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Take your golf swing from the batter’s box to the tee box to have a consistent golf game in the single-digits.

By: Charles W. Boatright

The Palmer D-PRO Golf TECH, for Those Golfers Who’s Baseball Swing is more Fluid and Consistent than their Golf Swing, This TECH is for YOU!

The golf swing is actually no different than a baseball batter hitting sinker pitch on the inside corner of the strike zone. The wrists and forearms are almost in the same orientation as the golfer swinging a golf club, in featured image above, where I have transposed myself performing a baseball swing and golf swing. The wrists are cocked and locked into the exact same position.

The baseball swing and golf swing are actually more similar in mechanics and techniques than they are different as noted in the featured image above. For my final research project in Kinesiology, I compared the golf swing to the baseball swing to find out what muscle memory the golfer could use to make their golf swing more consistent with power and clubhead speed.

Without a doubt, it seems like the golfer faces more challenges on the tee box than the batter does in the batter’s box. The Palmer D-PRO Golf TECH takes well established muscle memories from the batter’s box to improve the golfer’s swing on the tee box, from the fairway, and around the green. I discussed this in Section 3.15 of my download attachment below.

The Palmer D-PRO Golf TECH is an instinctive-type golf swing routine that eliminates swing thoughts by developing a baseball batter mentality where the golf swing is on autopilot. Essentially what the golfer is doing is transferring the clubhead and clubface from the end of the shaft up and into their hands as if the golfer is holding a baseball bat instead of the shaft of the golf club.

The Palmer D-PRO Golf TECH allows the golfer to use their thumbs to represent the clubface with the lower forearms to represent the hosel of the club. This puts the golf swing into the golfer’s hands to make it more instinctive. If your golf swing isn’t instinctive, your subconscious mind, responsible for your entire golf swing, will disregard those long hours practicing and taking golf lessons. That’s a lot of time and money wasted without having any results.

The golfer’s subconscious mind will take over, as soon as the golfer steps onto the golf course. Instead of stepping onto a tee box, in vision stepping into a batter’s box. The golfer might very well train and practice using their conscious mind, thinking through the golf swing elements. But once the golfer steps foot onto the golf course, their subconscious mind will take over, Guarantee IT!

The above content is part of the actual Introduction to The Palmer D-PRO Golf TECH to show you the approach that this self-coaching technique presents.

To develop a baseball batter’s mentality in your golf game, learn how to Sync, Preset, Cock, and Lock the wrist action in the golf swing. The Palmer D-PRO Golf TECH Download, below, will allow you to develop a consistent golf game and work toward a single-digit handicap even in the off season with the Golfer’s Garage Mechanics:

Also I have attached my latest golf training video to help the golfer to develop and maintain their mechanics and techniques during the winter months:

To get into shape and lose weight, please read about my ASCOT-DIET Plan that allowed me to lose 35- pounds in one- month and 52- pounds in 9- months. This download also includes my workout fitness program with (4) videos of all my routines. Just to show how effective both the ASCOT-DIET Plan and my Fitness Program is, below I’m 63 years old in my gym:

NOTE: The exercise equipment shown below is all the equipment that I use.

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