THE QATSPY® Quapaw Aviation Tactical Sportswear Performance Company OUTFITTERS
Below is a photograph taken after a photoshoot in August 2022 in our hangar at age 64.

Defy Your Age with MELIORA DIET & FITNESS– A Diet & Fitness System that You Don’t Have to Cover Up for; but Actual Bare/Reveal the Results you have achieved. Even if you are over the age of 60 like I am. Right Diet, Fitness, and Lifestyle you can actual defy your age.
How effective The MELIORA DIET & FITNESS System is, dropping 52- LBS & 9.25- inches.
I was asked to do a military photoshoot of my former military unit which was 12- Bravo, or the 326th U.S. Army Combat Engineers that is responsible for infrastructure. That meant either construction or demolition of various support infrastructure for other military units to use in completing their mission. You can identify 12-Bravo by the castle, shown below where I’m at an Entergy substation here in Jackson, Mississippi. Even though I’m retired, I am asked to come back to assist in Transmission Line Work.
After we shot the photoshoot of the Airborne A-2 Leather Flight Jacket, I decided to reveal how effective The MELIORA DIET & FITNESS System is, where I dropped 52- LBS and 9.25- inches in my waistline within 9- months. I started The MELIORA DIET & FITNESS System on November 28, 2014, as noted below in my waist Chart, and exceeded my goal by September 05, 2015. I was just trying to drop from a 37.75- inch waistline down to 32.0- waistline that would allow me to model my sportswear and aviation gear and line of apparel. I actually went down to a 28.50- inch waistline. Refer to my Waistline Chart below:
Not only did I drop the weight and inches, I dropped decades off the appearance of my age
Not only did I drop the weight and inches, I dropped decades off the appearance of my age and dropped my blood pressure, as well. In the feature image, I’m 65 years old, taken on Saturday, August 13, 2022. Before this AB Challenge photoshoot, I was also doing a photoshoot commemorating the 82nd Anniversary of the first Airborne jump on August 16th, 1940 at Fort Benning, Georgia by the U.S. Army.
Just an update AB Challenge to show how effective The MELIORA DIET & FITNESS PROGRAM actually is, below I did another AB Challenge in March of 2024. I will let you be the judge if my DIET and FITNESS program works:
I dropped my weight, inches, and reversed the aging process of my skin within three (3) months of starting The MELIORA DIET & FITNESS System. But that would be just part of the full story. The rest of the story is that I have managed to keep off the weight, inches, and reverse the aging process of my skin going on TEN (10) years NOW!
HOW many women and even men would like to reverse their aging process by following a simple diet and exercise program? This diet is based on WHEN (eating between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.) and WHAT (selecting food items with a Health Index factor at or below a HI of 3.25) I ate. IT IS THAT SIMPLE. I later confirmed why the timing of eating your meals was so important on having younger looking skin.
John Tesh Radio Show, Intelligence for Your Life–
I was listening to John Tesh Radio Show, Intelligence for Your Life, when John Tesh referred to a research paper on the benefits of eating before 6 p.m. that can actually reverse the aging process. Eating past 6 p.m. interferes with the body’s natural process of repairing and rejuvenating the skin at night, especially while you sleep. If you eat right before going to bed, it can actually suspend the body’s natural skincare process.
There are also two (2) other unexpected benefits that I received that also helped me reverse my aging process. FIRST- Eating a high fiber, high protein, and high Omega-3 diet of food items being at or below 3.25. SECOND- Exercising that includes strength and conditioning training. It has been found that skeletal muscles produce collagen for repairing skin and joints. So with The MELIORA DIET & FITNESS System, I hit what amounts to a grand slam in skincare therapy and my health. One thing about The MELIORA DIET & FITNESS System it is less expensive than actual purchasing skincare products in a bottle or jar; or even going to a Plastic Surgeon!
How many diet companies in addition to dropping weight and inches can also drop decades off the appearance of the Client’s age and drop their blood pressure also?
A lot of diet companies will show clients that have dropped weight and inches on their TV ads. But how many diet companies in addition to dropping weight and inches can also drop decades off the appearance of the client’s age and drop their blood pressure also? I don’t see many of these diet companies offering dropping years and even decades off the appearance of your skin and drop your blood pressure.
Maintaining a healthy blood pressure is just as important as these other benefits of obtaining and maintaining a healthy weight and waistline. It one thing to lose the weight, but the secret is keeping the weight off over the long-run. like for over five years; I’m now at ten (10)- years.
I took my blood pressure last night (August 20, 2022) and it was 110/65 Pulse 66 with a non-fasting Glucose reading of- 112, and combined Cholesterol reading of 158. It is just as important to maintain a healthy blood pressure as it is a healthy weight and waistline. The blood pressure reading shown above is without any prescribed medication of any type or kind at my age of 65. Nine times out of ten my blood pressure reading is 110/65 with my pulse at 65 or 66.
Guys & GALS– Forget those BEET Tablets or BEET supplements, if you want to obtain a healthy Blood Pressure, lose weight, and look years younger, then purchase a can or jar of SAUERKRAUT that is a great dietary probiotic and is high in fiber at 4.1 grams. I have better results from a fork portion of sauerkraut five (5) times a day than any other dietary supplement on the market.
For $8.95 you can purchase one of my two books on KINDLE, below. There isn’t a diet out there that can provides these type bare results for under $10.00:
With your MELIORA DIET & FITNESS Program, if you want to stay young and active then pick up a SPORT and a HOBBY that you can enjoy doing even after you retired, like I have done. May I suggest GOLF as your lifelong SPORT and a VOTECH Hobby. In my case GOLF is my SPORT and WELDING is my HOBBY. Below is my latest GOLF Coaching E-BOOK THE PALMER-PRO GOLF SWING TECH:
So how effective is THE PALMER-PRO TECH GOLF SWING? I was asked to do a video series for a local sport show here in Jackson on my Sync and Preset technique. They sent a camera crew out to tape all three series. Below are the RAW video from those three shots:
They, WJTV-12 actually highlighted where my tee-shots were dropping in reference the the Orange Bucket.
MY WELDING has been the most satisfying SECOND Career that I have chosen while I was working:
I was at a steakhouse restaurant here in Madison, Mississippi where our waitress was explaining a huge problem that she had. We could tell that she had some anxiety. She explained that she was scheduled to be in her best friend’s wedding as a Bridesmaid and she had gained 15 pounds and couldn’t fit into the dress that she had for the wedding in four weeks.
I went outside to my vehicle and got a draft copy of my book, above, and gave it to her to try. I told her my results and she should see results within three weeks. Seven weeks later we were at the steakhouse restaurant again where we had the same waitress wait on us. She said that she didn’t just lose 15 pounds, she actually lost 24 pounds at a weight that she said that she had in high school. Needless to say she was happy with the weight she had lost and was going to keep off.■
For those that are interested in one of our Authentic U.S. Military Leather Flight Jackets, please use the link below to purchase yours. These make great Sports Jackets for either men or women:
We also carry the CWU-45P Nylon Flight Jackets like the one worn by Lady Gaga in signing the sound track song Hold my Hand. Lady Gaga did an excellent job in making this music video below: