QATSPY Golf Swing Coach, Batter’s Box-Tee Box APP

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Charles W. Boatright Author of The ESPY Golf Swing Coach

QATSPY Golf Swing Coach, Batter’s Box-Tee Box APP (Apperception)– Allows skills in 1 Sport 2 be Applied 2 Another Sport, Like the Golf Swing

The basic fundamentals of the QATSPY Golf Swing Coach APP starts with the term (Apperception) that allows the golfer to use their baseball-style swing from the batter’s box and to be able to use on the tee box to improve the golfer’s Power, Acceleration, Clubhead Speed, with Controlled Distance. If there are four (4) elements the golfer works on the most in their golf game it is their PACEPower (Preset), Acceleration (Cock), Clubhead Speed (Sync) and their Ergonomics (Natural Sequence).

I don’t know too many baseball batters standing in the Batter’s Box that has the same issues or difficulties as does the golfer standing on the Tee Box in establishing their elements. When I coach my GOLFER’S BRACHS-PALMER Technique to my students, I actually use a batter’s box outline, shown below in Figure No. 1, a Throw-Down Rubber Home Plate, and a mental image of a clock face, that I call the Shot Clock like used in basketball refer to Figure No. 1, below. The only thing the golfer is doing with the Shot Clock is going through their Strike ZONE: 4-10 for a Draw, 4-09 for a Pike strike, or a 4-08 for a Fade.

Figure No. 1 The baseball batter’s box, Rubber Throw Down Home Plate, and a mental image of a Shot Clock. For 4-10 for Draw, 4-09 Straight Down the Pike, and 4-08 for a Fade

How the Golfer’s Subconscious Mind Functions on the Golf Course.

I can guarantee the golfer of any level, or handicap, this one thing- You might very well practice your golf swing with your conscious mind going through your swing thoughts and sequences. But I can guarantee the golfer this one thing, once you step foot onto the golf course two things will occur: ONE your adrenaline will kick in engaging your subconscious mind, SECOND your subconscious mind will override your conscious mind and all those swing thoughts you practiced for hours and weeks if not months during the off season.

This is the Reason Why it is difficult to Take Your Golf Practice to the Golf Course:

There is one thing missing in the golfer’s practice sessions, and that is Adrenaline as I alluded to above. Adrenaline triggers and activates your subconscious mind to take over the golfer’s game on the golf course. This is where the golfer’s instincts (muscle memory) kick in and goes on autopilot. What is interesting about these instinctive motor skills, these are motor skill that were developed before the age of 12. So if you want an instinctive and consistent golf game, your going to have to go back before the age of 12. To your Appreciation development.

This is the very reason WHY the golfer finds it difficult for them to take their golfer swing and game from the backyard, garage, or the practice range to the golf course.

There is a learning curve with anything first includes using the conscious mind to develop The GOLFER’S BRACHS-PALMER Technique for example where we are thinking through the Sequential Elements. But like riding a bike or driving a stick shift, the more you establish a consistent routine under actual conditions the more your subconscious mind will perform your golf swing instinctively. This is similar to how we rode our bikes or shift gears without thinking. But the golfer has to make the transition between conscious thought process into a subconscious instinctive process. IF NOT the GOLFER WON’T BREAK THE BARRIER!

The Golfer’s practice sessions must consist of these FOUR (4) Conditions for them to Transition from the thought process into an instinctive golf swing, like the batter in the batter’s box:

  1. Develop Natural and Repetitive Routine tasks.
  2. Practice and perform under actual conditions that must exist in both.
  3. Rely on a high degree of: relaxation, confidence, and muscle memory.
  4. Allow the Subconscious mind to takeover and Dominate the conscious mind, or being IN THE ZONE.

Let’s take one at a time and do a Simple walk-through of these four conditions:


If your golf swing doesn’t consist of natural instincts, you won’t be using these on the golf course, Guarantee.

For the golfer’s swing to become an instinctive process on the golf course, the golfer’s swing first must become a habit. To develop a habit, the golfer must following a consistent repetitive routine over and over again until the golfer doesn’t even have to think about the process. The golfer’s swing sequence then becomes intuitive. Yogi Berra once stated- How can a batter think and hit at the same time? The answer is obvious is, YOU CAN’T!

I’m will list all 10 Subconscious Rules of the Human Mind later in this article, but Rule No. 9 states- The greater the conscious effort reduces the subconscious intuitive response.


This will be the key reason that there is an interruption between the golfer’s practice in the backyard, garage, or practice range irregardless of your golfer’s status or handicap. Whether the golfer is a 25 handicap, or a scratch golfer, or even a professional, they can have a interruption. They must develop a practice session that mimic their performance. For instance, the golfer on the golf course DOESN’T:

  1. Take 10 to 20 golf shots from the same perfect lie with each club in their bag until they finally like the last couple of golf shots to their target area from Sand Wedge to Driver.
  2. Have a couple of seconds between golf shots, they have to either ride or walk to their next golf shot, whether for a layup or an approach shot into the green.
  3. Have a 200 to 400 wide yard fairway or green to hit golf shots, usually a fairway or green are between 10 to 50 yards wide. Greens are obvious narrower than fairways in most cases.
  4. Get to avoid the adrenaline, the magic elixir, that turns Dr. Jekyll into Mr. Hide. The adrenaline is what kicks in the golfer’s subconscious mind, your instincts. What every your intuitive golf swing sequence is that what you are using. And not the hours spent on the golf range.

So to avoid the disparity between the golfer’s practice and performance, the golfer will have to develop strategies where their in no virtual mental difference between the golfer’s performance and practice. There is a quote that states- You got to practice how you play: and play how you practice. Looking at the four (4) disparities above you see the root causes for performance not reflecting from a golfer’s practice.

Subconscious Rule No. 1 states- The subconscious mind does not and must not differentiate between visualizations (practice) and real situations (performance).

Two Practice Drills to Create Realistic Performance

When I teach or practice, I end the practice session with two (2) golf drills. One is the Driver off the DECK, where I take my driver and hit golf balls off the ground to a specific target with loft, distance, and direction. The second is similar to Driver off the Deck, I video tape myself hitting five (5) golf balls to within 10- feet of a orange bucket. The video tapping provides the adrenaline conditions for my students or me in hitting five (5) golf balls to the target area around the orange bucket. I must get at least four (4) out of five (5) golf balls to hit within 10- feet of the bucket.

Below, I did the first of a three part series of my Orange Bucket Challenge for WJTV-12 Television Station, here in Jackson. Mississippi leading up to the 2021 US OPEN. Below, I’m doing my Walk-Through hitting what would be a 295- yard drive:

The Orange Bucket Challenge Walk-Through

The reason I’m using special golf balls for these videos series is the film crew wanted to use just one camera setup, but still be able to zoom in to catch where my golf shots were landing in regards to the orange bucket. So the AlmostGOLF Balls made the perfect golf ball to use in this case. They only travel up to 100- yards and represent one-third (1/3rd) the distance of an actual golf ball; and they DO NOT cause injuries to people or pets or property damage making them perfect for a football field.

Rely on a high degree of: relaxation, confidence, and muscle memory

If you noticed in the Figure No. 1 and in The Orange Bucket Challenge, I’m using a Through-Down Rubber Home Plate and creating a mental image that I’m standing in the batter’s box. When I’m in by batter’s box, I’m relaxed and confident, looking forward to making my swing. This gives me a high level of being relaxed with confidence, because I using motor skills that I learn playing sand lot baseball below the age of 12. These motor skills are important because they are permanent motor skills, instinctive to us. And they are the only ones that are going to show up on the golf course intact.

I used the term Appreciation when I coach, because the golfer just has to convince their subconscious mind to use the highly developed instinctive muscle memory developed in the batter’s box to be used on the tee box shown above in my video.

The Muscle Memory is Simple to Preset & Sync the Wrist Action in the Golf Swing- based on Pronation & Dorsiflex Maneuvers

BRACHS PRESET Technique (Pronation)

Figure No. 2 The BRACHS Preset Technique like presetting a baseball bat

Pronation BRACHS Preset Technique (the pivot action like presetting a baseball bat or tennis racket) Action- Is performed with the Brachio-Radialis Muscle/Tendon, or BRACHS muscle for short, like the candy company.

Figure No. 3 The Brachio-Radialis Muscle/Tendon

Palmer Sync Technique

Dorsiflex Palmer Sync Technique (Hinge back like preparing tossing a baseball) Action- Is performed with the Palmaris Longus Muscle/Tendon, or Palmer for short like Arnold Palmer.

Figure No. 4 The Palmer Sync Technique like preparing to toss a baseball

A similar technique to the GOLFER’S BRACHS-PALMER Technique wrist action in the golf swing is what you might have seen or done as a baseball coach hitting fielding practice to your baseball team called FUNGO. This is the very same techniques of presetting the bat (BRACHS) and tossing up the baseball (PALMER).

View My Introduction video, below, of The Orange Bucket Challenge, where I’m explaining the GOLFER’S BRACHS-PALMER Technique.

THE Orange Bucket Challenge Link INTRO

Matter of fact, when I warm up before hit golf shots prior to my practice sessions or golf game, I take swings with a couple of my Irons, like I’m in the batter box. This does more than warmup my muscles, it warmup my subconscious mind, because I’m in my batter’s box.

Allow the Subconscious mind to takeover and Dominate the conscious mind

You heard high-performing athletes talk about and describe how they were in their ZONE. This is here they allow their subconscious mind to takeover and dominate their conscious mind. There is a situation where this occurred that you might have experienced before called Driving Hypnosis. This is where usually an experienced driver traveling along a familiar stretch of highway under normal conditions and in a relaxed state of mind that doesn’t even remember driving along certain parts of the highway or pass landmarks, but they were still able to navigate the highway and traffic safely.

While Driving Hypnosis is unsafe to drive a vehicle down the highway, it works great for driving a golf ball down the fairway and onto the green. Driving Hypnosis for most of us amateur athletes will be the closest thing to experiencing a IN THE ZONE-Like experience. But we can take that experience and build a great golf game.

The last, and third video that I did for the WJTV-12 film crew was the actual demonstration of me performing The Orange Bucket Challenge, below:

The Orange Bucket Challenge Demo

For me doing the three (3) part video series on June 05th, 2021 at Germantown High School, the production/film crew put together a promo that I could use in my golf coaching business, below.

The Orange Bucket Challenge Promo that WJTV-12 Production/Film Crew Did for Me:

The Bunt Chip/Pitch 405- Training Drill

You don’t have to be outside on a football field or range to develop adrenaline game like conditions. I hit pitch shots in my golf training facility also and videotape the session. I did two videos below one a Bunt-type pitch and the Rap-Type Pitch shots. These are no doubt two of the most demanding and finesse-type golf shots to make on the golf course, and much less, in front of a camera posted on YouTube:

To reduce the sprocket mechanics from my shoulder, I keep my right elbow next to my right side to keep my upper/lower body quite and limit the core muscle the sprocket effect in my golf swing. This is another case of understanding the ergonomics of the body in the golf swing.

The Bunt-Type Chip Shot

The Rap-Type Pitch Shot

The Rap-Type Pitch shot demonstrates perfectly the limiting the use of the pronation, or the PRESET of the left wrist to produce those short soft finesse type golf shots around the green. This is the most difficult golf shot to make in golf.

A BONUS My TICK-N-TOCK Putting Technique

Even tough these are videos of my pitch shots, the same GOLFER’S BRACHS-PALMER wrist action in the golf swing used here are used for your driver, layup, and approach.

I perform 10 sets of the Bunt Chip/Pitch shots everyday. What the golfer will soon discover when they arrive at the golf course their tee, layup, and approach shots are compare to a walk in the park to making 50 Chip/Pitch shots. The objective of the Bunt Chip/Pitch 405- Training Drill is to get at least four-out-of-five of my Chip/Pitch shots to come within the leather of the cup on my putting green.

To learn more about the 405- Training Drill using the SYNC/PRESET/YAW technique please visit my website to purchase a copy of my book: The ESPY Golf Swing Coach:

The 10- RULES of the Subconscious Mind:

  1. The subconscious mind does not and must not differentiate between visualizations (practice) and real situations (performance).
  2. Your subconscious feels that time passes faster.
  3. The Quicker and longer the subconscious mind believes and proves something, the harder will it be to alter this belief in any way.
  4. Every thought causes a physical reaction. The subconscious mind can’t distinguish between a positive or negative through.  
  5. What you expect tends to be realized.
  6. Finding proofs to your beliefs strengthens them.
  7. The subconscious mind always prevails in conflicts with the conscious mind.
  8. An idea, once accepted, will remain firmly in place until it is replaced by another.
  9. The greater the conscious effort reduces the subconscious intuitive response.
  10. Suggestions and belief can be used to “program” the subconscious mind.

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Charles W. Boatright

Other Services that We Offer

Please contact us to arrange for a corporate golf Instructional outing, ■ How to take advantage of Sportsmanship and coaching techniques to apply it to your workforce and build a motivated team ■ and How to develop mental and physical fitness in the workforce for health and wellness. A stronger workforce is a better performing workforce.

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The U.S. A-2 Leather Jacket has been a major part of our history (both military and civilian) since 1931 when the U.S. Army Air Corps developed and issued the leather flight jacket to pilots during World War II. A version of this iconic and classic A-2 Leather Flight Jacket became the persona of two legendary entertainers/actors- Fonzie in Happy Days and Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

THE QATSPY® Presents The American Classic Leather Jacket Collection that includes The US WINGS® A-2 Leather Flight Jacket and the Fonzie’s and Indiana Jones Leather Jackets. The A-2 Leather Flight Jacket is the same one we supply to the U.S. Military. I use my not only as a sports jacket, but also for my motorcycle leather jacket shown he. I’m riding my INDIAN Scout Bobber 60 Motorcycle.

As Fashionable are our US WINGS® Jackets are, your best fashion is Your Fitness

In the photograph below, I’m 64 years old. This photograph was taken after we did a WINTER Photo shoot (18Jan22) for our line of US WINGS® Leather Jacket that I carry in our online store. We took advantage of an unseasonable warm January day in the mid-60’s to do this photo shoot. The camera crew challenged me to an AB Challenge where I’m posing without my shirt. I credit my DELPHI DIET & FITNESS System for my physical condition, and the condition of my skin.

Get one of the BEST diet and fitness program that allowed me to lose 45- LBS in 7-weeks and a total of 52- LBS in 9- months where I have maintained since September of 2015. But the DELPHI DIET & FITNESS doesn’t just allows you to drop pounds and inches, it allows you to drop decades off the age and condition of your skin. I’m 64 years old here in our hangar that was taken on January 18, 2022.

The DELPHI AD DIET & FITNESS System to drop more than just LBS and inches, but decades off the condition of your skin. Below is my GOLFER’S BRACHS-PALMER TECH to get you back into your Golf Game with Consistency from TEE-2-GREEN: