THE QATSPY® YORKER Performance Sports Training & Apparel Quarters

I’m shown here in my GYM in the process of working out with my 80 LB Boxing Bag that is a major part of my DELPHI FITNESS Program. I workout for 60-minutes, 5 times per week. I’m 64 years old and my workout is a significant part of my weekly schedule.

By: Charles W. Boatright

The Silent Killer (Hypertension) Impact– is Usually Associated with Stroke, Heart Failure, Aneurysm, Dementia, Now We can Chalk Up this One     


This COVID-19 Pandemic has caused us to look at our overall health and fitness in a lot closer light than we ever did before March of 2020. There’s no doubt that this Pandemic has caused the majority of us to start a fitness and conditioning program, as if our life depended on it. Well it Does! But please don’t forget strength training in your fitness program. Your immune system depends on your muscular system.

During a pandemic, the last thing we can afford to do is to panic. We still have to look at the facts and data to understand the cause and effect of COVID on our body, then take the appropriate measures that give us the best chances of surviving this pandemic and its variances. We have to continue to look at the underlying causes that predispose people to hospitalizations/deaths that allow COVID to wreck our immune system so severely.

If you look at the top five (5) causes, listed below, for hospitalizations/deaths, these are fitness related. These five (5) causes for hospitalizations/deaths give some insight as to what prevention we can take to give us the best opportunity to survive and even prevent contracting COVID. We are hearing that people who are vaccinated are having breakthrough cases at an alarming rate. HERE’S THE QUESTION– Is there anything we can do to naturally boost our immune system, besides just taking booster shots? Looking at the top five causes for hospitalization/deaths, the answer is YES we can, by following a fitness and conditioning regimen to naturally boost our immunity, by looking at these top five causes of hospitalizations/deaths:

  • 27% Hypertension
  • 18% Diabetes
  • 12% Cardiac disease
  • 11% Neurological
  • 09% Obesity

I’m like you, and I’m surprised that obesity didn’t rank higher than fifth. I actually thought it would be first, if not second, in the underlying causes from death due to COVID.

We usually associate hypertension with Strokes, Heart Failures, Aneurysms, Dementia, but now We can chalk up another one, the underlying cause of hospitalizations/deaths from the effects of COVID.

Here is another fact- 67% of people over the age of 60 have hypertension, and the majority might not even know it. Now you can see the possible cause for breakthrough cases, even for vaccinated people, in fighting COVID. Do something simple, and purchase a blood pressure cuff and check your blood pressure weekly, if not daily. I take my blood pressure every night. Below, is my normal blood pressure at age 64, without any medication of any kind:

This is my typical blood pressure reading at age 64 without being on any medication of any kind.


This is the very reason that I developed a business, THE QATSPY®, that includes lifestyle changes and includes SPORTS, like golf, and DIET & FITNESS. I realize that you can’t prevent all illnesses with DIET & FITNESS, but it does give you and your body the better chances on either preventing or surviving most illnesses, including COVID.

The list of advantages for following a healthy LIFESTYLE, DIET, & FITNESS regimen are too numerous to list that goes from preventing certain cancers, to hypertension, to diabetes; or the top five (5) causes for hospitalizations/deaths from COVID.

You Don’t Have to Have a GYM Membership to Get into Shape!

I have followed my FITNESS program since I was 12- years old that includes Cardio, Aerobics, Strength, Pilates, Exercise Regimen. Having all four (4) components is important in a FITNESS program. I see people that just focus on aerobics training, but that doesn’t strengthen your muscles or provide for a healthier immune system. You can’t afford to lose muscle mass, especially NOW and especially over the age of 40!

In the two GYM photographs, I show all the exercise equipment that I workout with that is really basic. If you are just now starting to work out, start off with elastic tubing, like 10 to 15 pound resistance bands that as you progress, you can add other equipment. As you can see, even with the simple exercise equipment I have gained muscle mass, even at age 64.

Matter of fact, you can actually lose muscle tissue, along with fat by following just aerobic training. You will depend on your muscle strength for a healthy immune system; and not to mention younger and healthier looking skin. How many people would want to have younger and healthier- looking skin, I’m sure not many; just everyone reading this article?

In the feature image, in my GYM, and the image below, where I’m in our hangar last November, I’m 64 years old and I credit my DIET, EXERCISE, and LIFESTYLE for my conditioning that includes my immune system and the condition of my skin.

This was taken during a Photo Shoot was taken on November 09, 2021 for our FALL & WINTER promotion of our line of US WINGS® Leather Jackets Line. The camera crew challenged me to an AB Challenge at age 64. I’m on my INDIAN Scout Bobber 60 that I enjoy riding while wearing my US WING® A-2 Leather Flight Jacket that we supply the U.S. Military.

The DELPHI DIET & FITNESS System Download that I have followed since November 28, 2014:

THE QATSPY American Classic Leather Jacket Collection that NOW includes Fonzie’s Leather Jacket: