Inside-the-leather Classic Golf Swing Mechanics and simple golf swing tips for self-coaching techniques.
Science Behind the Classic Golf Swing Coaching Technique
There are three fields of science, Sports Psychology, Physics, and Kinesiology that have a direct bearing on developing a reliable golf swing skills. These three will actually show up with you at the golf course. Like Bobby Jones, Sr., once stated about golf- Golf is a game that is played on a five-inch course – the distance between your ears. So this confirms the first field of science, Sports Psychology, which has a tremendous impact on your golf game for confidence, consistency, and control.
The second field of science that has a direct impact on your golf game is Physics, particularly Sir Isaac Newton’s third law of motion, which states for- every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is key to the golfer’s swing sequence. For every element that the golfer sets up in the takeaway swing sequence, it will be executed in the reverse order during the downswing.
This big question that golfers have concerning their wrists is IF their wrists will un-cock and unlock square at impact? The answer is YES, they will, IF the golfer’s wrists start the takeaway swing square to the ball with the Sync Technique. This is what Ken Duke demonstrated with his hinge element to Lisa Cornwell during an interview on Golf Channel.
Now let’s look at the third field of science that impacts your golf game, Kinesiology- The study of mechanics of the human body and how the body should move. Kinesiology is basically understanding how the human body should move to maximize its potential, without causing injuries or long-term deterioration of the joints or muscles. This article will reveal how some golf swings are actually detrimental to the body, especially the lower back, the lumbar area. Does that sound familiar?
I kept the research paper that I did for my Kinesiology class in three Xerox boxes. One of those Xerox boxes was labeled THIS WORKS. This box held the interviews, time-lapse photography, and research that I conducted that became the basis of my book, The ESPY Golf Swing Coach. The other two Xerox Boxes I labeled, THIS DOESN’T WORK!
These two boxes labeled This Doesn’t Work contained golf lesson techniques and instruction that I had analyzed that wasn’t based on ergonomics. The first letter E in the word ESPY in the title represents Ergonomics. Ergonomics is a very important concept of my book. This concept is based on the Low-Threshold muscles engaging before the High-Threshold muscles. Some golf swing techniques and lessons are the reverse of this. This is why syncing/presetting the golfer’s wrists is important.
I believe that Ergonomics is critical to our daily lives, from the office, to the field, at our home, and especially in sports. The goal of Ergonomics is to provide a safe means of performing repetitive tasks, like the golf swing. Without ergonomics, we jeopardize the health of our joints and muscles. Your objective is to perform tasks without developing chronic pain. It would be a shame to work some 25- years at something we have to do, then retire and can’t do the things we now have the time to do, like play golf.
Ergonomics is essential for not only our health and fitness, but for efficiencies the golfer could gain, just by following three simple ergonomic maneuvers that have a tremendous impact on the golfer’s game. These three simple maneuvers are performed from the tee box to the green, which makes these maneuvers repetitive and can become instinctive.
The Ergonomics in this Self-Coaching Training Procedure is based on the Low-Threshold vs. High-Threshold muscles Strategies: a great article by Aaron Swanson.
Along those same strategy is a YouTube video produced by Sir Nick Faldo entitled The “Faldo” Pre-Set Drill – Perfect Top of Backswing Position:
I go into not only the Preset Technique, but also the Bunt-Type Chip/Pitch Shot drill using a throw-down Home Plate training drill in a YouTube Video that I produced in my training facility. There are several advantages for using this Bunt-Type Chip/Pitch Training Drill:
- Creates the critical lag needed in the wrists like Indiana Jones using his bullwhip. The sequence is shoulders, elbows, than wrists un-cocking at impact.
- Allows the golfer to develop the proper techniques to initiate their Drop element.
- Allows the golfer to understand how to properly Sync/Preset their wrists into the Lock Position.
- Allows the golfer to practice their golf swing with actual golf balls where they work on their putting. In the YouTube Video I’m using a 4 FT x 10 FT putting surface with a chipping mat. Just be sure to use a backstop like I have to catch those wayward shots.
- Allows the golfer to use the same mechanics and techniques used in a regular full golf shot. The same Sync/Preset Techniques used in the Bunt-Type Chip/Pitch shot are the exact same elements used in the full golf shot. This allows the golfer to develop instincts instead of swing thoughts.
This Self-Coaching Training Procedure download contains 15 pages of simple step-by-step procedures, tips, and illustrations to help the golfer apply and retain the material presented for both on and off the golf course.
To develop your ESP Self-Coaching Technique Forum in Your Golf Game, please select to download your E-Copy of this Online Golf Self-Coaching Training Procedure (STP). The advantage of the online Golf STP is it a training procedure that you will have in your electronic files for future reference and NOT a one-time lesson where the presented material will be forgotten later or once on the golf course.