QATR-706- THE DELPHI HEALTH INDEX Tables and Formula


Download one of the most effective means to determine foods that your body can use to turn your metabolism system into a calorie-burning juggernaut. This download contains the formula for the Weight Factor to evaluate foods that you’re able to eat and still lose weight.

This download also has tables with some of your foods with the Weight Factor tabulated that you can refer to in order to eat and lose weight.


I was able to lose 35- Lbs. within 4-weeks during the month of December of 2014. I went on to lose a total of 52- Lbs. within 9-months. I went from having a waistline of 37.75- inches down to 29.0- inches in this 9-month period. I actually have a smaller waistline now than I had in high school playing halfback on our football team.


Please purchase your copy of Weight Factor that is an essential part of THE ASCOT-DIET.




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The DELPHI HEALTH INDEX Formula to Drop Weight in Weeks not Months, while also Dropping Years off the Condition of Your Skin


In the featured product image,above I’m 65 years old, taken on January 07th, 2023 while I was doing a photoshoot my line of sportswear in THE QUAPAW AVIATOR TACTICAL SPORTSWEAR PERFORMANCE COLLECTION that includes U.S. Military Issued A-2 and G-1 Leather Flight Jackets, CWU-45P Nylon Flight Jacket, and the Indiana Jones Leather-Style Jacket that was supplied to the Movie Studio for Harrison Ford to wear.



When I started THE DELPHI DIET & CAST FITNESS System I just had intentions on dropping 45- Lbs. and 5.75- inches in my waistline where I could model my line of sportswear. Thirteen- weeks into my diet I dropped 4- inches and 42 Lbs. almost reaching my 6- month objective. But I notice I dropped something I wasn’t expecting to drop, I dropped about 30- years off the condition of my skin where I had skin that I had in my mid-30’s at age 65.


This was due to three factors that I call the TRI-FACTOR WHAT I ate, WHEN I ate, and my Fitness program that includes Cardio-Aerobics and Strength Training, or CAST FITNESS.


THE Cardio-Aerobic Strength Training– Your heart is a muscle and strength training and is great to tone and strengthen your entire muscular system, including your heart. Now ladies, strength training triggers receptors under your skin to release natural growth hormones called Fibroblast Natural Growth Hormone. These receptors are connective tissue that supply collagen to your skin and joints. These receptors are turbocharged by strength training to release these hormones. I credit my cardio-aerobic and strength training, along with my diet, for the condition of my skin at age 65.


This download includes the Health Index Formula that I used that was and is essential in THE DELPHI DIET & CAST FITNESS Program. This gives the person the ability to evaluate foods using 9- data points from food Nutrition Labels that you can select from your grocery store or your favorite restaurant and select food with a Health Index at or below a 3.25 Index Number. This gives you the ability to turn your body’s into a Turbocharged-calorie-burning-juggernaut where a person is seeing results and losing weight in weeks not months. Save your money purchasing prepackage foods or special supplements and instead purchase cloths that will fit you due to all the weight you will lose.



The other factor of Your Health and Fitness is WHEN you eat


Your body functions based on Circadian Rhythms, just like your sleep. This Circadian Rhythm deals with how your body’s metabolizing your food that starts at 9 a.m., peaks at 2 p.m. and slows way down dramatically at 5 p.m. So this is why I have my meals between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., and I exercise at 3 p.m. to provide my body with the ability to capitalize on when my body metabolizes my food at its peak time.


John Tesh read a great report from Cleveland Clinic on May 11, 2022 on his radio show, Intelligence for your Life, about how eating past 6 p.m. heightens your blood pressure, glucose, cholesterol levels and causes your skin to age faster. Believe me ladies, you don’t want your skin to age faster, if at all possible! Your skin is like a neon sign showing the status of your overall health and fitness.


The most difficult part of THE DELPHI DIET component is adjusting to having your last meal before 6 p.m. You will be able to make the adjustments to having your last meal before 6 p.m. within 10-to-12 days of starting. But that is a small compromise to make when you see your results within 4- weeks. I went from a 37.75- inch waist, down to a 33- inch waistline in those 4- weeks. Refer to my Waistline Chart, above, focus on November 28th and at December 31st, of 2014. Also note that this was right in the middle of the holiday season. This was a TRUE GRIT Test of THE DELPHI DIET & CAST FITNESS System.


The WHAT is the Turbocharged Component of my DELPHI DIET


If you wonder how to turbocharge your weight loss, this is the HOW, the WHAT factor! If the WHEN factor was the engine to metabolize my food at its most efficient time, then the WHAT factor is the turbocharger that turns your body into a calorie-burning juggernaut. The WHAT is based on taking nine (9)- data points from the standard Nutrition Label to determine the Health Index number, shown in the nutrition label, below, for Pinto Beans:


Just by using the ASCOT-DIET Weight Factor Formula, I was able to lose 35- Lbs. within 4-weeks and that was during the month of December of 2014. Over the course of 9-months, I lost a total weight of 52- Lbs. I went from having a waistline of 37.75-inches down to 29-inches. (See my Waistline Register below and my BEFORE & AFTER Photograph toward the end of this product description):



I lost a total of 8.75-inches in my waistline by Sep 05, 2015, that’s a 9-month period.


I was retiring at the end of September of 2015 to start my Athletic Training & Sports Performance and Apparel business. One thing you can’t be is overweight to do fitness training videos and model your line of apparel. I was able to accomplish both by April of 2015. I was also able to get back out with my linemen for my last months of 2015 working with a line utility company.



I was out with my crew when this photograph above was taken in June 23 of 2015, a month before I retired. I finally didn’t mind my photograph being taken. I’m the one in the middle of the structure standing on a double-channel Steel crossarm. Also what is unique about this photograph, was where it was taken. This 115kV (115,000 Volts 3,000 amps) transmission line crosses over the Tallahatchie River in Northern Mississippi near Tupelo. This is near the bridge where Billy Joe McAllister jumped off the Tallahatchie bridge in Bobbie Gentry song.


Below was a photograph that was taken in our hangar after we did a photoshoot for our COOPER SPORTSWEAR COLLECTION Below is an AB Challenge that I did on January 07nd, 2023 in our hangar at age 65. NOTE Temperatures were in the upper 60’s that day.


This Health Index Number download is a key component in THE DELPHI DIET & FITNESS System. You can purchase this download from my online store or at checkout.

Now just to give you a sense of my weight lost, I was interviewed by Ned Reynolds with ESPN JOCK 98.7 FM and also with KY-3 in Springfield, Missouri on the technique that I’m using to coach golf to my students. Ned Reynolds is a huge baseball fan and announcer for the Springfield Cardinals. Thankfully the interview was done on radio on November 27, 2014. This photograph was taken the day of the interview in the ESPN Studios:



This is one of the hardest photographs for me to post due to my weight I gained before I had surgery to replace my right hip joint. I couldn’t exercise due to the severe pain that I was experiencing from my hip. As soon as I got back home from my interview, I decided I was going to get back onto my diet and fitness that I followed in my mid-30’s. Exercise alone WILL NOT provide the results you are looking for in weight lost.

Not following my diet that I was on in my mid-30’s was the issue, I had my hip replacement in October of 2014. By December of 2014, I was back exercising again, but I didn’t see any weight lost until I got back onto THE DELPHI DIET & FITNESS System. The major part of this diet plan is the Health Index Number that allow me to eat foods with a HI at or below a 3.25.

The reason Ned Reynolds was interested in my golf coaching technique was that I was using the baseball swing mechanics and techniques to coach the golf swing. My motto is- Take your golf swing from the batter’s box to the tee box.