Importance of the PSA TEST and Men’s Health. I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Prostate Cancer; but with early detection, I was able to avoid health risk of Prostate Cancer with a follow-up PSA TEST on 21Mar2024 of 0.0. This was taken on March 21st, 2024 at our hangar after my test.

By: Charles W. Boatright, President & CEO of THE QATSPY®

My Crash Course in Prostate Cancer that I had between September 2023 to January 2024 that saved my life. Please Guys, use what I learn to help yourself to hopefully avoid Prostate Cancer’s devastating affects and risk.

What to Known About Prostate Health: the Journey through my Diagnoses with Stage 2 Prostate Cancer and Why Your PSA results are Important to Know. PSA Test isn’t perfect; but it is the only thing we have to detect possible Prostate Cancer presently.

It is kind of like TOP GUN: MAVERICK where Hondo (Bashir Salahuddin) told Maverick (Tom Cruise)- I don’t like that look, Mav”. “It’s the only one I got.”


A Quick Guide to Prostate Health/Cancer Treatment

  • 1 out of 8 (12.5%) Caucasian men and 1 out of 6 (16.7%) Black men will have Prostate Cancer. NOTE: Compare this to 1 in 3 (33%) women will be diagnosed with breast Cancer. Prostate Cancer doesn’t have the high stat as breast Cancer does among woman, But among MEN Prostate Cancer is the No. 1 Cancer!

·         A Normal PSA Test result is at or below 4.0. PSA Test stands for Prostate-Specific Antigen test done during a blood test at your doctors’ or specialist office.

·         Some men can have an elevated PSA Test above 4.0 without having Cancer. But follow-up with another PSA Test is needed within 6-8 weeks just to see if there is another caused of your elevated PSA numbers. Your elevated PSA could be caused by an inflection. This was why I waited until first of December to have my second PSA tested ran again.

·         Majority of Prostate Cancer occurs in men in their 60’s or older.

·         Men should start requesting to have their PSA Tested during their annual physicals over the age of 45. I would not have anyone talk me out of having a PSA Test done if you are at or older that 45.

·         Request a PSA Test younger than 45 if there is a family history of Prostate Cancer.

·         Prostate Cancer can result in death. An example of this was Dexter Scott King (youngest son of Martin Luther King, Jr.) Dexter died in January 22nd, 2024. This occurred during my treatment process. Right after my diagnoses, King Charles had his Prostate diagnoses. This also included Sec. of Defense Lloyd Austin in December 2023- January 2024 with complications stemming from Prostate surgery.

·         Keep a medical Journal in bullet format of all your medical history, including prescription drugs that you take. Keep it to two or three sentences in length in bullet format like this health notice is, because it allows your doctor the ability to see the important issues.    

·         In my case, I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer at age 66 on December 28th, 2023.

·         KNOW YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE– I moved my annual physical up from Dec2023 to Sep2023, because I had elevated blood pressure readings in the 150’s over 90’s. My blood pressure is typically 114/58. I wanted to know the reason of why my blood pressure was elevated. Elevated blood pressure CAN indicate Prostate issues.

·         I had no other symptoms other than my blood pressure being elevated!

·         PSA readings above 4.0 might/should warrant your GP Doctor to refer you to an Urologist; such was in my case. Dr. Bridges, my GP, referred me to Dr. Runnels at the Jackson Urology Clinic.

·         My PSA was 6.2 not exactly a high number, but don’t let a low number convince you, or mislead you, that you have nothing to be concern about, that is TOTALLY WRONG assumption to make and course of action take.

·         I had a biopsy on December 22nd, 2023 where it indicated that I had Stage 1 Cancer with the Gleason Scale (3+4 = 7) where 2 out of the 12 sectors indicated Cancer. Gleason Scale of 6 is a non-aggressive type Cancer. Gleason Scale at 8 or above indicates an aggressive type Cancer. Even with my PSA at 6.2 that had a Gleason Scale at 7, you want to take precaution by having a biopsy performed. I will show you why a low PSA number, that you will still need to have a biopsy perform.

If the Biopsy is positive (+) for Cancer, you will need to take appropriate action below.

Treatments Options:

·         There are SIX treatments (1) Radioactive seeding, (2) Conventional Radiation, (3) Prostatectomy, (4) Hormonal Therapy, (5) Chemotherapy, and (6) Cryotherapy.

The reason we (my doctor and I) choose to have a Prostatectomy (surgical removal of the Prostate) is if you choose Radiation, the Prostate then becomes inoperable. Then you’re only course of action then is more Radiation/Chemo if your PSA is still abnormal.

·         Due to me being in my mid-60’s and good shape (working out 6 x per wk.) we choose the Prostatectomy option that I had on 05Feb2024. Being in good shape can lead to high Testosterone levels that feeds the Cancer.

·         This is why you can’t wait to take action GUYS- My pathology Labs results on 14Feb2024 on my Prostate indicated that I actually had Stage 2 Cancer up from the Stage 1 Cancer on 28Dec2023 from my biopsy. The reason there was a month wait time for my Prostatectomy is the Prostate has to recover the biopsy.

Side Effects from a Prostatectomy

·         Two of the major side effects of a Prostatectomy are incontinence and ED where both can be managed and addressed. There are other minor side effects that subsides after 6- weeks. You will also have a bladder test perform to make sure that surgery didn’t adversely impacted bladder about a week after your surgery.

·         Incontinence can be addressed by performing Kegel exercise and simple Yoga exercises.

·         With these Kegel exercises and simple Yoga exercises, Incontinence can be eliminated between 6-to-26 weeks. In my case, it last only 5 and-a-half-weeks. Guys this is the reason you want to keep in shape even in your 60’s, 70’s, and older, don’t give up on your fitness. Your recovery time from surgeries are quicker and you can enjoy your life again if you are in shape.

I’m here performing Bench Presses with 45 Lb. dumbbells I also have a boxing bag workout 3 times during my regular workouts.

·         As soon as possible get back active and working out. I return to my GYM workout first of March with light workouts at first then by the mid-part of April, I’m back to my full workout schedule and routine that takes 50- minutes. I also am active in aviation, working on my farm and in my welding shop that I got back to in the mid-part of March 2024.

·         Exercises, especially with strength training, dramatically reduce the effects of incontinence and the aging process.

·         ED can be treated with prescribed medication.

·         Six- weeks after surgery, a follow-up PSA is performed where the PSA should be at or below 0.08.

·         On March 21, 2024 my PSA was 0.00. At the present time I’m Clear of Cancer, again at the present time!

·         I will have a 14- week checkup on 21June2024 and others checkups will follow for at least for 5- years annually to determine if I’m FREE of Cancer.

·         So the bottom line GUYS is to get your PSA Test annually over the age of 45 that is done with a routine blood test to check your glucose, cholesterol and other indicators. BUT DO NOT put off your PSA Test and getting the proper medical attention, if needed, that you and your Urologist maps out for your recovery.

·         If you’re in your mid-70’s, the Urologist might select a less invasive procedure like radiation or the other five treatments listed above. You DO NOT have to let Prostate Diagnoses limit your lifestyle by getting your PSA Test done annually or sooner as needed!

To read more about my Prostate Journey, Please Read: Prostate Health & Your Body of Evidence