The QATSPY Golf Sports Page: Simple Golf Swing Tips

The QATSPY Golf Sports Page: Simple Golf Swing Tips

By: Charles W. Boatright


Substantiating the Muscle Memory for the Golf Swing

David Leadbetter has substantiated the concept that the baseball-style golf swing provides the golfer with the muscle memory needed for the golf swing.

When I started my seven-year analysis (from 2007 to 2014) that I call my Xerox Box Golf Research Project to look at using a baseball-style golf swing, my goal was to find what muscle memory developed for the baseball swing fundamentals could also be used to produce a simple golf swing sequence. I was trying to rely more on muscle memory and fine motor skills (of feel) that I had already developed and use it in my golf swing sequence. The baseball-style golf swing would allow me to use muscle memory and rely less on swing thoughts.

There is a term called Apperception that any golfer of any level needs to understand and apply to their golf game. Apperception is the mental process, allowing a person to take a previously developed skill set and apply these skill sets in another capacity. But, Apperception is still a mental process. In golf, the golfer need to convince their subconscious mind that the subconscious mind, the golfer’s golf swing coach, can apply a certain skill set to their golf game. An effective golf lesson, or training session, is one that can take advantage of the golfer’s baseball-style golf swing sequence.

The problem that I found with some golf lessons is how these golf lessons are presented, with the sheer amount of swing thoughts, without including the golfer’s existing skill set, like the baseball-style golf swing sequence. The golfer is forced to develop and mentally process this using a new set of skills, but this takes a tremendous amount of time and is only partially successful. The Mental Rules of Golf describe how the golfer’s subconscious mind works and processes information. The subconscious mind doesn’t allow the golfer to readily apply a new skill set, without a lot of convincing and repetition.

This is the reason why the golfer can confidently execute a new skill set during a golf lesson or training session, but, once on the golf course, the golfer can’t confidently execute the skill set in their golf swing sequence. The subconscious mind is treating the new skill set like a survival skill. The subconscious mind needs time to accept and prove the skill before using the new skill on the golf course.

For more information on the Mental Rules of Golf, refer to: QATSPY | 10-Mental Rules of the Subconscious Mind in Golf. This is where using The ESPY Golf Swing Coach allows the golfer to take advantage of an existing skill set without having to experience a learning curve or a period of regression.

Muscle memory is a subconscious function, based on HOW and WHY and is less related on the conscious process of thinking. When the golfer is taking a golf lesson, they are using their conscious mind. Swing thoughts, at best, are unreliable when dealing with the pressures in the golf swing on the golf course, like on the first tee box. The golfer, under this type pressure, can experience what I call a ‘White out,’ from the amount of adrenaline that causes the brain to shut down because of overload. This generates a lot of noise in the golfer’s conscious mind where the lesson is staged. The golfer needs instead to allow the conscious mind just to focus on the BE THE BALL quote, from Caddyshack; and let the subconscious mind use muscle memory to produce the natural golf swing sequence, like that has been developed with the baseball swing.

The conscious mind can do one of two things- ONE is to THINK (wrong thing to do), and TWO- is to FOCUS to properly channel the golfer’s adrenaline.

Caddyshack– Be the Ball quote: (Ty Webb- played by Chevy Chase mentioned to Danny Noonan- played by Michael O’Keefe) I’m going to give you a little advice. There’s a force in the universe that makes things happen. And all you have to do is get in touch with it, stop thinking, let things happen, and be the ball.

The Baseball-style Golf Swing Develops the Most Realistic Golf Swing Sequence

In my seven years of work on my ESPY Xerox Box Golf Research Project, I compared time-lapse photography. I found that the baseball-style golf swing sequence developed the most realistic muscle memory and golf swing mechanics needed to produce a consistent golf swing. One of the major benefits of using the baseball-style golf swing is that most golfers have already developed the baseball swing fundamentals at a young age and the mechanics and techniques are ingrained as fine motor skills. No need to re-learn and/or develop new golf swing mechanics or techniques. The baseball-style golf swing sequence could account for more than half of the golfer’s practice time spent in developing their golf swing.

This research that I developed in my ESPY Xerox Box Golf Research Project became known as The ESPY Golf Swing Coach, my book that was released early in 2015. The main philosophy of my book is using the baseball-style golf swing sequence to naturally sync the elbows with the shoulders, which is a huge mechanical advantage. This is a technique that Arnold Palmer was working with President Eisenhower on at a Pro-Am.

Now, David Leadbetter, coach of Michelle Wie and Lydia Ko, has substantiated the baseball-style golf swing sequence in an interview on Golf Channel, and this provides the golfer with the muscle memory needed for their golf swing. This interview aired on Morning Drive on Monday, 11May2015. David Leadbetter also wrote an article for Golf Digest in the January 2002 issue on page 54, entitled Your New Swing Starts Here, Eliminate Your Takeaway Mistakes. An excerpt from this article is below:

With the swing of the future, you look like a baseball player ready to hit. The short movement requires from this halfway-back slot simplifies things and eliminates the wasted motion so common in many players. You start in a great position and then you just make a little turn, which completes a perfectly wound-up backswing- and a good backswing leads to a good downswing.

In my blog entitled REALIZE MORE POWER AND ACCURACY IN YOUR GOLF SWING BY PRESETTING THE WRISTBANDS FOR THE PROPER SWING! I wrote about Syncing/Presetting the wrists and lower forearms as a golf swing technique to help the golfer to set up and establish a correct swing plane, shown above. The Syncing/Presetting of the wrists specifically uses two KEY muscles in the wrists, the Thenars (The RT. and LT. Hypothenar and Thenar). The reason that the Thenars are significant  is because these muscles are two of the strongest and most dexterous muscles in the wrists that have direct contact with the handle of the golf club.

This baseball-style golf swing sequence is based on Sync/Presetting the wrists and lower forearm (the wristbands on the boxing gloves) by supinating and pronating the wristband. These two simple element will dramatically increase the golfer’s distance and control. In Section two of my book, I go into detail, using figures and diagrams, to explain how the baseball-style golf swing sequence is used in the golf swing.

ESPY JUCO Golf Swing Sequence:

  1. Supinate (SYNC) CAMMING-  Trigger Muscles are the RT. Hypothenar and RT. Thenar Muscles that CAM, or supinate, at the right Hypothenar, The “U”.
  2. Pronate (PRESET) CAMMING-OVER-  Trigger Muscle LT. Hypothenar Muscle that CAMS-OVER the LT. Thenar at the LT. Hypothenar, The “J.”
  3. This places the wrists and lower forearms into the LOCK Position and locks the right elbow, for a right-handed golfer, next to their right side to sync the elbow and the golfer’s shoulders. This allows the golfer’s elbows to coil the shoulders and the upper and lower body during the last maneuver called the YAW.

Papers in engineering and science are typically submitted to peers for review in order to be substantiated. The work I did in Madison, MS, where I synced the elbows with the shoulders was indeed based on the baseball-style golf swing, as confirmed by David Leadbetter. This allowed the golfer to use their elbows and shoulders to gain a significant mechanical advantage over the modern-day golf swing. The baseball-style swing, syncing the elbows with the shoulders, was substantiated by one of the leading golf instructors, David Leadbetter.

Time-lapse photography showing the wrists action in comparing the golf swing vs. baseball swing.

Time-lapse photography showing the wrist action in comparing the golf swing vs. baseball swing.

The time-lapse photography above comparing the sequence of the golf swing fundamentals with that of the baseball swing fundamentals provides evidence on how the baseball-style golf swing can actually be directly implemented into the golf swing. The SYNC and PRESET of the wristbands on the boxing gloves orientate the elbows with the shoulders and place the club onto the proper swing plane.

Presting The Wris2t

This preset of the wrists, hands, thenars, and wristbands allow the golfer to take their baseball swing from the batter’s box to the tee box, without learning new muscle memory. This technique also allows the golfer to get into what I refer to as IN THE ZONE.

This is where the subconscious mind is controlling the golf swing. This is similar to a condition called ‘Driving Hypnosis’. There are 640 muscles in the human body. The golfer, using their conscious mind, can’t control that many muscles. However, the subconscious mind can.

This is where the muscle memory developed for the baseball swing can directly be applied to the golfer’s swing to help them manage these 640 muscles. Two key Muscles, the RT. and LT. Hypothenars and Thenar Muscles, can help to trigger the muscle memory developed for the baseball swing for the golf swing. The golf swing muscle memory can be as ingrained as the baseball swing was. The same applies with The ESPY Golf Swing App.

While ‘Driving Hypnosis’ is unsafe for driving a vehicle down the highway, it works great for driving a golf ball down the fairway. For ‘Driving Hypnosis’ to occur, three elements must be in place:

  1. Normal and routine tasks with normal conditions must exist.
  2. Rely on a high degree of relaxation, confidence, and a high degree of muscle memory.
  3. The conscious mind (WHAT) and subconscious mind (HOW)  are focused on two different situations.

‘Driving Hypnosis’ allows the golfer to experience the condition I refer to as IN-THE-ZONE. Anthony ‘Booger’ McFarland brought up a great point during the 2016 SEC Media Days that can help you get into the IN-THE-ZONE. Booger stated, “When he was the most comfortable and relaxed in a game was when he was the most prepared.” Once you develop the SYNC, PRESET, and YAW muscle memory technique, the golfer is more relaxed and comfortable over golf shots. The only conscious element going through the golfer’s head is to BE THE BALL. I also like to imagine that I have a pair of boxing gloves on instead of my golf glove to help me preset my wristbands.

To learn how to take your baseball-style golf swing from the batter’s box to the tee box, purchase your copy of The ESPY Golf Swing Coach from the links below, or visit your local bookstore:

Self-Coaching Golf Swing Fundamentals Book for Golfers

My book can also be purchased at Edwin Watts Golf Store in Jackson, Mississippi. Phone No. 601-956-8784

820 East County Line Road, Ridgeland, MS 39157

My book can also be purchased on-line at:

Barnes & Noble

Health and Fitness Program Golf Exercise for Power

This book is based on a self-coaching forum (ASPEN Pyramid) that provides the beginner and advance single-digit handicap golfer with safe ergonomic classic golf swing for more power and control without debilitating injuries that are common with some modern-day golf swings. As part of the ESPY Golf Swing Coach is a workout program designed especially for golfers and a effective diet program detailed below:

Please take advantage of my SR-925 Diet Program, where I lost 6 inches in my waist in 3- months (FREE of CHARGE) with the CASPER Workout Program, detailed in Section 20 of my book, great golf swing workout:

SR-925 Diet Program lost 6 inches in 3 months, I went from a 37.5 to a 30.5 inch waistline within 9 months      CASPER Workout Program to develop a great golf swing workout for DISTANCE and CONTROL

Please include an exercise routine in your weekly schedule.

ESPY Golf Swing Coach- Developing the golfer's Rhythm w/o creating the golfer's Blues

ESPY Golf Swing Coach- Developing the golfer’s Rhythm w/o creating the golfer’s Blues.

Also, learning The ESPY Golf Swing Coach process is an excellent way to develop Rhythm without experiencing the Blues in your golf game for confidence; learn how to take your baseball-style swing from the batter’s box to the tee box.

Golfer's Locker Room for learning and applying Simple Golf Swing Tips

Golfer’s Locker Room for learning and applying Simple Golf Swing Tips.

Please visit “The Locker Room” for an Index of all my golf articles to improve your golf game and life. Discover how you can take your baseball swing from the batter’s box to the tee box.

For Comments or questions please contact me at 1-888-514-1228 Mon – Fri from 9 am to 4 pm CT Zone.

A Recommendation for your Golf Game:

I would like to recommend an interesting radio program that I regularly listen to from my home state Arkansas on my I-Heart Radio app on KARN 102.9 FM station, out of Little Rock, AR. They air a golf show called Arkansas Fairways and Greens, at 7:00 AM CT each Saturday morning, hosted by Bob Steel, and co-hosted by Jay Fox and Charles Crowson. Bob occasionally as has his guess Alex Myers with Golf Digest and Ron Sirak with Golf Channel. I was interviewed on his show about my book, The ESPY Golf Swing Coach. This show is worth tuning into for golf news and information.

Jay Fox is an Administrator with Arkansas State Golf Association that discuss amateur golf and rules of the game.

Check out my full library of BLOGS @ or purchase your copy of “The ESPY Golf Swing Coach” @

Facebook – The QATSPY Golf Approach
Twitter – @cwboatright
Google+ – ESPY Golf Swing Coach
YouTube – ESPY Golf Swing Coach

Once you learn WHY, you don’t forget HOW!

YouTube Videos: (Cam & Cam-over elements) (Figuring your proper swing plane) (Developing muscle memory)

Two decisions that you can make for yourself and your kids are to get a copy of my book and place the book and a golf club into their hands. You will never look back, but only forward. You will not miss with this for yourself and/or your kids.

Until next time– Be Synched, Tee-to-Green, with The ESPY Golf Swing!