By: Charles W. Boatright

Your complete online source for Health and Home Gym, quality Fitness

Your complete online source for Health and Home Gym, quality Fitness for those who want a personalized training course in the convenience of their own home to maintain their health, lose weight, and feel and look younger, even after age 60.

In the feature photograph, I’m 63 years old and have stamina, skin tone, and strength of a person in their 30’s. The ASCOT-Diet and Fitness isn’t just for maintaining a youthful level of stamina and strength, but a younger-looking skin, without the expensive skincare products that offer temporary benefits.

I’m in the middle standing on a Double-Channel Steel Crossarm in my last couple of months of working before I retired at age 57. What unique about the location is this is over the Tallahatchie River near the bridge where Billy Joe MacAllister jumped off the bridge in Bobbie Gentry song.

At the age of 57 in the photograph above when I retired, I was able to lose 35- pounds (4.75- inches), within just 4- weeks in Dec 2014 and a total of 52- pounds (8.25- inches) within 9- months Sep 2015. I did this just by following the ASCOT (Amino-acid, Soluble-fiber, Caloric, Optimized Technique) Diet. This diet is based on evaluating foods, based on a simple Weight Factor (WF) for foods from your grocery store or favorite restaurant. I was able to go from a 37.5- inch waistline, down to a 29- inch waist. That’s not the only number that I lowered, as I also lowered my blood pressure (112/63), blood sugar, and cholesterol numbers, where I don’t take any prescribed medication at age 63.

My ASCOT-Fitness Program has allowed me to be in the shape that I was in at age 26. This allows me to produce my fitness and training videos and model my line of apparel in my online store. I even took the AB Challenge at age 63, when I was called back in from retirement to help out with restoration efforts from Hurricane Laura and Delta that ravaged southwestern Louisiana. The linemen that I used to work with challenged me to an AB Challenge in the photograph below.

The ASCOT-Diet and Fitness Program that defies your age, the AB Challenge at age 63.

Following the ASCOT-Diet and Fitness Program, I’m in better shape now than I was in at age 30. In the photograph below, I’m with a beautiful model in her 20’s who helps me model our line of Authentic, U.S. Military-issued A-2 Leather Flight Jackets that we supply to the U.S. Military. The ASCOT-Diet and Fitness Program allow me to have skin that is comparable to a person in their 30’s.

The QATSPY US WINGS Authentic A-2 Leather Flight Jacket that we supply to the U.S. Military based on the same model of the 1931 A-2 Leather Flight Jackets that pilots and elite paratroopers wore during World War II.

The QATSPY® Authentic World War II A-2 Leather Flight Jacket that is supplied to the U.S. Military that will soon become your new Sports Jacket for all occasions.

Use the Link below to purchase your download copy of my ASCOT-Diet and Fitness Program: