THE QATSPY® Quapaw Aviation Tactical Sportswear Performance Company OUTFITTERS
Working Out in the GYM to Work Out on the FARM– At age 65, My GYM Workout allows me to have the Pleasure & Ability to Work Out on my Farm
If you want encouragement to continue to work out and retain your health and strength, I direct your attention to the conversation that Caleb had with Joshua. Caleb, at this time is now 85 years old, in Joshua 14:11. I am still as strong today as I was in the day that Moses sent me; my strength now is as my strength was then…. Caleb was 45 years old when he and Joshua were sent to spy out the Promised Land.
Then add 40 years of wandering in the desert and then you realize how impressive this was for Caleb to have the strength and health to endure and then build a new life in the Promised Land. Like Caleb, a lot of us are getting close to retiring and starting a new lifestyle; but the key to transitioning is to keep active, learn a new skill, and work out.
Caleb’s strength and his capabilities were due, in large part, to his workout, KOSHER diet and God’s blessing of health, even at the age 85. This is in spite of having to put up with a large number of disgruntled people for 40 years that constantly complained. If anyone had the right to complained it would have been Joshua and Caleb.
The Key is to Keep Active and Think Young
I gauge my strength and health, based on what I’m able to do by working on my farm, playing sports, and enjoying my lifestyle. I might be 65 this month, but I feel and look as though I’m in my mid-30’s, due in large part to being active, following a healthy diet, thinking young, and God’s blessings.
One part of my thinking young and remaining active is riding my INDIAN Scout Bobber 60. I used to fly approximately 450 hours a year in connection with the work I used to do. The motorcycle fills that gap of adrenaline that I used to be present, before I retired. I’m still active in aviation, but gave up flying. I even started a sportswear business where we supply the U.S. Military with the A-2 and G-1 Leather Flight Jackets. The key is to keep busy and challenge your body and mind.
I’m a firm believer that you are only as old as you think and act. Now do I have stiffness, aches, and pains after working, working out, and especially in the mornings getting out of bed? Most certainly I do. This is especially after having four knee surgeries and one hip replacement, due to injuries I had before being medically discharged from the U.S. Army.
But the more I work out, especially doing my warm-ups with yoga, the less severe and duration of the stiffness, aches, and pains are. Don’t let stiffness, aches, and pain discourage you from having an exercise program and active lifestyle. The Apostle Paul had actually had two great takes on facing obstacles that we face in our lives today, especially if you’re over 50:
Romans 8:18- For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
Challenging the Body and Mind
Anytime that we start working the body in a new way, we will discover muscles that we didn’t know we even had. If you just started working with weights, expect soreness and stiffness as being a given. If all you can only do is five (5) curls with five pounders, guess what, that is where you start. Don’t compare yourself with people who have been working out for years and decades. The important thing is to start somewhere and build from there to condition the body and mind.
I use the RIP Technique, where I do 3-sets of 10- reps each, with a 15-to-20 second Rest Interval Period between each set. What you’ll find out is that you can do more reps as you gain strength and conditioning.
1st Corinthians 9:26-27- (26) So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air (Shadow boxing). (27) But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified. In other words, I want to walk the talk.
One part of my workout is working out with a boxing bag as part of my aerobic component, after my yoga warm-ups. I do three rounds, with each round being three minutes in length (9- minutes). This is before I start my strength and conditioning and Cardio training. Boxing bag is a technique used by medical professionals to help treat Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s patients. The boxing bag workout provides the patient Neuroplasticity control and balance.
I key in on these type of treatments for Parkinson’s in my workout program, mainly for the prevention it provides. One other therapy that Parkinson’s patients use is music that I personally use while working out in my GYM.
Some of my favorite artists that I enjoy listen to are: Aerosmith, Ace, Alan Parsons Project, America, John Conlee, Journey, Guns-N-Roses, One Republic, Tears for Fears, Merle Haggard, Mr. Mister, Simple Minds, Crowded House, The Cars, Eddie Money, U-2, and Duran Duran.
I like Bono and U-2 music, because of the tempo and drumbeat that they use in the instrumental part of their songs. I call it active meditation, especially while working out on the bag. Music makes a 45- minutes workout pass like it is 15- minutes.
To read more about my diet and workout program, use the link below for my book:
My Golf Training and Fitness Book:
My Sports Psychology Book:
NOTE: All Three (3) of these books are found in KINDLE using my name- ‘Charles W. Boatright’
Remember Fall, Winter, and Football are right around the corner, these jackets make great tailgating Jackets