THE QATSPY® Quapaw Aviation Tactical Sportswear Performance, Yukan Outfitter Company
By: Charles W. Boatright
Why The Duke Lacrosse Case is Important– To US NOW & How the Media Got IT Wrong along with Prosecutors Mike Nifong and How it was Replicated
The Duke Lacrosse Case was replicated in the Kyle Rittenhouse Case. These type cases occur when Prosecutor pursues their political cause instead of the truth and facts of a case. When prosecutors pursue their political cause instead of the truth and facts, they manipulate the evidence to fit their narrative. Even to a point of withholding exculpatory evidence from the defendant attorneys. Exculpatory evidence is evidence favorable to the dependent’s case.
The Short Story of the 2006 Duke Lacrosse Case
What our politicians and the mainstream media have is the tendency to do in these high profile cases is to develop group-think and be echo chambers to play toward their narrative. Why should the media let facts get in the way of their front page story line and narrative.
Kyle Rittenhouse is just a recent causality of the liberal Media’s and prosecutors malfeasance. The Duke Lacrosse Case, in 2006, was replaced in the Rittenhouse Case. Only problem with Kyle Rittenhouse, a Presidential Candidate Joe Bidden got on the bandwagon. You heard of the fog of war, in Rittenhouse and Duke Lacrosse Cases are the fog of Journalistic malfeasance.
I won’t ever forget how the Prosecutor Mike Nifong almost destroyed the lives of three (3) young men that played on the 2006 Duke Lacrosse team. These young men were unfairly prosecuted for sexual assault (Rape) and kidnapping that was false, but why should Mike Nifong let the lack of evidence stand in his way of being re-elected and pushing a political narrative?
The initial rape charges were dropped against these three young men by the DA, District Attorney, Mike Nifong. The Nifong case hinged on some very questionable DNA evidence, and how it was processed. The first DNA that came back from the State’s Lab was negative for a match to any of the three dependent’s.
This led Mike Nifong to contact a private Lab to analyze the DNA. It also was negative for a match; but why should that impaired the media and Mike Nifong including the lab Technician from manipulating the DNA and pursuing these three young men. The media act like it was a feeding frenzy and they were the sharks and Mike Nifong was the boat captain shoveling bait overboard to the media to help him support his case.
What was even more troubling was that the prosecutor’s entire case hedged on this tainted DNA and a testimony from the lab tech and the testimony from a young lady that should have had psychiatric care. Mike Nifong fed this young lady a narrative he needed to convict these three Duke Lacrosse players, but was a false narrative, just the same.
A Defense Attorney’s Due Diligence
What is surprising is the incompetence of some prosecutors that aren’t in the business of pursuing facts and truth of a case. But use intimidation and strong arm tactics even to the point of withholding exculpatory evidence from the defense team. Exculpatory evidence is evidence favorable to the defense. In the Rittenhouse case it was almost like déjà vu all over again.
One of the attorneys for the defense, Brad Bannon, on the defendant team, did something that changed the entire case, and later cleared the Duke Lacrosse players. He bought a book on DNA evidence, that he knew very little about, and educated himself on how to evaluate DNA evidence, that includes how DNA is gathered, processed, and the testing procedures.
Brad Bannon’s due diligence.
Brad Bannon spent over 100-hours reading a book that he bought on DNA to understand how to interpret the data that the DA, Mike Nifong, handed them. Which it turns out wasn’t all the evidence. The DA withheld a key piece of DNA data that was withheld that would nullify the DA’s case against the Duke Lacrosse Players. The way the DNA evidence was handled by the technician in the private lab proved that the Tech had a better chance of being the person of interest than the three Duke Lacrosse players.
Brad Bannon proved an important concept in business on how to gather and use data for decision making- Collect all the raw information, nothing more or nothing less. Treat the raw information like it has to be confirmed, verified, and prioritized, then understand the data in order to establish THE FACTS of the case. Don’t assume anything. Even the smallest details are crucial to a case or a decision.
Great verse to use as a principle for examining a matter: 1st Thessalonians But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which remains;
What Remains are FACTS of the Case!
Brad Bannon’s hard work of educating himself paid off in a huge way in how he looked at the second DNA test from the private lab. The defense team discovered that the second test had been corrupted and compromised by the examiner. Mike Nifong and the technician withheld crucial exculpatory evidence in the DNA evidence that would have cleared the three Duke Lacrosse players even before the case got started.
The shame was that they both (Mike Nifong and the lab Tech, or examiner) knew early in their investigation that there was no evidence or DNA that linked or supported any of the charges against these Duke Lacrosse players. But at the completion of the second DNA test, Mike Nifong and the examiner had a conversation about how to suppress the DNA findings.
FOX News, including Sean Hannity, had it right on the Duke Lacrosse case, were the only ones to support presumption innocence until proven guilty. Wait for the FACTS to be established regardless of the time it takes. You’re only talking about other people’s lives, character and reputation.
The mainstream media tried these three Duke Lacrosse players on their front page, during their broadcasting, and in the court of public opinion. We don’t convict on public opinions, but just on the facts of the case. The media were SO LAZY that they didn’t do their due diligence as did Brad Bannon.
The mainstream media were essentially an echo chamber for each other reporting. Why should you let FACTS get in the way of your narrative that you are trying to drive home with the public. I’m personally ashamed of the press and media for not doing their due diligence for the past four decades, since the 80’s.
The Duke Lacrosse Case and Rittenhouse Case are carbon copies of each other in how the media along with politicians used the same playbook. It is highly questionable how the media and politicians offered their opinion and analysis as FACTS of these two cases. The media and politicians have lost their credibility, integrity, and trustworthiness. It has gotten so bad that I don’t listen to the mainstream media NEWS any longer; their credibility is damaged.
Another similarity between these cases is if you recall, that Mike Nifong was running for re-election as DA and was pushing this corrupted case against these three Duke Lacrosse players to bolster his campaign. This could have ruined these three young men’s lives forever; and forever is a longtime.
If you get the chance, watch the ESPN special 30 for 30, entitled Fantastic Lies.
Also to read the actual revaluation of the case link to: The Duke Lacrosse Case–
This is well worth the read. I couldn’t put the article down.
Rittenhouse has a damn good case of Defamation of Character against the media and politicians that propagated these lies. I would encourage Kyle Rittenhouse to pursue these case as did Nick Sandman did in his case where the media got it ALL wrong, as well, and slandered his name!
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