THE QATSPY® YORKER Personalized-Style & Tradition Apparel Quarters


This is THE QATSPY® AMERICAN CLASSIC LEATHER JACKET COLLECTION with the Cooper Sportswear™ US WINGS® that includes the U.S. A-2 Leather Flight Jacket that is issued to the U.S. Military, the Indiana Jones-Style Leather Jacket like the one used in the Indiana Jones movie with the same outstanding quality, and finally The HAPPY DAYS Fonzie’s Leather Jacket. These are Vintage Leather Jackets with a distinction, providing a true Sports Jacket for all occasions.

By: Charles W. Boatright

THE QATSPY® YORKER Personalized-Style Traditional Apparel Quarters providing a tailor look to people that likes that mark of distinction.

Cooper Sportswear™ A-2 Leather Flight Jacket– A Sports Jacket with Charisma that Inspired The Indiana Jones Adventure Leather Jacket in 1981   

Cooper Sportswear™ was one of the first companies that manufactured the original A-2 Leather Flight Jacket for the U.S. Military that was worn by pilots and elite paratrooper units, like the 82nd and 101st. This iconic A-2 Leather Flight Jacket inspired the classic leather jacket worn by Indiana Jones in the four movies about Indy’s archeological journeys to the Utah outback, Amazon, Egypt, and Petra in Jordan. NOTE: The Cooper Sportswear™ line of leather jackets are now manufactured by US WINGS® and Distributed by THE QATSPY®.


THE QATSPY® perfect US WINGS® leather sports jacket that is carefree that allows you to take on any adventure and arrive in classic vintage-style without having to carry multiple jackets while traveling like Indiana Jones on one of his Archeological discoveries. This A-2 Leather Flight jacket was the basis for the Indiana Jones-style Jacket that was his signature characteristics along with his khakis pants, bullwhip, and fedora.

How can you ever imagine Indiana Jones without the Indy-Style Leather Jacket, khaki pants, bullwhip, and with his fedora? The answer is You Can’t! The Indiana Jones-Style Leather Jacket that Harrison Ford wore in one of the 4 movies made, is one we supplied to the studio.


The A-2 and Indiana Jones-style leather jackets, along with The NEW Fonzie’s Leather Jacket, are part of THE QATSPY® American Classic Leather Jacket Collection. We are proud to carry these Sports jackets that are just that, a Sports Jacket in every sense of the word, but more durable than the cloth-type Sports Jacket. These are road-tested and still retain that classic posh, trendsetting look wherever worn. These 3-Leather Jackets in this collection can be worn either with blue jeans for gameday or business attire when meeting clients.


I wear my U.S. A-2 Leather Jacket while flying on business around the country meeting with clients concerning sports and fitness training and apparel needs that we can personalize for companies and organization.

I wear my A-2 Leather Flight Jacket while riding my INDIAN Scout Bobber 60 Motorcycle, and mine has my military insignia and the INDIAN Rocker Patch on the back of the A-2 Jacket. This means these leather jackets make the perfect promotional jacket for your company or organization with its own spokesperson that comes with each leather jacket.

This photograph was taken in a beautiful little town called Flora on the back roads of Mississippi at the junction of U.S. Hwy 49 and 22. This was at the historical train station. This isn’t too far from the Natchez Trace that runs the entire length between Natchez, Mississippi and Nashville, Tennessee.


The reason that pilots and paratroopers units liked this A-2 Leather Flight Jacket is that it is CAREFREE, because it only requires water/soap solution and just wiping it down to sanitize this jacket. We also carry leather care products as well to keep your leather jacket with that posh look, shown below. This leather Jacket is very helpful and important during a pandemic, that a cloth sports jacket doesn’t offer you this option of protection. Also, No dry cleaning needed for Leather Jackets. DO NOT USE ALCOHOL on any leather product! Saddle soap and water/soap solution are all that you need to clean and sanitize our Leather Jackets.

We also offer our leather care products to keep your jacket and other leather products look sharp and ready to wear. I even use our products on the leather seats in my 4-Wheel Drive 2002 Toyota Tacoma Pickup Truck that is in mint condition. Leather is always better for jackets or seats and chairs.

Checking out all my climbing gear and hooks before heading north after the Kentucky devastating tornadoes. At age 64, I still keep fit to allow me to work storm restoration like I did in 2020 with Hurricane Laura and Delta, than again in 2021 with Hurricane Ida. We depend on our leather for climbing and protection. We even use leather gloves over our rubber gloves to protect them. It only takes a small hole in the ribber glove to put your life in jeopardy.

If you are looking for a true sports jacket that looks great with blue jeans for a weekend adventure or with khakis for business attire, the A-2, Indy-style, or Fonzie-Style Leather Jackets are your sports jacket of choice for the Mark of distinction, below.

Important Part of Fashion is Your Fitness

An important part of your fashion is your fitness. Your fitness still is your best bet to protect yourself against this pandemic. The DELPHI DIET & FITNESS System that allows you to drop LBS, inches, and your blood pressure. If you look at the top five (5) causes of hospitalization of COVID, hypertension was the top reason.

There are a lot of diets and fitness programs out on the market and television adds that can allow you to drop weight and inches in your waistline, BUT how many can also drop your blood pressure and years off the appearance of your skin not in years but decades and still have a 29-inch waist and with fitness to boot. This photograph was taken of me in our hangar on November 09th, 2021, after we did a photo shoot for our FALL & WINTER Leather Jackets in the AMERICAN CLASSIC LEATHER JACKET COLLECTION. The blood pressure posted here is without me being on any prescribed medication of any type or kind at age 64. HOW COOL IS THAT!

The Top Five causes for hospitalization from COVID

How a healthy Diet and Fitness could reduce your risk of being Hospitalized from COVID. These are the top five underlining condition for people being hospitalized:

  • 27% Hypertension
  • 18% Diabetes
  • 12% Cardiac disease
  • 11% Neurological
  • 09% Obesity

They don’t call Hypertension the Silent Killer for nothing.

Another interesting statistic on people that have Hypertension and some might not even know it:

  • 47% of adults over the age of 24 have hypertension and most aren’t aware of it.
  • 67% of people over the age of 60 have hypertension. That’s a 20% jump from young adults to older adults.

The problem with Hypertension is that it’s effecting more younger adults, it’s no longer a old person’s disease.

I attach The DELPHI DIET & FITNESS System to every article that I write regardless if it is just about sports or sports training, because if you look at these top five (5) underlining conditions, it is something we can avoid with by following better healthy Diet & Fitness. Just look at my success that I have had even after 7- years.

You can achieve this type of fitness and conditioning with THE DELPHI DIET & FITNESS System:

When it comes to your fitness, I set up my own Home Gym below with all the equipment that I use. Remember it isn’t the amount of weight that you can lift, but the amount of reps you can do with the maximum amount of weight.