THE QATSPY® Quapaw Avid Tailgate Sports & Performance Reporter

THE SPORTS PAGE for LIFE- Covering and writing about Sports as a means to help us to achieve a successful, prosperous, and an active lifestyle!

By: Charles W. Boatright, President of THE QATSPY®

7-Point New Year’s Day Resolution– Steps You can Take NOW To Change Your Life, Health, & Fitness for a Prosperous New Year and Future. Simplify Your Life with Discipline & Perseverance to Improve Your Physical, Mental, & Spiritual Wealth   

The top Six New Year’s Resolution that are made each year are:

1. Lose Weight

2. Get into better Shape

3. Improve Your Finances

4. Make time for Yourself

5. Make time for Others

6. Learn a new skill or Trade

7. Become an Amateur Journalist

NOTE : I added number 7 because Journalist have failed in their mission.

Just remember- A Successful Journey starts with small Steps.

In carrying out your New Year’s Resolutions, I would like for you to incorporate seven (7) key Letters in your pursuit of achieving your New Year’s Resolutions. Have a Purpose,  Reason, Execution, Metrics, Incentive, Expectations, and Results. If you can’t measure IT with metrics, you can’t achieve IT with Results.


1. Losing Weight

If you want a Purpose and Reason to lose weight, have your before photograph taken and keep the photograph in a prominent place. A place the photograph where you can view it each and every day. This is key in your success.

Develop an Executable plan with Metrics to Incentivize yourself to reach your Expectations and Results.

Metrics aren’t just for measuring your efforts, but more important, to Incentivize yourself. When I developed THE MELIORA DIET & FITNESS Program, I was encouraged by my results from my Waistline Chart that I kept, below, and a photograph that I had then and an after photograph I have now:

2. Getting into Better Shape

I developed a full body workout program called the MACS (Metabolic Aerobic-Cardio Strength) training Fitness program that combined with my MELIORA Diet allowed me to drop more than pounds and inches, but also years off the age of my skin, below is a summary of my exercise elements that I perform 6-days per week:

Below was a photograph taken on December 21, 2023 after a photoshoot we did for our Safari Cockpit Collection at age 66:

Our Safari Cockpit Collection, Please shop at your leisure:

3. Improving Your Finances

I would like to suggest a book that is simple to follow entitled The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason. It is based on taking 10% of your income and investing it into your long range savings like an IRA or 401(k) plan. Your finances are like your health and fitness, the earlier you start your financial investment savings, the better your results you will have.

The best way to achieve this is to have direct deposit set up at your place of employment; especially if they match it up to a certain dollar amount. The matching and compound effects are amazing. Even if the markets go down, continue to invest, because you’re buying when the market valuations are low, called dollar cost averaging.

Take 10% of your income to invest in yourself like hobbies, activities, or equipment you like to work with or workout with for your fitness.

Donate 10% of your income to a church or charity.

4. Making Time for Yourself

Take time to have a daily devolution and meditation period that includes taking a walk in nature for at least 30- minutes each day. That could be a park, farm, or hike.

Have time each day to have a cup of coffee or tea outside with yourself. I enjoy my morning coffee with my best friend.

Watch at least one sun rise and set each week.

5. Making Time for Others

Be available to not just for a casual friendship but be available to help others with tasks that are too taxing for one person or something you have skills in performing, like welding, carpentry, or yard work. Teach a class or give a presentation on an interest of yours.

Have time for a  cup of coffee or tea with a friend.

Do unto others that you would have them do unto you.

6. Learning a new skill or Trade

Even if you have a certificate or degree in your present job, learn a new skill or trade even if that means going back to or to VoTech School. Two things that I have learned were welding and sewing. I have to take up my pants hem, so sewing has saved me time and money.


7. Becoming an Amateur Journalist

I realize that journalism has earned a horrific reputation these past few decades since Duke Lacrosse team with their biased leanings and not reporting the facts or interested in the facts. It is like journalists don’t do their research and verify the details or facts any longer they just echo what they read. But we can help change that by doing their jobs for them and covering activities that interest us even if we just share it with a few close friends. One thing about sports, you can’t fake sports!

I personally cover how sports impact our own daily lives. If you want to convey principles of the Bible and basic morals just write about the simple term on sportsmanship. Instead of using terms like faith and righteousness, you can use terms like perseverance and integrity. Those are just a few attributes of sportsmanship we can write about in our daily lives.

I wrote a book on Sport Psychology, The Sports Bible, The Yellowstone Papers, where I used terms like- patience, perseverance, with passion. Sportsmanship is passion for the game and for life. Sportsmanship consists of- humility, integrity, commitment, perseverance, respect, honor, honesty, fairness, sacrifice, responsibility, preparation, focus, discipline, building confidence, expecting the best of oneself, trustworthiness, and a hard work ethic, these are just to name a few characteristics of Sportsmanship.

I can’t think of a better platform to write about to impact other people’s lives than covering sports and sportsmanship including health and fitness.