THE QATSPY® Quapaw Aviation Tiger Sportswear Performance, Yukan Outfitter Company
By: Charles W. Boatright, QATSPY® Outfitter Company
The Importance of Strength & Conditioning– At 66, Acclamation/Ability to Work a Farm, in a Welding Shop, and do Modeling for my Apparel Co.
Even at age 66, I have followed a strength and conditioning program since I was 12 years old that has allowed me to work on my farm, welding shop, produce fitness videos, model my company’s apparel, and have an active lifestyle. Not because it is natural, but because of my dedication to my health and fitness. Below are two photographs of me working out in my gym:
Even at the age of 66, I’m still able to model our SPORTY’S WRIGHT Bros. & Cockpit Collection with models in their early 20’s, shown in the featured image. I also do solo photoshoots as well, shown below:
If you want a challenge, try modeling with models in their early 20’s and also be able to do an AB Challenge at age 66, shown below taken in our hangar on July 14th, 2023. I’m still able to perform these activities by working out in what I call my Oasis-Mojave GYM. I call it my Oasis-Mojave GYM, because my gym isn’t air-conditioned. It is in the attic space over my photography studio.
Temperatures during the summer months in my gym can reach 118° Fahrenheit (F) when I workout at 2:00 PM for 30- minutes 5 times per week. This workout conditions me to work out on my farm and my welding shop where temps can reach 97° F. Last time I checked my farm here in Mississippi wasn’t air-conditioned.
At age 66, my MACS PFX-25 Health & Fitness Program as allowed me to work and perform activities that I did in my later 20’s and mid 30’s including working bridge construction working my way through college. That is correct, working my way through college earning an Engineering Degree.
That also includes me being able to model and produce fitness videos on my website THE QATSPY® Outfitter. The name QATSPY stands for Quapaw Aviation Tiger Sports Performance Yukan Outfitter. The term Yukan is the Japanese term for Brave, Strong, Vigorous with Spiritual Strength. This MACS PFX-25 Workout has allowed me to continue to work and stay active as if I was in my mid-30’s at age 66.
What Weather Data can Tell Us
I typically listen to Jesse Watters, Sean Hannity, and Greg Gutfeld shows nightly during the week. What I found out this yesterday was interesting on Jesse Watters’ Show where the younger generation are despondent in describing the summertime temperatures and how that has affected their outlook on their futures. Being aware of history extends far beyond the rim of American, and World History. But also includes the climate, as well.
Some of the Hottest Temperatures Recorded in Our Nation
Some of the hottest temperatures were recorded during the 1930’s at the start of what was called The Dust Bowl that impacted the planes states mainly. Here in Mississippi, that I’m all too aware of its temperatures during the summers months, because I worked on transmission lines, on July 29th, 1930, one of the hottest actual temps were recorded here for Mississippi at 115° F. THAT WAS ACTUAL TEMPS!
The Dust Bowl turbocharged an already desperate time in American History with the 1929 Market Crash that started the Depression, where food and jobs were all scarce. Even during the 1930’s, we were still mainly an agricultural nation where the majority of the population lived on farms, ranches, and rural areas where vehicles were few in number. It was restricted to the average household only one vehicle. Industry and manufacturing were a fraction of what we have now and we still had temps over 100.
To be able to fully evaluate a situation adequately, you have to know your history that gives you a perspective that very few media outlets can provide, not even television can provide, read on your own! If you study the period of the depression (between 1929 – 1947) you will find that in my case my grandparents, or in your case, great-grandparents, have seen some really disparate times, more severe than we have now.
They were also about ready to face a World War again that actually helped get America out of that Depression with manufacturing for the war effort. Even women for the first time took up manufacturing jobs including riveters, welders, aviators, and factories jobs. What was a disparate period of time provided for unimaginable opportunities for men and women.
My Career Before I Retired
I have a degree in Civil and Chemistry Engineering Degrees, that also includes Environmental background where one of my duties was preparing Environmental Impact Reports for proposed projects in the electrical utility industry. Despite what you might have heard, we planned transmission line projects that did not negatively impact our environment in order to supply energy to help improve people’s lives. Electricity still remains one of the major improvements in human history.
I would like to introduce you to a new term, Baseload. Before a source can be considered a Baseload in our electrical industry, where I worked for 33- years, it has to supply a minimum of 45% of a grid’s load needs. Solar and wind combine accounts for only about 13.5%. Natural gas and nuclear sources of producing energy still remains the cleanest forms of energy.
You only have to go back to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in August and September, in 2005, to realize that our grid is just as much a National Security component as our national defense is. If you want to disrupt lives just drop a grid from a state or area.
Below, I’m shown testing out a horizontal life line that I developed for the safety of our line crews. This was taken on June 23, 2015 two weeks before I retired at age 57 with temps of 94° F that day. I wanted to spend my last few weeks with my line crews in the field, because that is where you learn the most about your job (~80%), not in class room (~20%). That was where the idea for the horizontal life line came from for steel X-arms to provide fall protection for our linemen. The line that we are working on here is energized (or what we call Hot Work) to 115,000 Volts at 3,000 Amps. I’m the one in the middle on the X-arm.
A Challenge for You Young People,
I leave you young people with this challenge– If you want to have the biggest POSITIVE IMPACT on others, I did say POSITIVE IMPACT! Go into the field of Science or Engineering. I have a degree in Civil and Chemical Engineering. Some of my fraternity Brothers that I went to college with were Chemical Engineering majors, that lead some them to go into Medicine and became doctors.
You can actually go into any other field from having an Engineering Degree, not a Liberal Arts Degree. One of my best friends was a lawyer and engineer before he returned to engineering field, because it paid more.
Lady Gaga Video Soundtrack for the Movie TOPGUN: MAVERICK
Just to Give you a sense what Strength & Conditioning can do for you, even if you are over 55, This is Tom Cruise at age 59 on the beach playing Dog Fight Football: