By: Charles W. Boatright, President & CEO of THE QATSPY®

Teenage Wasteland of Poison Ivy Schools– I love the Smell of Flux in the Morning, it reminds me of a Successful job well done burning Rods. When I see what is happening on Ivy League Schools, I’m reminder of the song from WHO Baba O’Riley

Baba O’Riley is also known as Teenage Wasteland that was released in October of 1971. It was inspired by Woodstock where teens were strung out on drugs and some developed brain damage. Similar to and familiar to today’s college students that are supporting Hamas, but these teenagers and young people are strung out on WOKE Culture and indoctrination.


It is obvious that we have too many worthless Liberal Arts Majors and liberal professors on the campuses of these Poison Ivy colleges. This reminds me of the song by The WHO, Baba O’Riley– or better known as Teenage Wasteland.

I can’t think of a better theme song for these leftist Democrats on campuses rioting, destroying property, and perpetrating violence against others with very little knowledge or understanding to what they are supporting. The world has enough of the Liberal Arts Majors that has no work ethic and don’t possess any meaningful trade skills to offer.

This protest the these Wasteland students are directing at Israel after invading Gaza for a horrific attack launched by Palestinians that killed civilians on October 07th, 2023. This was under some of the most inhumane manners that we haven’t seen since the Holocaust. Before you say that these attacks are embellishments, I ask those making these objections to watch the video evidence.


These students that are rioting are protesting the only country in the Middle-East that is a Democracy that allows freedom of religion, free speech, and freedom of the press, extended to even Muslims. Israel had also recently held a FREE ELECTION in 2022. Museums are free to exercise their religion in Israel in Mosques and hold jobs.

Here my point– How would that work for a Jew, as myself, to have freedom of religion, a free voice, and express my opinion in writing in either Gaza or Iran? The Answer is Slim to none!

The last time Palestinians held free elections was in 2007 and since then Palestinians have been denied the right to hold free elections that are a part of any free sovereign country. Under Hamas control, the leadership have oppressed and have denied basic human rights to Palestinians. Hamas like in Mogadishu in 1992, have hijack aid coming into Gaza for themselves.  

We have Senators and a President here in the United States that are calling for a FREE election to be held in Israel, a free sovereign nation, that had just held elections in 2022. When at the same time, Chuck Schumer doesn’t even object to the evil regimes in Gaza or Iran that hadn’t held FREE elections since 2007 in Gaza or 1983 in Iran.


Point of Diminishing Returns in Higher Education

These students of these Poison Ivy Schools will soon learn that the career market has changed significantly where those $93K plus per year degrees will be worthless and far beyond diminishing returns of the cost of these Ivy League schools.

Compare that to 18-to-24 month Associate Technology Degree where students learn a valuable trade that are spending a fraction of just one year’s tuition of these Ivory Leaguers are doing. These trades from VOTECH Colleges have tremendous earning potential upon graduating that starts at an annual salary of $50K or higher. A starting welder can earn $24 per hour with the ability to work overtime in a multitude of industries.

I worked 36- years in bridge and dam construction and in transmission line work where I was a grid engineer when I retired. A Journeymen Linemen can earn $20.00 per hour with ability to work overtime, especially working storm damage. Some first year linemen can earn a salary of $95,000 with overtime.

As a grid Engineer, I was the Chairman of the Fall Protection Committee where I developed a horizontal Life Line to provide 100% Fall Protection that I was trying out on a H-Frame Structure with one of my line crews.

Above, is a photograph of me working with one of my seven (7) line crews the last month that I worked before retiring in June of 2015. Below is a photograph of me flying my last aerial line patrol in a Bell Jet Ranger 206(D) in May of 2015. My 36- years of work were the most satisfying work that I could have imagined.

In the featured image above is a photograph of me welding last week in my shop. I went to a VOTECH Community College two years ago to learn welding as a hobby that has now become my second career after I retired. That and preparing shop drawings, below, are what I consider hobbies that have become my second career that I can’t even classify as WORK. You can’t describe something you enjoy as work.


Satisfaction of Skilled Trade Work

The most satisfying work that anyone will have the pleasure of doing is working with their hands and mind together in synchronized harmony where time is suspended. If you want a great base to go into any other profession, an Associate Engineering Technology degree provides a huge advantage to anyone. With an Engineering Technology Degree and a trade, you’ll have unlimited potential your entire life.


NOTE: I had friends that were in Chemical Engineering because they were going into the medicinal field as doctors.

You will have skills and background to create opportunities for a lifetime and create a hobby that can become a second career in retirement. In my case, from preparing shop drawings with my engineering background to burning 7018 rods in my welding shop, I have had the most satisfying second career and also being retired. Retirement as I define it as is working when you want to, where you want to, and on your own schedule.

Working with my hands and mind, including working out in my Mojave Gym, five times a week, has allowed me to have an age-defying lifestyle even at age 66. The reason that I refer to my Gym and my shop as age-defying is that I have provided me the opportunity to maintain my physical ability, but more importantly, my cognitive ability and look like I’m in my mid-30’s.

This is my INDIAN Scout Bobber 60 that I ride to the hangar to work and fly. Behind me in the background is a P-51 Mustang Aircraft. This is linked to my Online Hangar Aviation Store

I ride my INDIAN Scout Bobber 60 Motorcycle to the hangar to fly early Sunday mornings that I considered as a time to relax and enjoy God’s Nature. I even have a T-shirt that states- I DON’T NEED THERAPY, I JUST NEED TO GO FLYING!


This is what is awaiting you by earning a technology degree and learn a trade to become a productive citizen and not a Teenage Wasteland Leaguer. The unemployment line already has plenty of Liberal Arts Democrats in it now.