialis Muscles/Tendons. This is the only muscle memory that you need and that I depended on to demonstrate in my golf swing in the Orange Bucket Challenge, shown below.


The Preproduction Meeting with the WJTV-12 Film Crew

One of the concerns that the camera crew had was being able to zoom in enough to catch where my drives were landing in regards to the Home Depot Orange Bucket using just one camera setup. I suggested that I would use the same special golf balls that I use to teach golf to my students that are being hit in feet instead of yards up to 100-yards. If you hit a 100 yard golf shot with these AlmostGOLF Balls, you’re actually hitting a 300-yard golf shot, they only travel one-third (1/3rd) the distance of an actual golf ball.

This made the Germantown Football practice Field the perfect setup for the interview and shooting of a three (3) video series for WJTV-12 Sports ZONE. I would like to thank Germantown High School for not only letting us use their practice field but the manicure condition it was in, almost like fairway conditions.

The other question the camera crew had was how many takes it would take for us to have a three (3) part video series that they could use for their Sports Zone over three (3) weekends. We did all three (3) videos in one take. I could go on about The GOLFER’S PALMER-BRACHS Technique, but the three (3) parts videos, below, can explain easier than what I could write a procedure for you.

I also attached a promo that the station did for me as appreciation for me doing the three part video series shown on their Sports ZONE. We shot this on Saturday, June 05th, 2021. I couldn’t even ask for a beautiful cool day in June that the weather team at WJTV-12 foretasted. One reason winds greatly affects the ball flight of these AlmostGOLF Balls, anything over 10 MPH is like a 25 MPH wind with actual golf balls.

The Three (3) Part Orange Bucket Challenge

Before I start, you will see a chipping mat and a throw down rubber Home Plate that I’m using to make these three (3) videos for WJTV-12 Sports ZONE. I used the chipping mat to protect the turf on the football field. I used the throw down home plate to create the baseball swing mentality with my students and myself during our practice sessions. This created the same mentality that Noah Newman experienced at Trustmark Baseball Park.

You, the golfer, will be surprised how this will allow you to train and convince your subconscious mind to show up during your golf practice sessions. There are three (3) things about how our subconscious mind works-

1.   The subconscious mind does not and must not differentiate between visualizations (your practice) and real situations (your performance).

2.   The subconscious mind WILL always prevails in conflicts with the conscious mind.

3.   The greater the conscious effort reduces the subconscious intuitive response.

The third (3rd) component plays a huge part in the golfer’s or any athlete’s performance on the field, court, or golf course. In order for you to hit more fairways and greens with your golf swing in regulations, your golf swing has to be intuitive. Now you begin to see the problems of how most golf lessons are taught and how most golfers approach their golf game. Golf shouldn’t be that difficult.

For your convenience, I have attached my Book HERE, THE ESPY GOLF SWING COACH, and My Download of the GOLFER’S PALMER-BRACHS Technique.

The Three (3) Part Orange Bucket Challenge:  

Below I also posted my Bunt-Type Pitch shot and my TICK-N-TOCK Putting Technique that I performed in my golf training facility, as extra demonstration:

The Bunt-Type Chip Shot

TICK-N-TOCK Putting Technique

THE Orange Bucket Challenge Link INTRO

The Orange Bucket Challenge Walk-Through

The Orange Bucket Challenge Demo

The WJTV-12 Production Department produced this Promo, below:

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Charles W. Boatright

Other Services that We Offer

Please contact us to arrange for a corporate golf Instructional outing, ■ How to take advantage of Sportsmanship and coaching techniques to apply it to your workforce and build a motivated team ■ and How to develop mental and physical fitness in the workforce for health and wellness. A stronger workforce is a better performing workforce.

My online store, THE QATSPY®, specializes in Sports performance apparel that offers both men and women clothing for the office and the weekend. I wear my A-2 Leather Flight Jacket traveling for business meeting clients and what I call my Buffalo Rider’s Jacket. This A-2 Leather Flight Jacket offers that Charisma look for all occasions.

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There’s is nothing that gets notice like our authentic our Leather Flight Jacket that we can personalize for companies, organizations, or individuals. Each jacket comes with its own spokesperson that knows your business. Our collection of Leather Jackets are better than business cards, but make sure that you carry plenty of business cards with you; because you will need them. We have a interior linear pocket where I carry my business cards.


The U.S. A-2 Leather Jacket has been a major part of our history (both military and civilian) since 1931 when the U.S. Army Air Corps developed and issued the leather flight jacket to pilots during World War II. A version of this iconic and classic A-2 Leather Flight Jacket became the persona of two legendary entertainers/actors- Fonzie in Happy Days and Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

THE QATSPY® Presents The American Classic Leather Jacket Collection that includes The US WINGS® A-2 Leather Flight Jacket and the Fonzie’s and Indiana Jones Leather Jackets. The A-2 Leather Flight Jacket is the same one we supply to the U.S. Military. I use my not only as a sports jacket, but also for my motorcycle leather jacket shown he. I’m riding my INDIAN Scout Bobber 60 Motorcycle.

As Fashionable are our US WINGS® Jackets are, your best fashion is Your Fitness

In the photograph below, I’m 64 years old, soon to be 65. This photograph was taken after we did a WINTER Photo shoot (18Jan2022) for our line of US WINGS® Leather Jacket that I carry in our online store. We had one day that week that temperatures were going to be in the mid 60’s before the deep freeze returned later that week. The camera crew, the same one that shot the Orange Bucket Challenge, challenged me to an AB Challenge where I’m posing without my shirt. I credit my DELPHI DIET & FITNESS System for my physical condition, and the condition of my skin.

Get one of the BEST diet and fitness program that allowed me to lose 45- LBS in 7-weeks and a total of 52- LBS in 9- months where I have maintained since September of 2015. But the DELPHI DIET & FITNESS doesn’t just allows you to drop pounds and inches, it allows you to drop decades off the age and condition of your skin. I’m 64 years old here in our hangar that was taken on January 18, 2022.