THE QATSPY® Quapaw Athletic Training Sportswear Performance Yukan Outfitter Company
By: Charles W. Boatright, President of THE QATSPY®
Sports Psychology and Its Impact on US– How Our Success is Influenced by Sportsmanship/Sports Psychology in our Professional/Personal Lives. Sportsmanship offers us basic Framework while sports psychology offers the means to succeed.
Participating in sports, especially the Sports of Fitness, on any level and at an early age has tremendous benefits for all of us in our health, fitness, and the ability to succeed in our life. Our success is based on five (5) concepts- (1) Understanding the process, (2) What are the benefits of efforts, (3) Being replicated over and over, (4) Convenient to use, and most importantly (5) Realizing Results and what success will look like for us.
These five (5) concepts are just as relevant in our professional and personal lives as they are in sports. There is one sport that we all can and should be participating over our entire life, and that is the Sport of Fitness. We usually don’t consider fitness a sport, but actually our fitness is the most basic and the most essential component of any sport on and off the field in our lives. We all can participate in the Sport of Fitness that has the biggest benefits and impact in our success..
Sports Psychology Performance
Sports Psychology offers one of the most basic means for success in our professional and personal lives that we know of. Even the Apostle Paul used multiple references to sports in his letters to the various churches that he wrote to.
My grandfather, Hemi-Quinn Boatright, while vacationing in Yellowstone National Park in 1927, started writing his papers on his coaching psychology. His nickname was Hemi due to his appetite for writing, in reference to Hemingway, the author.
I took his papers that he started in 1927 and finished them just after I retired in 2015 when I started my sportswear performance business. These Papers would be a great advantage for those wanting to improve their health, fitness, and performance on an individual or professional level. These papers that he started then I finished, became THE SPORTS BIBLE, THE YELLOWSTONE PAPERS.
These Papers can help people of all ages to perform at their full potential in all areas of their lives that also includes the sport of fitness component. This THE SPORTS BIBLE, THE YELLOWSTONE PAPERS includes THE CASIMIR DIET & FITNESS System and THE KASPER GOLF & FITNESS COACH TECH.
The one reason that I focused on the sport of golf in these Yellowstone Papers was because golf can be played on an individual or team level and that can be played your entire lifetime with social, mental, and physical benefits.
Golf is a Great Athletic Curriculum for Homeschoolers
Golf is a great athletic curriculum for those that are being homeschooled for both health and fitness components. I did a demonstration of the KASPER Golf Swing Technique for a sports show here in Jackson, Mississippi, for WJTV-12 leading up to the 2021 US OPEN.
I took my driver and hit five (5) 290- yard consecutive tee shots to within 15- foot of a HOME DEPOT Orange Bucket in just one take. I made a 3-part video series demonstrating the KASPER Golf Swing Technique for their Sport Zone Show.
The production team that filmed my 3- part KASPER Golf Swing Technique took these videos and made a promo tape as appreciation for me doing the video series, view below:
Purchase Your Download Copy of: THE SPORTS BIBLE, THE YELLOWSTONE PAPERS, Coach’s Guide to Sports Performance:
Purchase your Download Copy of THE CASIMIR DIET & FITNESS System