Golfer’s Elbow Technique for Power


American Conservative Exceptionalism Sports Page

Arnold Palmer’s Tip on Golfer’s Elbow

My grandfather, Homer Q. Boatright, received a letter from his cousin P.J. Boatwright, Sr., about a tip he heard Arnold Palmer gave President Dwight Eisenhower on tucking his right elbow next to his right side. Arnold Palmer noticed the President’s right elbow was flaring out, starting his backswing on the practice range at the American Heart Association Pro-Am Charity golf tournament. President Eisenhower was right-handed.

Arnold Palmer asked the president if he noticed that his right elbow was separating from his right side. Arnold Palmer explained to the president that if he kept his right elbow tucked into his right side at the first part of his takeaway and then again just before impact. Arnold Palmer explained that he (President Eisenhower) would realize more power, club head speed, and control. The President did such a great job tucking his elbow that he wore a blister on the elbow at the end of the day.

This elbow tuck tip helps the golfer to develop natural biomechanics like sprocket mechanics based on a ten-speed bicycle. This allows the shoulders and trail elbow to behave like sprockets to develop power and speed, the silver bullet of golf. If you rode a ten-speed bicycle before, then you realize the mechanical advantage of using a combination of gears selections of the small and large sprockets over a single speed bicycle. The ten-speed model applied to the golf swing during:

TAKEAWAY- Power is developed where the small (elbow) sprocket turns the larger (shoulder) sprocket.

DOWNSWING- Speed is developed where the large (shoulder) sprocket turns the small (elbow) sprocket that includes the power developed in the muscles from the takeaway.

The Key to Achieve Sprocket Mechanics

But the key to achieve the Sprocket Mechanics is keeping the trail elbow tucked to the trail side at the start of the takeaway and dropping back down to start the downswing. For a right-handed golfer this is ensuring that their right elbow tucks into their right side, or right rib cage. This was what Arnold Palmer was describing to President Eisenhower about his right elbow.

The Home Depot Orange Bucket Challenge

I had a chance to demonstrate the Ten-Speed Sprocket Mechanics in a series of videos that I did for a local Television Station, WJTV-12 here in Jackson, Mississippi. These three videos, below, were a part of their Sunday night Sports Zone Show leading up to the 2021 US Open over three Sunday nights.

I demonstrated how to use the golfer’s elbow technique for power, clubhead speed, and control at the Germantown High School football practice field. I was using special practice golf balls that travel one-third the distance of an actual golf ball. This made the football field a perfect setup for these three video series and the camera crew that we shot in one day on Saturday, June 06th, 2021.

I demonstrated how a golfer can take their golf swing from the batter’s box to the tee box using what I refer to as the Palmer-Pro Technique that allows the golfer to preset their wrist to initiate the golf swing. NOTE: Palmer- is Palmar flexion and Pro- is Pronation the wrists to preset the golfer’s wrist shown below.

The Palmer (Palmar Flexion) Pro (Pronation) Wrist Preset Technique to complete 80 percent of your Golf Swing

The golfer performs these two simple maneuvers and completes 80- percent of their entire golf swing without having to deal with confusion or thinking. You perform the Palmer-Pro it will become instinctive because once you learn it is like riding a bicycle, you DON’T FORGET. Confusion is totally countered to the golfer’s confidence; and confidence is king on the golf course, field, or court of sports.    

The One-Third special golf balls allowed the camera crew to use one camera setup where they could catch the entire golf shot from impact to trajectory and 295- yards to land near the orange bucket at the other goal line. One-Third means that I’m hitting my Tee-Shots in feet instead of yards. Even range balls only travel three-quarters the distance of an actual golf ball.

The Home Depot Orange Bucket Challenge Three-Part Videos

The Orange Bucket Challenge Introduction


The Orange Bucket Challenge Walk-Through

Walk-Through of The Orange Bucket Challenge

The Orange Bucket Challenge Demonstration

Demonstration of the Orange Bucket Challenge

WJTV-12 Promo of The Orange Bucket



My Grandfather at Yellowstone National Park in 1927

My Grandfather, HQ Boatright at Yellowstone in 1927 on his Honeymoon

Above was a picture of my grandfather on his honeymoon in September of 1927. When you only knew your grandfather as an older gentleman, it is hard to picture him as a young man in his early 20’s.

P.J. Boatwright (with a “W”) thought that my grandfather would be interested in this tip that Arnold Palmer gave President Eisenhower. The tip especially was what my grandfather included in his coaching sessions to synchronize the elbow with the shoulders covered in his The Sports Bible, Yellowstone Papers on Sports Psychology and the Palmer-Pro Golf Swing Technique. Listed below are my E Book on golf, sport psychology, along with diet and fitness. President Eisenhower was my grandfather’s favorite president based on the collection of books my grandfather had in his library that I inherited.

Our SPORTY’S Cockpit Collection

Our SPORTY’S Cockpit Fall and Winter line.

I also carry in my online store aviation and sports apparel that I still model at age 67. In July of 2024, I did a photoshoot for our fall and winter line, shown above. To show how effective my MELIORA DIET & FITNESS Program is, I did an AB Challenge in our hangar at age 67, shown below:

This was taken in July 2024 after we did a photoshoot for our SPORTY’S Cockpit Collection. This was an AB challenge that I did just after turning 67 years old. This is the benefit that I gain from following The MELIORA DIET & FITNESS Program since 2014.



The Sports Bible, The Yellowstone Papers

How to apply Sports Psychology to Sports and your Life, excellent for Homeschooling student to have an Athletic curriculum:


How to preset the wrists in the golf swing to hit more fairways and greens in regulations with Constance and Confidence.


For those wanting to Drop Weight, Inches, and Years off your Appearance.

OPERATION DOG TAG (Defenders Oasis Gym Tactical Athletics Gear)

This is for Veterans to address PTSD’s to help transition back into their life with family, friends, and career or retirement. Sports, Fitness, and Hobbies are great to use in addressing PTSD’s. I went back to school after my service to learn welding. Welding is now a hobby for me.


My Latest Welding Project for those wanting to pick up a hobby like welding. When I’m in my shop, I can lose tract of time. That is how a hobby like welding can help you deal with PTSD’s.

This is my Smoker Grid Iron Pit that is measures: 0.25 inch Thick x 16 inch Dia. x 30 inch x 115 Lbs.

Heavy metal is the only way to contain the heat to allow your meat to cook for that deep south Bar-B-Que taste.