01-THE QATSPY® MELIORA Health & Fitness Program Turbocharged DIET w/ Age-Defying Results!

My challenge that I was facing was THIS- I was 57- years old in September of 2014 and wanted to drop 45- pounds and 6- inches before I retired. I was retiring after 33- years as a Grid Engineer to start my sportswear and sports performance business. Where I was planning on producing my own sports training and fitness videos. But I was trying to do my own modeling with models that worked for us in their mid-20’s.    


What I achieved, by February of 2015, at age 57 on THE MELIORA Health & Fitness Program was nothing short of extraordinary, given the conventional wisdom and the difficulties of losing weight and getting into better shape especially after the age of 55. I saw results within six- weeks, instead of the six months period that I had expected to have.


I wanted to drop my weight, waistline, blood pressure, glucose, and cholesterol numbers to get into better shape at age 57, before I retired. What I thought that would take 6- months only took six- weeks to achieve. But I dropped something even more impressive and unexpected, I dropped 3- decades off my appearance at my age to have the condition that I had in my mid-30’s over the age of 65. See my results to the left.


My THE MELIORA Health & Fitness Program that I documented in E-book is NOW available on Kindle for $9.95, Use Link Below to purchase your copy:


The MELIORA Health & Fitness Program




The MELIORA DIET & FITNESS Program is based on WHEN and WHAT you eat: Turn your Body into a Turbocharged-Calorie-Burning Juggernaut to Lose Weight in Weeks NOT Months

Your AGE IS NOT an OPTION; but how you age is an OPTION totally up to YOU!

MELIORA– is Latin for pursuing something better, or improvement. The MELIORA Diet & Fitness Program allows your body to burn your food and any fat retention you might have as energy to look and feel years, and even decades, younger by just deciphering Nutrition Labels. Learn how to use just 9- Data points to Turbocharge your body’s natural metabolism into a calorie-burning-juggernaut dropping your weight and inches in weeks, not months, or longer.

The MELIORA DIET & FITNESS Program is based on three principles of WHEN and WHAT you eat with a strengthening program for your muscles to burn calories and provide age-defying results to slow, stop, and reverse the aging process. The two cover photographs were taken of me in our hangar at age 67. I’m still able to model at our SPORTY Cockpit Apparel & Gear. There isn’t a greater critique of your health and fitness than modeling in front of a camera.

Eighty percent (80%) of your ability to lose and maintain your weight is based on your diet. THE MELIORA Diet is based on developing a diet that you can easily manage and control simply by deciphering 9- Data Points on the standard nutrition labels for the WHAT to eat. The WHEN is staying within your circadian rhythms, and following a fitness program to maintain an active lifestyle. This allows you to drop weight, inches, and years off in weeks, instead of months, even over the age of 65. Even at age 67.

Deciphering nutrition labels is actually easier and more effective than what you may think. Being able to decipher 9- Data Points on a nutrition labels allows you to break the code and make sense of the data on the nutrition label into a single value. This can be used at your local grocery store or your favorite restaurant.


You are able to read nutrition labels on food items in grocery stores and off restaurant menus to detect your major culprit to dropping weight, inches, and your health numbers. This culprit is those hidden sugars that include simple starches and simple carbohydrates that aren’t listed on the nutrition data separately. These culprits prevent your body from maintaining a healthy weight and achieving an age-defying appearance.

The entire premise of THE MELIORA DIET is to decipher nutrition labels and select foods at or below the Metabolic Analytics Code (MAC) and eat based on the body’s circadian rhythms (between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.) This will allow your body to burn calories for energy instead of storing food as fat. This will allow you to drop those unwanted pounds and inches in weeks.

The other 20- percent of maintaining your health consist of your fitness and maintaining an active lifestyle in a sport and hobby. Deciphering nutrition labels provides you the ability to use nutrition labels to drop weight, inches, and drop years off your appearance. Now even at age 67, I have the health and fitness that I had in my mid-30’s. To allow me to weld in my welding shop and work on my farm.




Your truest test of a successful diet and fitness program ISN’T in the mirror, but photographs and maintaining healthy blood pressure, blood glucose, and cholesterol readings. You want those clothes you see on models and in ads to look as good on you at home as they did in those ads and on models.


There isn’t a more critical critique of your health and fitness than your annual physicals and in your photographs that are a part of my work in sports and sports apparel. I’m all too aware of both of these based on my recent physical exam and photoshoots that I do modeling our aviation sports performance apparel that I do over the age of 65 and doing training videos.

There is nothing more critical and challenging that posing for an AB Challenge especially at age 67 that I did in our hangar in July 18th, 2024 for our Fall collection of the Tiger SPORTY Cockpit Collection & Gear, shown below



THE QATSPY® MELIOR Diet & Fitness Program



THE QATSPY® MELIORA Diet & Fitness Program turns your digestive system and body into a Turbocharged-calorie-burning juggernaut to lose weight in weeks, not months. In six (6) week period, I lost six-inches in my waistline just by knowing WHEN and WHAT to eat. I actually lost 4- inches in my waistline during the month of December of 2014. That was right during the Holidays Season.


Over the next nine (9) months, following December 2014, I saw tremendous success in losing inches in my waistline, for a total of 9.25 -inches in 10- months. I went from a 37.75- inch, on 28Nov2014, waistline down to 28.50-inch waistline, by 05Sep2015, this was a 10- month span of time. The real success is that I have maintained a 28.50- inch waistline going on NOW for 9- years, since September 05th, 2015, refer to my chart, below and my current photographs above. THE QATSPY® MELIORA Diet & Fitness Program has allowed me to model over the age of 65.


The Success of a diet isn’t just the weight/inches you drop; but the weight/inches that you managed to keep off over the Long Haul and Dropping decades off my skin!


THE QATSPY® MELIORA Diet & Fitness Program was so successful and effective that I started in July of 2015, and continued NOW over the age 67, modeling our line of cockpit sportswear and classic apparel that are in our online store, THE QATSPY®. Even more impressive, is that I stepped in front of the camera lens over the age 65, on 12Aug2023, and did an AB Challenge in our hangar, shown below.


Just recently, on Saturday, August 12th, 2023, I did a photograph in my OASIS-MOJAVE GYM showing what success I had from being on The QATSPY® Health & Fitness Program at age 66, shown below:

The Grand Slam of Healthy Numbers during Your Annual Checkups


You and your doctor will see healthier Physical Exam Numbers (PEN) at your next annual physical after 6- months time frame. The results will show up in- A healthy waistline, blood pressure, blood glucose levels, and a healthy cholesterol level, what I call the GRAND SLAM! Your health/fitness are gauged by these 4 main checkpoints during your annual Checkup. If you are prescribed medication, your doctor might even take you off those medication(s) over time. This is what THE QATSPY® MELIORA Diet & Fitness Program has allowed me to do; NOT be on any prescribed medication over the age 65.


THE QATSPY® MELIORA Diet & Fitness Program will allow your body to function the way GOD intended it to function. I believe that you need to give your body every opportunity to function naturally without having to take medication until your doctor makes the call based on your readings. Because all medication has some form of side effects, some positive and some negative.


I Documented My Success in My Waistline Chart that I Kept


When I started THE QATSPY® MELIORA Diet & Fitness Program on November 28th, 2014, I started charting my waistline weekly, like any good engineer would do, engineers are all about statistics, analyses, and evidence in our career. My actual Waistline Chart and results are posted below:


My personal Waistline Chart


With the DIET a part of THE QATSPY® MELIORA Diet & Fitness Program, you can continue to shop at your local grocery store and enjoy your favorite restaurants just by knowing how to read and decipher the standard nutrition labels, using just 9 data points. Even most Restaurants post their nutrition information on their websites for you to access with your I-Phone. Save your hard earned money spent on ineffective diets and other fitness programs and instead use that spare money to purchase yourself a new wardrobe that you will be needing due to your weight loss that you will experience. Instead, stimulate the economy and donate those oversized clothes to your church, Salvation Army, or Goodwill.

The standard Nutrition Label that you can read to select food to drop weight, inches, and years.


Visit THE QATSPY® Online Store for our Sporty’s Wright Bros. & Cockpit Collection, with our QATSPY® Logo LL Beans Button-down Oxford shirts with tailored neck size and sleeve length, along with Chino Khaki pants with a tailored inseam and shirts. No hemming needed on the pants! Ready to wear right out of the package, with that quarter break at the ankles, THE PERFECT FIT!


The photograph below shows our Sporty’s Wrights Bros. & Cockpit Collection along with my blood pressure reading w/o any prescribed medication over the age of 65. I’m NOT ON ANY PRESCRIBED MEDICATION OF ANY TYPE or KIND! The Corvette in this photograph is a 1963 model. The aircraft in the background is a P-51(D) Mustang similar to the one Maverick (Tom Cruise) flew in the movie TOPGUN: MAVERICK and also appeared in Lady Gaga video soundtrack Hold My Hand.


I’m modeling our Cockpit Aviator’s Sportswear Performance Collection with a 1963 Corvette and a P-51(D) Mustang in the background.

Your Best Fashion Statement is Your Age-Defying Fitness!


What you will discover about THE QATSPY® MELIORA Diet & Fitness Program is how well you will look replicating all those great clothes you purchase from stores or online that will look good when you get home and take photographs or selfies with your I-Phone and share with family/friends. This is when you will know how well THE QATSPY® MELIORA Diet & Fitness Program has worked, when you try on those great looking clothes at home that you purchased and how fantastic they look on you for business and/or leisure wear as they looked on those professional models. Your best fashion statement is your Age-Defying Fitness!

WHY I’m a Strong Supporter of THE QATSPY® MELIOR Diet & Fitness Program and GOLF


I’m promoting THE QATSPY® MELIORA Diet & Fitness Program, along with the  PALMER-PRO GOLF SWING COACH TECH APP mainly because obesity is at epidemic levels in our society that causes diabetes, certain cancers, and hypertension, which are on a sharp rise. These health care concerns aren’t just among middle-age and older adults, but also among our teens and in some cases, children under the age of 12, along with higher health care costs at an earlier age.


What is GREAT about THE QATSPY® MELIORA Diet & Fitness Program besides losing the weight, but looking and feeling healthy. The DIET part is that it is EASY to follow and portable for you and your family to use anywhere you’ll travel, even on vacation just by knowing WHAT & WHEN to eat.


Sugar & Starches, the Hidden Sugars, are Your Main Culprits to Weight Gain


Sugar still remains the main culprit for weight gain in people, but even more dangerous in gaining weight are those hidden sugars, or those starches that ARE NOT listed on the nutrition labels. THE DIET part or THE QATSPY® MELIORA Diet & Fitness Program will allow you to read and decipher the nutrition labels and find those foods without loaded and added sugar (glucose), unhealthy starches, and unhealthy fats (Saturated and Trans Fats) to drop weight/inches, and even drop years off your appearance in weeks.


THE DIET part of THE QATSPY® MELIORA Diet & Fitness Program provides you with the ability to strengthen your T-Cells and boost your immune system, with foods that are high in Fiber, Protein, Complex- Carbs, Probiotic, Pyruvate, and healthy Omega-3 fats (those healthy fats Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated fats) that you can eat and turn your body into a Turbocharged-calorie-burning juggernautTHE QATSPY® MELIORA Diet & Fitness Program is your access to the Fountain of Youth! You don’t have to spend your money on skincare products that ONLY work temporarily from the outside and are only skin deep.


Think of the DIET part of THE QATSPY® MELIORA Diet & Fitness Program as a HIGH OCTANE FUEL! I’ve been in aviation for over 37- years, and we were called KEROSINE COWBOYS, because of the Jet-A Fuel we used, which smells like kerosine. When you are flying, your life is dependent on the quality of your fuel you are putting into your aircraft, same with your body, your health/fitness is dependent on the proper food you are putting into your body!




I’m over 65- and have the health, fitness, and condition especially of my skin that I had in my mid-30’s.


Also Read my Article for more background information, below, on how I came about following THE QATSPY® METAFIT Program in November 28th, 2014 and have maintained even now: