This was taken last month in our hangar where we are featured with a 1963 Chevrolet Stingray Corvette with a P-51 Mustang.

How to use Sports to Achieve Success in Life– Sports is such a significant part of life that Apostle Paul even used Sports in his writings. Paul used Sports to allow us gain an understanding of how to have a prosperous and successful life.  

By: Charles W. Boatright

There are many reasons that I enjoy covering sports and why also Apostle Paul used Sports in a lot of his writings throughout the New Testament, that I have listed a few below. It is the main reason that we follow Sports, especially College Football that will start in a few weeks, August 30th. The reason we enjoy Sports is that FAKE NEWS or our compromised PRESS can’t FAKE Sports, not even CNN or MSNBC can FAKE sports. What you see is what you get in sports that FAKE NEWS can’t spin to fit their narrative.

You can even use Sports to help explain the complexities of life and help people understand life. Like the comment made by JD Vance in referencing CAT WOMEN. He was using CAT WOMEN to reference feminism that has diminished the masculinity in men that has paved the way for men to participate in women’s sports that no one could imagine. Here I was under the impression that Feminist formed to help women; but their silence has been deafening in women’s sports.

Probably the best and latest example of this threat to women’s sports is where a man is participating in women’s sports is in the 2024 Olympics, that I refuse to watch, during a Women’s Boxing match where a man was allowed to get into the ring with a woman. Even the accounts of the Italian boxer, Angela Carini, explain that she had never been hit that hard before in her entire career.

Feminist have been pushing the narrative that men and women are biologically equal and this is a narrative being pushed by the Democratic Party, as well. Feminist and Democrats just revised Title IX to allow men to play in women’s sports and enter women’s locker rooms. I hope states file suits with the U.S. Supreme Court over this Title IX change.

The Democrats are pushing this narrative that has gutted the 1972 Title IX signed by President Richard Nixon that has benefited women’s sports. Title IX allowed the situation where more people watched the 2024 NCAA Women’s Basketball Championship than watched the 2024 Men’s NCAA Basketball Championship.


TRUE GRIT Lessons of Sports

There are a significant number of life lessons that we all can draw from Sports that we can be applied to our lives, but also underscores the importance of Dedication, Endurance, Integrity with preparation and perseverance, or what I call developing one’s TRUE GRIT. I could write novels on the parallels between Sports and Life and still wouldn’t cover all the connection and aspects between the two that allows us to achieve a prosperous life.

Probably the main lesson that we all can derive from sports is the TRUE GRIT of Sportsmanship that consist of characteristics for people to use to achieve a successful and a prosperous lifestyle. Probably the very worst thing anyone can do is not be involved in sports at some level that stresses the importance of Sportsmanship and fitness, regardless of our age.

I have been involved in Sports along with Health and Fitness since I was 12- years old at the insistence of my grandfather. I am now 67 years old as of this July. My health and fitness has allowed me to start my second career of welding, being involved in aviation, covering sports, and carrying sports and aviation cockpit apparel in my Online Store, THE QATSPY®. At age 67, I still model my apparel that I just did during a photoshoot last month in the featured image.

Character of Sportsmanship

Character of Sportsmanship is such an important part of our lives regardless of our age, background, career, or faith. Once we start breaking down Sportsmanship we find the pathway to achieving success and prosperity in our lives.

Here are just a few of characteristics of Sportsmanship; there are many more- Awareness (Situational Awareness), Dedication, Attitude, Perseverance, True-Grit, Endurance, and Resilience. Other characteristics are- Respect, Creativity, Humility, Integrity, Confidence, Commitment, Preparedness, Courageous, Honor, Honesty, Fairness, Sacrifice, Responsibility, Trustworthiness, Conditioning, and a very Hard Work Ethic, just to name just a few.

Nick Saban Philosophy of Sports

One reason that I like Coach Nick Saban philosophy on sports is how he focuses on the processes and procedures instead of just results. Results are just the outcome and/or byproduct of having a clear process and procedure in place that we don’t deviate from. You can take these attributes and achieve success in any multitude of opportunities that you will face in life. Again Routine and process are essential in sports, you can’t make it without these that I will demonstrate below in four videos.

The Terms of Faith

If you hear the terms of Faith it is difficult for people to fully grasp faith and how to apply Faith to their own daily lives and especially in sports. You can’t even perform without confidence of Faith. Of all the characteristics of Sportsmanship Faith consist of Determination, Attitude, Perseverance, True-grit, Endurance, and Resilience, or ADAPTER. This means successful people learn to ADAPT to their situations in life in order to overcome.

In aviation, a key component we trained with is to have Situational Awareness or being able to adapt to changing conditions on the fly. The person that is successful is one who can adapt to the changing situation that they are facing and still complete their objectives. In sports, like golf, you have windy conditions and difficult shots and tough conditions to work through; as in life. There’s nothing perfect in sports or in life.

Being Diagnosed with Cancer

A PSA Test Saved my Life along with God working through Dr. Runnels.

In December of 2023, I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Prostate Cancer after a PSA Test. If you want to have your life change in an instant, then have a doctor tell you that you have Stage 2 Cancer. I had to become an ADAPTER for 4- months going through a tough time of having two surgeries and treatments. But Faith- Determination, Attitude, Perseverance, True-grit, Endurance, and Resilience got me through these 4- months. As of June of 2024, I’m NOW Cancer Free.

Exercise Your Faith like a Muscle

You should consider your Faith like a muscle. To strengthen your Faith you have to strengthen and challenge your faith. To strengthen and challenge your Faith you have to face resistance and conditioning to develop your stamina of Faith. In strength training, we use resistance training to strengthen our muscles and develop our stamina.

We view our strength and conditioning not so much as what is happening TO US with challenges; but more of what is happening FOR US. If you want to increase your FAITH, then consider what we undergo as challenges in our life NOT what is happening to us; but more of what is happening for us, or to our benefit. Any coach will tell you that fatigue and weakness will make an athlete fail to perform at their highest level regardless of their skills.

Strength and conditioning is probably the least favorite thing that I personally like to do in my workout sessions at age 67. I prefer to just get on my bicycle and ride 10 miles 6- times per week. But, once I complete my strength and conditioning training, I feel the most free, satisfied, and relaxed the entire day. Faith like muscles have to be challenged with resistance to become strong, effective, and useful.

I’m shown here using 45- pound dumbbells performing 45 reps of Bench Presses in my GYM.

Routine and Following a Process or Procedure

I like what Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 14:40: But be sure that everything is done properly and in order. An athlete’s Procedure and Process; what Coach Saban alluded to earlier.


Paul continues to write in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 this- Do you not know that in a race all the runners compete, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we receive an imperishable one. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control.

One of my most challenging workout elements next to strength training in my workout is on an 80- pound boxing bag. I have three 3- minute rounds on my boxing bag that feels like an eternity.

I’m working out on my 80- pound punching bag that I do for three (3) minute rounds during my routine workout.


If you are a golfer, like I am, you are all too aware of how important a Routine, Procedure, and Mechanics (or RPM) are to your golf game from Tee-to-Green. I have two simple preset wrist actions in my golf swing (I refer to it as The Palmer-Pro Golf Swing Technique).

I know that the Palmer-Pro Technique works if I set them up in a proper sequence that will render the results that I expect. But it is totally about the proper Routine, Procedure, and Mechanics. Advice to golfers: find your proper routine, procedure, and mechanics and never get out of your RPM. Repetition is your best coach in any sport.

The Ultimate Challenge

As a golfer I was contacted by WJTV-12 Sports concerning my Ultimate Golf Challenge where their camera crew came out with their sports director, Noah Newman, and filmed a three part series that I did back on Saturday, June 6th, of 2021. This three part series was going to be a part of SPORTS ZONE leading up to the 2021 US OPEN that started airing the next day, during their Sunday Night Sports Zone.

Below are the raw videos shot by the WJTV camera crew. The only request the crew made was that they used just one camera setup where the crew could zoom in on each shot from impact to where each of the five (5) shots were landed. I suggested using a local high school football practice field at Germantown HS here in Madison, Mississippi where I would use special practice balls that travel one-third the distance of an actual golf ball. Even range balls only travel three-quarters the distance of an actual golf ball.

So what I’m doing in these three videos is hitting 295-feet T-shots to within a 15- foot radius of a HOME DEPOT orange bucket. The bucket was placed at the other end zone of the football field that would represent an actual 295- yard T-shot if I was using actual golf balls. All following videos were shot in one-take.

To perform this type of T-shot in front of a camera crew and sports director you have to have complete Faith in your Routine, Procedures, and Mechanics and be relaxed and focused.      

The Orange Bucket Challenge Introduction


The Orange Bucket Challenge Walk-Through

Walk-Through of The Orange Bucket Challenge

The Orange Bucket Challenge Demonstration

Demonstration of the Orange Bucket Challenge

WJTV-12 Promo of The Orange Bucket



Book Store

I have both my MELIORA DIET & FITNESS Program and my PALMER-Pro Golf Swing Technique E Books that includes videos in a format where these videos can be viewed by readers. The MELIORA DIET & FITNESS Program has allowed me to drop weight and inches, but even more significant is 30- years off my appearance where I can model at age 67.

Below is an AB Challenge that I did last month after a photoshoot for our Safari Cockpit Aviation Fall Collection that is in my QATSPY® Online Store: