Operation DOG-TAGS- Sports Psychology for PTSD

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By: Charles W. Boatright

Author of The ESPY Golf Swing Coach, Delta Technique Geared for Distance and Control

Also read Relief Exercises for Managing PTSD, Stress & Anxiety:

Relief Exercises for Managing PTSD, Stress & Anxiety

Sports Psychology Intervention – CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy)

Sports Psychology is usually used to help athletes to perform at their highest level, but it can be used to treat PTSD. Sports Psychology can be utilized as an alternative type of CBT, or Cognitive Behavior Therapy, known as Psychomotor Therapy. One type of therapy was developed by Albert Pesso, a dance instructor who studied with Martha Graham. They experimented with dance to help PTSD patients recover with surprising results.

Athletics, like yoga-golf-type exercises, provide both flexibility and balance to help re-establish normal cognitive processes in people suffering from PTSD. While there have been limited clinical studies of using Sports Psychology Therapy and its effects on PTSD, there have been a large percentage of these patients who have shown significant improvements using Sports Psychology Therapy. Sports Psychology Therapy has even proven to help those recovering from PTSD in a relatively short period of time, in a matter of weeks.


Sports Psychology Therapy- Intervention Using Yoga-Golf-Type Exercises

Sports Psychology Therapy-Type intervention, like yoga-golf-type exercises, provides a social structure and physical function that are crucial in PTSD recovery. The chief benefit of using a sports psychology-type intervention is that it involves large skeletal muscle movement. Since balance and stability are key factors in treating PTSD, yoga-golf-type activities provide coordination, flexibility, balance, and movement of both high and low-threshold muscles, (these are muscles in the limbs and the core).

One of the key parts of the ESPY Golf Swing Technique is the golf swing wrist action required to preset the wrists, as shown below. This golf swing wrist action, which is a basic maneuver, helps the individual re-establish pathways between the mind and body disrupted by a dramatic experience.



Yoga-golf-type activities provide an excellent CBT-type option for individuals dealing with PTSD to recover in relatively short periods of time, especially in a group setting. The other benefits of incorporating Sports Psychology Therapy and exercises, like yoga and golf, are that it addresses both mental and physical balance and stability, including socialization with others, especially individuals with similar experiences of PTSD.

Yoga-golf-type activities have shown evidence that they can alleviate symptoms of PTSD by improving a person’s mood and confidence by building self-confidence, self-discipline, self-esteem, awareness, teamwork, and communication skills.

Yoga-golf-type exercises have shown evidence that they can alleviate symptoms of PTSD by improving a person’s mood and confidence by building self-confidence, self-discipline, self-esteem, awareness, teamwork, and communication skills

Importance of Re-Establishing Daily Routines

Recovery from a trauma that causes PTSD focuses on re-establishing a daily routine and pattern that includes structure and support from engaging in group activities. This provides the individual with both challenging and rewarding experiences toward the recovery process. Group therapy, provided by Sports Psychology, using yoga-golf-type activities, can be more effective than one-on-one type therapy, where no physical accomplishment is realized.

The step-by-step ESPY Golf training format is based on establishing a routine that is the basis of Operation DOG-TAG. This includes incorporating familiar motor skills called Apperception, where a baseball-style golf swing is used to help the individual connect quicker with their instructional exercises. This baseball-style golf swing technique allows the golfer to preset their wrists and sync their elbows with their shoulders to create a simple golf swing technique to establish their confidence. This ESPY Technique, shown above, was a similar technique that Mr. Arnold Palmer gave President Eisenhower before a Pro-Am, and this significantly improved the President’s golf game.

Sports Psychology of Operation DOG-TAGS

Operation DOG-TAGS is based on The PALMER Golf Swing Coach APP Technique used to reduce the frustration with learning the golf swing. Two of these elements (Preset and Sync) are typical maneuvers that preset the golf swing wrist action that is critical to golfer’s performance. This is similar to how a baseball batter would take the bat to the top of their swing. The PALMER Golf Swing Coach APP Technique takes advantage of a well-established muscle memory from the batter’s box and transfers these muscle memories to the tee box, with confidence, consistency, and control. This is shown in the time-lapse photography comparing the golf swing vs. baseball swing.

time-lapse photography comparing the golf swing vs. baseball swing

Establishing muscle memory, confidence, and consistency, with a level of control, are key in treating people that have experienced a dramatic experience. The Sports Psychology Therapy gets people with a dramatic experience back into a functional role in their lives. A lot of time people with PTSD have difficulty engaging with new experiences. The Apperception technique, which is the main theme of the GOLFER’S BRACHS-PALMER Golf Swing Technique, uses familiar motor skills and activities to develop the golf swing sequence and routine.

To learn more about Sports Psychology Therapy using golf, visit my website and look at Operation Dog-TAG under Locker Room, and purchase your copy of The ESPY Golf Swing Coach from the links below, or visit your local bookstore:


My book can also be purchased at Edwin Watts Golf Store in Jackson, Mississippi. Phone No. 601-956-8784

820 East County Line Road, Ridgeland, MS 39157

My book can also be purchased on-line at:


Barnes & Noble

Health and Fitness Program Golf Exercise for Power

This book is based on a self-coaching forum (ASPEN Pyramid). The ASPEN Self-Coaching Technique provides the beginner and advanced single-digit handicap golfer with a safe, ergonomic classic golf swing mechanics. The ASPEN forum for coaching golf provides basic skills for more power and control in the golf swing sequence without debilitating injuries that are common with some modern-day golf swings. As part of The ESPY Golf Swing Coach forum is a workout program designed especially for golfers with an effective SR925 Diet Program detailed below.

Please take advantage of my SR925 Diet Program, where I lost 6 inches in my waist in 3- months (FREE of CHARGE) with the CASPER Workout Program, detailed in Section 20 of my book, great golf swing workout:


One component in my CASPER Workout Program that I follow is using a Medicine Ball to perform what I call Stocking the Shelves, illustrated below in the figure:

Golf exercise with a Medicine Ball Exercise for Golf- Stocking the Selves

Please include an exercise routine in your weekly schedule.

Additional Motivation to Develop a Fitness Program

If you need addition motivation, which the subconscious mind works from and consist of 90 percent of the golf swing, include a fitness and exercise program into your daily schedule. This type of exercise provides the critical overload underload training to improve the golfer’s power in your golf game, please look at another golf fitness enthusiast: The Fit Golfer Girl

Operation DOG TAGS



Sports, such as golf, along with fitness and an exercise regimen that includes yoga, has been proven to be a great Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for trauma victims. Veterans and those who have experienced a traumatic situation where the mind has been traumatized and disrupted can use golf and yoga to help re-establish connection and pathways in the brain. Golf also provides an excellent opportunity  for trauma victims to reconnect in a social setting to develop a dialogue without the pressures of clinical visits.

Section 1- Operation DOG TAG | GOLF CBT Intervention for PTSD

Section 2- Operation DOG TAG | Objectives and Scope



The Orange Bucket Challenge

How the Orange Bucket Challenge develops your instincts in your golf game where your golf game becomes as natural as taking your golf swing from the batter’s box to the tee box.

The golfer might very well practice on the range or backyard developing swing thoughts using their conscious mind. BUT, I can guarantee the golfer this one thing, once they step foot on the golf course they will be reliant totally on their instincts in their subconscious mind.

THE Orange Bucket Challenge Link INTRO 

The Orange Bucket Challenge Walk-Through 

The Orange Bucket Challenge Demo

WJTV-12 made an AD from the 3- Video Series Above

I did a 3- Part Video for WJTV-12 SPORTS ZONE Show leading up to the 2021 US Open where I cover my golf training technique of taking my golf swing from the Batter’s Box to the Tee Box to hit more Fairways & Greens in regulation or better. As appreciation for me doing this 3-part video series, the WJTV-12 production team put together a Television promotional that they ran and that I could use in my golf training business.



ESPY Golf Swing Coach- Rhythm Without the Blues

ESPY Golf Swing Coach- ESPY App Developing the golfer's Rhythm w/o creating the golfer's Blues. The ESPY Golf Swing helps the golfer establish the correct wrist action in golf swing demonstrated by David Duval in an interview with Charlie Rymer on Golf Channel

ESPY Golf Swing Coach- ESPY App Developing the golfer’s Rhythm w/o creating the golfer’s Blues. The ESPY Golf Swing helps the golfer establish the correct wrist action in golf swing demonstrated by David Duval in an interview with Charlie Rymer on Golf Channel.

Also, learning The ESPY Golf Swing Coach process is an excellent way to develop Rhythm without experiencing the Blues in your golf game for confidence; learn how to take your baseball-style swing from the batter’s box to the tee box.

THE LOCKER ROOM a source for golf tips

Golfer's Locker Room for learning and applying Simple Golf Swing Tips

Please visit “The Locker Room” for an Index of all my golf articles to improve your golf game and life. Discover how you can take your baseball swing from the batter’s box to the tee box.

Learn How to take your baseball-style golf swing from the batter’s box to the tee box.

Time-lapse photography that I reviewed during my Xerox Box Golf Research Project comparing the golf swing vs. the baseball swing and how similar the Sync/Preset Maneuver are in both swings.

Time-lapse photography that I reviewed during my Xerox Box Golf Research Project comparing the golf swing vs. the baseball swing and how similar the Sync/Preset Maneuver are in both swings.

For Comments or questions please contact me at 1-888-514-1228 Mon – Fri from 9 am to 4 pm CT Zone.

Check out my full library of BLOGS @ www.espygolfapp.com/blog or purchase your copy of “The ESPY Golf Swing Coach” @ www.espygolfapp.com/store.

Facebook – The QATSPY Golf Approach
Twitter – @cwboatright
Google+ – ESPY Golf Swing Coach
YouTube – ESPY Golf Swing Coach

Once you learn WHY, you don’t forget HOW!

YouTube Videos:
https://youtu.be/ZGVNrIw_wlo (Cam & Cam-over elements)
https://youtu.be/K2FDHZ3AX9w (Figuring your proper swing plane)
https://youtu.be/TO82PMO6G8M (Developing muscle memory)

Two decisions that you can make for yourself and your kids are to get a copy of my book and place the book and a golf club into their hands. You will never look back, but only forward. You will not miss with this for yourself and/or your kids.

Until next time– Be Synched, Tee-to-Green, with The ESPY Golf Swing!