THE QATSPY® Quapaw Athletic Tactical Sportswear Performance, Yukan Outfitter Company
May 03rd, 2023 is Women’s Heart Health Awareness Day

By: Charles W. Boatright, President of THE Quapaw
Red Corvette Lady’s Heart Health Awareness– Develop a High Performance Physical Conditioning to Improve Your Cardiovascular Health & Fitness
For decades, myocardial infarction (heart attacks) were predominately a man’s issue. One reason is that the signs in men are usually more dramatic, like severe chest pains, as if a 2,000 pound bull were sitting on the man’s chest. But these aren’t typical signs in women, as they are more subtle in nature that make it difficult to detect. Also, men also develop blockage in the main coronary artery in leading to their heart. This isn’t the case in women, and the blockage occurs in the smaller arteries called micro-vascular dysfunction.
The symptoms in women are usually different, where women can experience dull ache in the chest instead or intense pain as what men experience, and women can experience shortness of breath, jaw or back pain, nausea, or heartburn with some dizziness and clammy skin. This Includes fatigue while walking or performing other physical activities. If you have these signs, go and see your cardiologist for further evaluation and tests. DON’T HESITATE! One other thing women can do for prevention is to take their blood pressure regularly. Monitors can be purchased at local drug stores. I take my every night before bedtime.
Other Contributing Factor for Heart Disease in Women
Another issue that has an impact on women’s heart health is estrogen levels that protect women’s heart in pre-menopausal women. Estrogen improves the HDL, the good cholesterol, levels in women. Another impact on women’s health is Hypertension (high blood pressure) that can increase heart issues in women and men, alike. This is why healthy diet and fitness program is essential.
Other contributing factors for heart disease are diabetes, high cholesterol levels, and/or an inflammatory disease, like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. A Glucose monitor can also be purchased at the drug store. A Cholesterol monitor, however, is more expensive and are harder to locate.
Good News For Preventive Care for Heart Disease
Prevention that can be taken by women to avoid these risks listed above is adhering and following a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and having a healthy lifestyle with healthy social interactions to reduce stress and anxiety levels. Monitor your blood pressure and glucose levels regularly.
Healthy social interaction with others can reduce anxiety and stress to improve your health and wellbeing. Interaction with others, especially other women, can improve your chances of adhering to a healthy diet, exercise routine, and a healthy lifestyle, due to encouragement and team effort.
Attending sporting events into your weekly activities is also a great social outing with women and men that will reinforce the diet and fitness component in maintaining your heart health. There is a sport that is getting a lot of traction called Pickle Ball, a form of lite tennis that isn’t high impact and isn’t as hard on your joints. If you do have to workout by yourself on occasions, like I do, listening to music is a great motivator.
Diet Impact on Heart Health
Also eating healthy, based on WHAT (foods high in protein, fiber, and omega-3 fats) and WHEN (eating between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.), with regular exercises (at least 4-times per week) that include strength training are great heart health measures that you can take. With Strength Training, not only can you drop weight and inches, you can drop years off the age of your skin. Muscles have receptors that release collagen to promote skin and joint health. I don’t think that too many women would pass up an opportunity to look younger!
John Tesh Radio Show, Intelligence for Your Life, Provides Great Health Information
I was trying to figure out the reason that 3 months into my diet based on WHEN and WHAT I ate that my skin looked and felt younger. Then I was listening to The John Tesh Radio Show. The reason I had the skin at age 65 that I had in my mid-30’s was because I wasn’t eating past 6 p.m. If you want to improve your blood pressure, blood glucose, and cholesterol levels, don’t eat past 6 p.m. The other benefit is that your skin looks and feel younger.
I was listening to John Tesh’s radio program, Intelligence for Your Life, on May 11, 2022, where John was cited a study that stated that eating before 6 p.m. can improve one’s blood pressure, blood glucose, and cholesterol levels, along with providing an age-defying advantage, as well.
For the past 9- years, I have eaten my meals between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. and eat a diet that is high in protein, fiber, omega-3 fats, and probiotic, but low in sugar and the hidden sugars, those starches. If you want a perfect food to have with your lunch and dinner, include pinto beans. Below, I’m 65- years old while posing in our hangar with the same 1963 Stingray Corvette and a P-51 Mustang in the main image. What is interesting about the P-51 Aircraft shown here is that it is like the one that Tom Cruise flew in- TOPGUN: MAVERICK Movie that also appeared in Lady Gaga’s video soundtrack- Hold my Hand.
I credit my diet based on Caloric, Amino-acid (protein), Soluble fiber, Intermediate fasting, Metabolic Index Rate DIET and my FITNESS program for my health and condition, at age 65. A fitness program doesn’t have to be strenuous or high intensity to be beneficial. You can have an effective fitness program, just by using a Medicine Ball, a few dumbbells, elastic resistant tubing, and an AB Roller, along with walking or biking exercises.
A little information about twisting and losing belly fat- This is why working out on a boxing bag is such a great exercise. You are twisting using a 80 pound bag as your resistance. Just work out on an 80 pound bag just for ONE- minute and you will understand the benefits. A bag is worth the investment ladies!
Below, is my OASIS GYM that shows all the exercise equipment that I use 6 times a week:
I refer to my gym as OASIS GYM, because it isn’t cooled during the summer months and this allows me to sweat easier that also has several benefits, refer to: Workout Sweat Out & Polar Express Cool Down
Great References to read to start your Exercises and for Women to learn more about Heart Awareness information:
5- Exercises to lose Belly Fat
6 warning signs of a heart attack in women
My two E-Books for the CASIMIR DIET & FITNESS System and THE PALMER GOLF Swing Coach APP