How to Fight Physical/Mental Ravages of Aging



Photograph taken during a photoshoot we did in our hangar where I’m featuring apparel from The TIGER SPORTY Cockpit Collection. I shown with one of my young models and a 1963 Chevrolet Stringray Corvette with a P-51 Mustang Aircraft like the one in TOPGUN: MAVERICK Tom was working on and flew in the movie at the opening and closed of the movie.

By: Charles W. Boatright

How to Fight Physical/Mental Ravages of Aging– At age 67, I use my MELIORA DIET & FITNESS Program to fight against results of aging. DIET is based on WHEN/WHAT I eat; while Fitness includes Cardio-Aerobics Strength Training 6-Days/Wk.

The feature photograph is from a photoshoot done last month, during July of 2024, for our fall and winter TIGER SPORTY Cockpit Apparel and Gear. TIGER SPORTY Apparel and gear is for those that want a nostalgic traditional look and feel for both their business and casual schedules to arrive as if they just stepped out of a photoshoot. This is what you call a photo finish!

At age 67 in this photo, I still model for our TIGER SPORTY Cockpit Apparel that is the ultimate test of any one’s health and fitness, especially me being over the age of 60 compare to a model in her early 20’s. The camera lens is the most unforgiving measure of a person’s appearance. A person who steps in front of a camera is basically extenuates their flaws that can over shadows their attributes.

Maintaining one’s Health and Fitness is Better than a Makeover

I do not rely on touch ups for my photoshoots but just the proper lighting that is essential for any photographer, especially outdoors. Along with proper lighting, I follow The MELIORA DIET & FITNESS Program that has given me my age-defying results that you would expect from a Plastic Surgeon. But The MELIORA DIET & FITNESS Program is tremendously less expensive and has longer effects that has carried me to the point of being able to model at age 67.

The MELIORA DIET & FITNESS Program works with your own body to not only just repair itself; but more importantly, to rejuvenate itself while you sleep. This is why sleep and WHEN you eat are important to your age-defying health and fitness. This is only possible by me having a MELIORA Diet that is high in Protein, Fiber, Omega-3 Fats, Probiotics, Antioxidants, with complex Carbs. This diet along with my fitness routine allows my body to stimulate collagen to repair and rejuvenate my skin that includes my strength conditioning training.

I’m in my gym doing 3 sets of 10 reps using 45- Lb dumbbells that I perform first because of the heavier weights.

I also perform three 3-minute rounds on a 95 Lb. a boxing bag that is tethered with bungee cords to my gym floor where I don’t have to have a spotter on the bag. Boxing bag workout is so effective for not only physical benefits; but more importantly mental benefits. So much so that boxing bag workout is being used to treat both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s patients. Ladies don’t dismiss the importance of a boxing bag workout for improve balance, endurance, stamina, a great aerobic component.

Even Apostle Paul saw the benefits of boxing in his writings in 1 Corinthians 9:26-27- So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control…..

Research of the Benefits of Boxing Bag Workout


I do a lot of research in both diets and fitness programs that are being used to treat both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s patients. The research helped me to develop The MELIORA DIET & FITNESS Program. Diets that are high in fiber are essential in preventing Dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

Harvard Health Publication: A high-fiber diet may reduce the risk of dementia

My MELIORA DIET & FITNESS Program has not only allowed me to model at age 67, but also to start my second career in welding that is therapeutic where in my shop I can lose all track of time. Anything that allows you to think hours are just minutes in time is a great hobby to have.

This is one of my welding projects that is my Kerosene Cowboy Smoker Gridiron Pit that has allowed me to smoke meats to avoid processed meats for a healthier diet.

I personalized my Kerosene Cowboy Smoker Gridiron Pit with my love for aviation and college football where I follow the Arkansas Razorbacks where we are welcoming two additional teams into the SEC (Oklahoma and Texas) in the 2024 Season!

My welding has allowed me to build my Kerosene Cowboy Smoker Gridiron PIT that allows me to cook/smoke healthy lean choices of meats where I don’t have to rely on processed meats. The biggest part of MELIORA DIET is that it is based on a Kosher Diet where I select menu items that are at or below a DAC Score of 3.25 and eat between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

The aircraft in the background is a P-51 Mustang similar to the one Tom Cruise flew in TOPGUN:MAVERICK. The motorcycle is an INDIAN Scout Bobber 60 that I enjoy riding back and forth from our hangar. This is photo taken on me July 18th, 2024 when I turned 67 a few weeks before. I share a birthday with Tom Cruise. The is an AB Challenge that I do to show how effective my MELIORA DIET & FITNESS Program is at my age.

After the photoshoot in July of 2024, I also did an AB Challenge, shown above, in our hangar with my INDIAN Scout Bobber 60 Motorcycle. There isn’t a more challenging photoshoot than an AB Challenge, especially for a guy at the age of 67. DO NOT avoid Strength and Conditioning Training, especially for those over the age of 30.

HERE’S WHY Strength and Conditioning is important: You lose 5% of your muscle mass every decade over the age of 30. Ladies this goes for you, as well. I do Yoga that is essential to my health and fitness for flexibility, but strength training is just as important, even for you Ladies.

Why Your Numbers are Important to Your Life

GUYS- THIS IS FOR YOU: Even with most of my health and fitness numbers being health, I had one warning number, my PSA:

Blood pressure- 115/62

Blood Glucose- 109 (Non Fasting)

Total Cholesterol- 158

Waistline- 28.50″

Weight- 148 Lbs.

BMI- 18.75

If You Want to Drop Weight, Inches, and Years Turbocharge Your Body of WHEN & WHAT to Eat

Below is my actual Waist Line Chart that I started on November 28, 2014 where I dropped a total of 9.25- inches and over 52- Lbs. I have kept my waist of 28.75- inches after almost 10- years:

If you want to Turbocharge your body’s ability to be a calorie-burning-juggernaut follow two (2) procedures of WHEN to eat between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The second is WHAT to eat to Turbocharge your weight lost of being able to read nutrition labels to determine the DAC (Decipher Analysis Code) Score. The DAC Score allows you to select foods that are at or below 3.25.

Due in part to my MELIORA DIET & FITNESS Program– All my numbers were excellent except for my PSA being 6.2 (Normal is ≤ 4.0). In December of 2023, I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Prostate Cancer where I had surgery, Prostatectomy. Catching my Prostate cancer early allowed me to beat my Prostate Cancer where in March and June of 2024, my follow ups were clear.

Thank God and Dr. Runnels I’m clean of Cancer. GUYS get your PSA Test done at your next physical, especially if you are over 40; or earlier if Prostate Cancer is in your family. KNOW YOUR NUMBER!

Below are my E Books on the Palmer-Pro Golf Swing Technique, The MELIORA DIET & FITNESS Program also along with OPERATION DOG TAG:

The Sports Bible, The Yellowstone Papers

How to apply Sports Psychology to Sports and your Life, excellent for Homeschooling students to have an Athletic curriculum:


How to preset the wrists in the golf swing to hit more fairways and greens in regulations with Constance and Confidence:


The video that SPORTS ZONE from WJTV-12 Television Station shot in June of 2021 of my 295-Yard Tee-Shot where five (5) Tee-Shots landed within 15-Foot of a Home Depot Orange Bucket:


I shot 3 raw videos for WJTV-12 in one take to use for their SPORTS ZONE Show.


For those wanting to Drop Weight, Inches, and Years off your Appearance and become more active with energy:

OPERATION DOG TAG (Defenders Oasis Gym Tactical Athletics Gear)

This is for Veterans to address PTSD’s to help transition back into their life with family, friends, and career or retirement. Sports, Fitness, and Hobbies are great to use in addressing PTSD’s. I went back to school after my service to learn welding. Welding is now a hobby for me: