THE QATSPY® Quapaw Aviation Tiger Sportswear Performance, Yukan Outfitter Company

Simple Arm Curls Exercise using 80 Lb. Resistant Elastic Cords (REC) in my GYM even at age 66. Strength training is your best method to have an age-defying health and fitness.

By: Charles W. Boatright, President of THE GREAT QATSPY® Company

Veterans Basic DEPT for Health & Fitness– Simple Cardio-Aerobic-Strength Training Elements Vets can do for Their Health & Fitness. DEPT is Diet, Essential, Physical, Training Results in Weeks instead of Months for an Age-Defying Results.   

We take November 11th, to observe what our Veterans have done for our Nation that is the most successful avenue for Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness the World as ever witness. We want our Vets to be able to return home and enjoy what they provided and sacrifice for us in reaching their own full potential.

I realize that it isn’t always easy for our Vets to transition back into civilian life from their military service. While I don’t have all the answers for Vets, I do have something to offer them that makes that transition a lot easier for them. The clinical term for this process is called Cognitive Behavior Training, or what I refer to as DEPT or Diet Essential and Physical Training.

Our life, our health, and our mental health along with our faith are all based on us taking the first physical step with persistent, committed, and following a healthy diet and fitness routine. My diet is based on WHAT (MAC score at or below 3.25) and WHEN (between 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.) I eat and a simple and basic fitness routine with just 15- Elements that is based on Free weights, Resistance Elastic Cord (REC), Boxing Bag, and Cycling, (see my video below).

My FREE 15- Element DEPT Workout

Above is my complete fitness video that covers my basic PT that can be done at your home or at a gym. I refer to two of my PT elements as active meditation. These consist of my boxing bag workout and cycling that I do. These two provide a means for me to get into my zone, or into my subconscious awareness zone, and put aside all the conscious distractions. My PT along with a low impact sport, and a hobby are great CBT relief activities.

My 2- minute Boxing Bag Workout

My 20- minute exercise stationary bicycle workout on a programmable bike with various stress levels.

One hobby that I have enjoy doing is welding that I consider as heavy metal hobby. I have an 180 amp Lincoln Welder and plasma cutter that I can do most of all my welding projects where I can use stick, meg, and tig welding.

I picked up welding a couple of years before I retired as a Grid Engineer with an Utility in Mississippi. I wanted a welding hobby where it could become my second career when I retired. Any hobby that you developed can become your second career and therapy to transition back into civilian life.

Also, PLEASE don’t hesitation to reach out and talk with others and pick up a low impact sport with a workout routine with a hobby, something you can do with your hands. This is how you know you entered your subconscious awareness zone, when hours go by like minutes, that when you are in your zone. Rule No. 2- The subconscious mind has NO concept of time.

You can use the 10- Rules of the Subconscious Mind to help treat PTSD.

10 Rules to the Subconscious Mind that can be used to treat PTSD

  1. The subconscious mind does not differentiate between visualizations (practice) and real situations (performance).
  2. The subconscious mind has no concept of time.
  3. The Quicker and longer the subconscious mind believes and proves something, the harder it will be to alter this belief in any way.
  4. Every thought causes a physical reaction. The subconscious mind can’t distinguish between a positive or negative thought.
  5. What you expect tends to be realized.
  6. Finding proof of your beliefs strengthens them.
  7. The subconscious mind always prevails in conflicts with the conscious mind.
  8. An idea, once accepted, will remain firmly in place until it is replaced by another.
  9. The greater the conscious effort reduces the subconscious intuitive response.
  10. Suggestions and beliefs can be used to “program” the subconscious mind