THE QATSPY® Quapaw Aviation Tactical Sportswear Performance Yukon Outfitter Company

You can actual turn back time with the proper Diet, Exercise, and Lifestyle.

This was taken on Saturday December 31, 2022 at our hangar with a 1967 Chevrolet Stringray Corvette and a P-51 Mustang like the one the appeared in the TOP GUN:MAVERICK Movie the Tom Cruise was working on in the opening and flew during the closing with Lady Gaga singing Hold My Hand.

By: Charles W. Boatright

Younger Skin is as Simple as Turning the Clock Back– Younger Looking Skin is as Simple as Turning back the Time that You Eat Your Dinner Meal

Millions of dollars are spent each year on anti-aging skincare products that aren’t nearly as effective as what your own body can provide for you with healthier and younger-looking skin. We TRULY are WHAT and WHEN we eat! A healthy diet is one that is high in Protein, Fiber, and Omega-3’s; but low in sugars and especially your hidden sugars, your starches. This is the best diet for your overall health, especially providing you with younger-looking skin.

I added the term ‘WHEN‘ because it is just as significant as ‘WHAT‘ you eat for a healthier weight and waistline, but more so for healthier and younger-looking skin. The only thing that attracts more attention than your weight/waistline is the appearance of your skin. You even look and feel better when you are healthier, fit, and confident about how you look. The best fashion statement that you can make is your fitness and the condition of your skin.

Your skin reflects your overall health and fitness, just like your weight and waistline do, especially the skin around your eyes and mouth. That is why you want to wear aviators sunglasses with a high UVA and UVB rating. When I started on my diet in November of 2014, it was mainly to drop weight and inches off my waistline. Three months into my diet, that is based on WHAT and WHEN I ate, I noticed that I was dropping something else, totally unexpected. I was dropping years off the condition of my skin. But why?

Younger Looking Skin by Turning Back the Time you Eat Your Dinner Meal, Based on your Circadian Rhythms

I knew that nothing good ever happens after 6 p.m. in regards to your diet, based on when you eat your last meal of the day. I used my body’s Circadian Rhythms to determine WHEN I ate my meals, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. The WHAT I ate were items that had a Health Index (HI) factor at or below 3.25. The Health Index identifies menu items from the nutrition label that are high in Protein, Fiber, and Ogema-3’s, but more importantly low in sugar and starches. Neither sugars nor starches are good for your complexion, as well as, your overall health.

There are 9- Data Points that are use to figure the Health Index factor off the standard Nutrition Label.

John Tesh Show Intelligence for You Life on Eating before 6 p.m. Explained Why my Diet and Fitness Program was dropping Years off my skin

In 12- weeks, I dropped from a 37.75- inch waistline, down to a 31.75- inch waistline, refer to my Waistline Chart below. But in addition to weight and inches that I was dropping, I also dropped about 25- years off the appearance of my skin to have skin that I had when I was in my mid-30’s. It wasn’t until I was listening to The John Tesh Radio Show, Intelligence for Your Life, on May 11, 2022, that I discovered why my skin looked and felt younger that I had in my mid-30’s at age 65.

My Waistline Chart that I kept while losing weight and inches.

Eight years later, I still have a 28.50- inch waistline at age 65.

John Tesh read from a research paper that stated that eating past 6 p.m. interferes with the body’s natural ability to repair and also to rejuvenate the health and appearance of your skin while you are sleeping. But that is just the start of why eating before 6 p.m. is significant to your health status. Eating before 6 p.m. also improves your blood pressure, blood glucose, and cholesterol levels, as well. There are numerous other reasons why eating before 6 p.m. is beneficial to our health and fitness that also includes a better night’s sleep.

At age 65, I don’t take any over-the-counter or prescribed medications of any kind or type. Any medication has certain side effects, so I want to give my body every opportunity and the ability to maintain itself by my diet, exercise, and with an active lifestyle. I still fly and ride my motorcycle, along with other activities, like welding, sports writing, and working on my farm.

This AB Challenge was taken on December 02nd, 2022 at age 65, after we completed a photoshoot for THE QATSPY® Flight Operation Center Collection in our hangar.

In the featured image and in my AB Challenge photograph, above, I’m 65 years old and only apply a mixture of baby oil with THAYERS BLEMISH BALM with WITCH HAZEL and ALOE VERA with 2% SALIICYLIC ACID in the morning and at night, and get my recommended amount of sunlight and sleep.

The only other thing I do in regards to my skin is how I shave– where I shave using the old- fashioned, classic shaving soap with hot water in a mug that holds my shaving brush to apply hot lather to my face. After shaving, I rinse with cold water and apply THAYERS® BALM, then splash on ARAMIS Aftershave lotion. I don’t use any other expensive anti-aging creams or products on my face or skin.

So How Does Fitness Figure into the Health of Your Skin?

Why is Exercising important, you’ll be wondering? There are what are called Fibroblast Natural Growth Hormone (FNGH) receptors that are connective tissue that are just under the skin. FNGH releases collagen to the skin and they are turbocharged when we workout that especially includes strength training. Don’t avoid strength training during your routine workouts. What is nice about strength training is that it doesn’t take heavy weights to have a great strength training program. This is especially true if you use elastic tubing that can be used with a door.

This is my GYM where I workout six times per week using the exercise equipment shown here. The only thing not shown are my three bicycles- a mountain bike, a programmable bike, and my INDIAN Scout Bobber 60 Motorcycle.

Above, I’m shown in my gym working out with an 80 Lb. boxing bag. The equipment you see here in my gym is all the exercise equipment that I use for a 45- minute workout, six- days per week. It isn’t the amount of weight that you lift, but the reps that you do in sets. A great way to improve your stamina is to have a 15- second break between sets. You will be surprised how many more reps you can get in during your strength and conditioning.

Your muscles are essential to healthier and younger-looking skin, along with following a healthy diet and lifestyle. So when you are dropping Lbs. and inches off your waistline, you can also drop years off your skin by following a healthy diet and exercise routine. This is why your diet and fitness are so important to you having age-defying skin and overall health, even over the age of 60.

I achieved my health and fitness following THE DELPHI DIET & CAST FITNESS System that is available on KINDLE, you can use the link below to purchase:

My diet and exercise gave me the ability to model my sportswear that I carry in my Flight Operation Center Collection below:

THE QATSPY® Presents our FLIGHT OPERATION CENTER COLLECTION that includes the authentic A-2 and G-1 Leather Flight Jackets that pilots and aviators wear in the cockpit.

If you want a most challenging photograph taken of you, take either an AB Challenge or a profile photograph, exposing your abdominal area, especially if you are 65- years old, like I am in all these photographs above.