THE QATSPY® YORKER Performance Sports Training & Apparel Quarters


This is a 206-D Bell Jet Ranger Helicopter what we conducted aerial patrol in of our transmission lines System in the Mississippi Grid. What is significant about this date is that I was retiring at age 57 after 33- years of line work.

By: Charles W, Boatright

Situational Awareness-Type Lifestyle– In Aviation, Pilots are Trained in  Situational Awareness: Perception, Comprehension & Projection   

Situational Awareness was first developed for pilots flying combat missions that consist of three criteria- PerceptionComprehension, and Projection. These are also great for sports performance. Before I retired, I used to fly aerial patrol for 33- years using both fixed and rotor wing (helicopter) aircraft. I’m shown above with the 206-D Bell Jet Ranger that we used mainly to conduct the majority of our aerial patrol flights.

This photograph was taken in May, before I retired the next month in June of 2015 at age 57. What makes aerial patrol a little more challenging than most flights is that you’re flying at an elevation of about 350 feet off the deck. If something doesn’t go as planned, you only have seconds and not minutes to react and respond to give yourself the best opportunity to make a hard emergency landing.

The area that we operated in was in the Southeast part of the country where timber is a major part of the economy. So being able to maneuver to a clear landing zone was critical. So doing your preflight checks is critical before each flight. You constantly being trained based on:

1.   Being fit both mentally and physically for flight operations.

2.   Develop a Discipline Natural and Repetitive Routine Tasks.

3.   Practice and perform under actual conditions that must exist in both.

4.   Rely on a high degree of: relaxation, confidence, and muscle memory.

5.   Allow the Subconscious mind to take over major part of flying, or being IN THE ZONE. Awarded, Focused, and Concentrating. 

One of the main causes of errors and failures in our lives is getting out of one’s routine; or NOT KEEP IT SIMPLE and SEQUENTIAL. Below is just a brief outline of these three criteria for Situational Awareness:

Perception– Use one’s senses to perform a routine with a familiar environment, or conditions, as in training; and trust your training and experience.

Comprehension– Having a complete focus, understanding, and application of fundamental principles based on instincts without inconsistencies, disruptions, or gaps in the process. This is based on one’s instincts and confidence that one has in their ability and training.

Projection– The ability to mentally visualize an outcome of a task or mission prior to execution. This is based on Rule No. 5, in the 10- Rules of the Subconscious Mind listed below. This allows an individual to focus on a process and avoids cognitive overload. There will always be distracting situations, where 90 percent don’t have any direct impact on your decision making. Experience will be a huge factor in dealing with cognitive overload.

Here are some tips about Situational Awareness Lifestyle:

·         Follow a healthy diet and fitness program and monitor your vitals.

·         Stay active in your life, like being evolved in sports and social events.

·         Think young.

·         Don’t let others determine your self-worth.

·         Don’t try to meet others’ expectations.

·         Don’t let your past determine your future.

·         Use failures to gain needed experience; and success to build confidence.

·         Don’t waste your time and energy on being vindictive. The best revenge is just being successful, because you don’t have to lower your standards to someone else or compromise your values. You don’t have to apologize for your success or even explain yourself. And a punching bag doesn’t hurt either.

·         Develop perseverance, because nothing can replace persistence and the journey will allow you to learn about your strengths.

·         Do not let current situations determine future results.

·         Friendships- they evolve, and don’t associate with people who are negative. There are very true foul weather friends that remain. Case in point- When I retired, the people that I developed relationships with that I bought millions of dollar material from just vanished. That is what I mean about how friendships evolve. Some friendships are more about what you do, than who you are.

·         Any relationship has to be based on mutual respect and acceptance.

·         Don’t try to relive the past, as it doesn’t work too well in the present. It will only be a handicap for you. Reliving the past is part of one’s cognitive overload.

Situational Awareness in Sports

I coach golf as part of my Performance Sports Training & Apparel business, THE QATSPY®. Sports is a great platform to develop Situational Awareness, especially in having confidence in one’s abilities. While golf is my area of coaching, I work occasionally with baseball players, especially batting, since college baseball is just now starting up. My GOLFER’S BRACHS-PALMER Technique is based on the baseball swing.

From my home town of Nixa, Missouri, I had a high school friend’s son call me about his batting slump that he was experiencing, that’s not surprising being it is the start of the season. One reason for the slump in most cases is due to the offseason and not facing an actual pitcher whose job is to strike you out, that thinks the plate is his/hers. This is the first awareness that players need to be cognizant of.

The young man called me last week, I asked the young man- How many years have you been playing baseball? He replied “10- years.” So you’ve been playing since six, He replied, “Yes Sir.” So I explained to the young man his baseball swing is instinctive and is a natural reflex that doesn’t require any thinking. You already developed what you need, you just need to trust it and STOP THINKING. The more one thinks, the more concern and anxious one becomes. You got to have faith! Faith is a belief in action.

So I told the young man to do three things:

·         Just focus on the pitch, trying to pick up the stitching and possibly the label on the baseball.

·         Just concentrate on presetting your wrists, and everything else is on autopilot. That simple muscle memory will naturally engage your instincts.

·         Just trust your instincts and you will see that natural baseball batter in you come out and perform.

Then I explained why I told him in the following reasons:

1.   If you’re thinking, you’re not performing. The more conscious action (THINKING) you have will derails your natural subconscious (INSTINCTS). JUST STOP THINKING.

2.   By focusing on the pitch will allow your subconscious mind to kick in and override your conscious mind.

3.   Your permanent motor skills are a subconscious performance, developed before the age of 12. By focusing on the ball gets your conscious mind out of the process and use it constructively as the ability to project your performance, where your actual performance is just a replay of your training.

4.   The reason you are experiencing a disconnect is your hitting practice is pitches are from a pitching machine that doesn’t reflect the performance of hitting off a pitcher that is throwing the ball with movement. Your practice has to reflect your performance.

5.   There is one more factor you’re not experiencing standing in the batter’s box at a hitting machine, and that is adrenaline. Adrenaline that will kick in your subconscious mind.

I also shared with the young man the saying that we have in golf– You have to practice how you perform.

On his email, I sent him my two of my Orange Bucket Challenge where I explain how we play with our subconscious mind and not our conscious mind:

THE Orange Bucket Challenge Link INTRO

The Orange Bucket Challenge Walk-Through

My GOLFER’S BRACHS-PALMER Technique is essentially a baseball-type swing, of presetting the wrists in the my golf swing. The only thing the golfer is doing is taking their golf swing from the batter’s box to the tee box to make par of better. This Orange Bucket Challenge is a drill that I use at the conclusion of each of my and my students coaching sessions. If you want to pump up the volume of adrenaline, just video tape your self and have about 2- million people watch your videos.

These videos was filmed by a camera crew from WJTV-12 Television Station here in Jackson. MS. This was a part of a four part series on the SPORTS ZONE program on Sunday night at 10:20 p.m. leading up to the 2021 US OPEN.

I also sent the Young man the 10- Rules of the Subconscious Mind regarding Performance:

1.   The subconscious mind does not and must not differentiate between visualizations (practice) and real situations (performance).

2.   Your subconscious feels that time passes faster.

3.   The Quicker and longer the subconscious mind believes and proves something, the harder it will be to alter this belief in any way.

4.   Every thought causes a physical reaction. The subconscious mind can’t distinguish between a positive or negative thought.  

5.   What you expect tends to be realized.

6.   Finding proof of your beliefs strengthens them.

7.   The subconscious mind always prevails in conflicts with the conscious mind.

8.   An idea, once accepted, will remain firmly in place until it is replaced by another.

9.   The greater the conscious effort reduces the subconscious intuitive response.

10.  Suggestions and beliefs can be used to “program” the subconscious mind.

I received a call providing me an update from the young man’s father- the young man got three (3) on base hits and had three (3) RBI’s this last past week in a pre-season game.

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Charles W. Boatright

Other Services that We Offer

Please contact us to arrange for a corporate golf Instructional outing, ■ How to take advantage of Sportsmanship and coaching techniques to apply it to your workforce and build a motivated team ■ and How to develop mental and physical fitness in the workforce for health and wellness. A stronger workforce is a better performing workforce.

My online store, THE QATSPY®, specializes in Sports performance apparel that offers both men and women clothing for the office and the weekend. I wear my A-2 Leather Flight Jacket traveling for business meeting clients and what I call my Buffalo Rider’s Jacket. This A-2 Leather Flight Jacket offers that Charisma look for all occasions.

Promoting Your Business

There’s is nothing that gets notice like our authentic our Leather Flight Jacket that we can personalize for companies, organizations, or individuals. Each jacket comes with its own spokesperson that knows your business. Our collection of Leather Jackets are better than business cards, but make sure that you carry plenty of business cards with you; because you will need them. We have a interior linear pocket where I carry my business cards.


The U.S. A-2 Leather Jacket has been a major part of our history (both military and civilian) since 1931 when the U.S. Army Air Corps developed and issued the leather flight jacket to pilots during World War II. A version of this iconic and classic A-2 Leather Flight Jacket became the persona of two legendary entertainers/actors- Fonzie in Happy Days and Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

THE QATSPY® Presents The American Classic Leather Jacket Collection that includes The US WINGS® A-2 Leather Flight Jacket and the Fonzie’s and Indiana Jones Leather Jackets. The A-2 Leather Flight Jacket is the same one we supply to the U.S. Military. I use my not only as a sports jacket, but also for my motorcycle leather jacket shown he. I’m riding my INDIAN Scout Bobber 60 Motorcycle.

As Fashionable are our US WINGS® Jackets are, your best fashion is Your Fitness

In the photograph below, I’m 64 years old. This photograph was taken after we did a WINTER Photo shoot (18Jan22) for our line of US WINGS® Leather Jacket that I carry in our online store. We took advantage of an unseasonable warm January day in the mid-60’s to do this photo shoot. The camera crew challenged me to an AB Challenge where I’m posing without my shirt. I credit my DELPHI DIET & FITNESS System for my physical condition, and the condition of my skin.

The DELPHI AD DIET & FITNESS System allows you to drop more than weight, inches, blood pressure, blood glucose, and blood cholesterol, but drop decades off the condition and firmness of your skin, I’m 64 years old in this photograph.

Caption: The DELPHI AD DIET & FITNESS System allows you to drop more than weight, inches, blood pressure, blood glucose, and blood cholesterol, but drop decades off the condition and firmness of your skin, I’m 64 years old in this photograph.