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By: Charles W. Boatright

Basic Training for Your Body’s Special DELTA Forces Training – How to Empower The Body’s Natural Defenses, T-Cells, against COVID-19

Some of the predisposed conditions that expose people to COVID-19 are related to one’s status of their health, fitness, and age. Your health and fitness are key in providing the best natural defense against COVID-19, and this is your DELTA Force, T-Cells. Your T-Cells are responsible for adapting your immune system to fight off infections and diseases that threaten your health and life.

Your fitness improves the efficiency of the T-Cells’ ability to accomplish their objective, to fight off infections. Just like a soldier or marine’s efficiency is based on their fitness, so our T-Cell efficiency is based on our fitness. Most of the predisposed conditions listed below could be avoided if we were in better shape at any age.

  • Obesity
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Coronary Disease
  • High Cholesterol
  • Age over 65

While cryogenics is not a plausible option to suspend our age, we do have control over the effects of aging, that are tied directly to our health and fitness. Like one physician who is my cousin once stated- ‘If exercise were in a capsule form, everyone would be taking it as a supplement.’

The list of benefits of following and maintaining your Nutrition, Fitness, and active Lifestyle are too numerous to list here, but one of the main ones is having an efficient immune system. In the feature photograph, I’m 63 years old, and DON’T take any prescribed medication. One statistic that I keep tabs on is my Blood Pressure and Cholesterol readings. My total Cholesterol is under 180. My average Blood Pressure is posted below, without medication:


What your objective is for maintaining your health and fitness is providing your body to function like God designed it and to fight off diseases and illnesses. There are certain diseases and illnesses that are out of our control and, in some cases, genetic in nature. But the majority of our health and fitness is tied directly to our nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle that we do have control over.

Our Nutrition, Fitness, and Lifestyle or measures we take are still our best defense against the COVID-19 Flu and other illnesses, including the effects of aging. You don’t have to be defined by your age, but you can defy your age based on Nutrition, Fitness, and your Lifestyle.

I have attached my 925-MET Diet Program and my three (3) Part CASPER Fitness Program below. Just a heads up, 80 percent of your health is your Diet:

The 925-MET Diet Plan FREE until end of November:

Three (3) Part CASPER Fitness Program

PART No. 1 of the CASPER Fitness Program:

PART No. 2 of the CASPER Fitness Program:

Part No. 3 My QATSPY® 925-MET Diet Program:

Here are some previous articles that I have written on T-Cells for your convenience:

Your Body’s Special Forces Anti-Aging Fitness

Cyclists in their 80’s have Immune Systems of 20 Year Old

THE QATSPY® FDA Prescription for Age-Defying Health

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