THE QATSPY® Yankee Performance Sports Training & Apparel Quarters Inside-the-Leather Coach’s Corner

The Palmer CAM-OVER Golf Swing Technique, the classic golf swing that the golfer can take from the batter’s box to the tee box to hit more fairways & greens in regulation and avoid the bogie scores to make par or better. There is no difference between a golfer’s wrist action in the golf swing and a baseball batter hitting a low inside sinker ball. Both wrist actions in both are the same.

By: Charles W. Boatright

Baseball Swing is the Classic Golf Swing- How to take Your Classic Golf Swing from Batter’s Box to the Tee Box to Hit more Fairways & Greens

On Thursday night, August 12, 2021, FOX Sports aired the MLB Game at the site of the movie Field of Dreams between the New York Yankees and the Chicago White Sox. First, both teams emerged from the outfield cornfield, followed by what could only be billed as a home run slug-fest, where both teams hit home runs out into the cornfield. The night couldn’t have been scripted better under a Dyersville, Iowa, gold sky as night fell.

But, in reality, the classic golf swing doesn’t have to be a dream that only exists in the minds of golfers. One of the basic components of the classic golf swing is based on your baseball swing. If the golfer could take their golf ball and place it at waist height on a baseball Tee that batters use in batting practice, the golfer’s instincts would kick right in. I call this approach the Instinctive Techniques, or the IT-Factor, in sports psychology.

Here’s one inescapable Fact- If your golf swing isn’t instinctive, you won’t have it available to use on the golf course. You might very well use your conscious mind to train and practice. BUT, one thing I can guarantee the golfer is this- Once you step foot onto the golf course, the golfer will be relying exclusively on their subconscious mind, the golfer’s instincts, or their muscle memory.

Time-Lapse Photography of the Classic Golf Swing

The classic golf swing analysis I did was based on the time-lapse photography of a baseball-type swing from a Kinesiology research project I did for my final. If you compared the classic golf swing with the basic baseball swing you will discover the two swings are more similar then they are different.

I was preparing a research paper for my Kinesiology Final where I compared the classic golf swing to the baseball swing. I reviewed hundreds of time-lapse photographs of both swings and compared the similarities. The side-by-side, time-lapse photography above, of the golfer and a batter hitting a low inside sinker ball, revealed similar wrist action in both.


I confirmed that both the classic golf swing and the baseball swing had similar preset wrist actions techniques. The IT-Factor in the preset wrist action in the golf swing is based on the maneuver of two muscles, one is a combination tendon/muscle, in the preset position. I have labeled both muscles in the image below.

The preset wrist action in the golf swing using the key muscles the Palmaris Longus to CAM and Brachio-radialis to CAM-OVER this sets up the classic golf swing.

Knowing how to properly set these two muscles (Palmaris Longus muscle/tendon and Brachio-radialis muscle) will provide the golfer with a baseball batter’s mentality, while standing on the tee box, from the fairway or around the green, the golfer will develop confidence. What is great about both muscles is that you can detect both of them and also the pivot points for these muscles that preset the classic golf swing.

I have been off the golf course with a muscle strain, so I haven’t even picked up a golf club for two weeks. Last Friday was the first time that I even picked a golf club out of my golf bag. I picked up an 8-Iron, and went to my field beside my house and hit five shots, with a distance of 158 yards; all within a 20- foot radius of each other down the fairway.

The Palmer Cam & Brachio-Radialis Cam-Over Golf Technique

Hint- Brach is pronounced like the name of the candy maker BRACH’S

I call the classic golf swing The Palmer Cam-Over Golf Technique, because of how I use the Palmaris Longus muscle/tendon to Cam and the Brachio-radialis muscles to cam-over and preset the wrist action in the golf swing.

Just to demonstrate The Palmer Cam-Over Golf Technique, I used a video that was aired on WJTV-12 Sports Zone in June called the Orange Bucket Challenge, where I hit five tee shots over a distance of 295-yards, to within 15-feet of my orange bucket. I have included this Sport Zone video and the raw video that this Sport Zone Video was cut from, just to show that the Sports Zone Video wasn’t just a selected few tee shots.

The WJTV-12 Orange Bucket Challenge:

The classic golf swing demonstrated in my Orange Bucket Challenge that I did for a film crew with WJTV-12. This challenge demonstrated hitting my tee-shots within 15-foot of a Home Depot Orange Bucket at Germantown, Mississippi High School Football Practice field. I’m using AlmostGOLF Balls that travel in feet instead of yards for demonstration purposes. If I used actual golf balls, I would had drove my tee shots out of range of the camera.

My Raw Video from the Orange Bucket Challenge shot on Saturday, June 05th, 2021:


Orange Bucket Challenge Walk-Through:

Orange Bucket Challenge Demo:

NOTE: Enlarge to full screen when viewing to see where my golf balls are landing.                 

To purchase the Download, please use this link:

The Palmer Cam-Over Golf Technique

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