By: Charles W. Boatright

Reduce/Eliminate/Reverse the Aging Process– I just turned 67 and I look and feel as if I’m in my Mid-30’s using Strength & Conditioning. How to turn the body into an Age-Defying Turbocharged Calorie-Burning Juggernaut to Repair & Rejuvenate the Body.

My Bout with Prostate Cancer

The featured photograph about one month after my bout with Stage 2 Prostate Cancer where I had two surgeries and 4- months of treatment. I couldn’t work out the way or manner that I am accustomed during this time or would like to do in my gym. But I’m SLOWLY and gradually getting back to my normal workout routine where I hope by August to be doing my full workout.

GUYS ONE WORD of Advice– Get Your PSA TEST done that saved my life; as of June 2024 my test shows that I’m clear of Prostate Cancer. September is my next follow up.

The Benefits of Strength & Conditioning

A Strength & Conditioning program allows the Pituitary Gland to work in conjunction with the muscles during resistance exercises to release collagen into the body for healthy looking skin and joints. Couple that with a proper diet that is high in Protein, Fiber, Omega-3 Fats, Probiotics, and complex Carbs and you have your daily fountain of youth.


We have the ability to Reduce, Eliminate, and even Reverse the ravages of the aging process by improving our muscle mass, endurance, and stamina. There are simple health and fitness techniques that is available to all of us to avoid the aging process. We DON’T have to grow old and decrepitive.

One of the keys to reducing the ravages of aging is to keep active and follow a healthy diet and Exercises routine that includes Strength and conditioning with proper stretches.

It is first and foremost important to establish an Age-Defying routine consisting of following a healthy diet that is high in Protein, Fiber, Omega-3 Fats, Probiotics, and complex Carbs and complex starches. You have to avoid at all cost simple starches and simple carbs. Simple starches are what I refer to as the hidden sugars that are the main cause of weight gain and preventing you from dropping weight and years off. Glucose, simple starches and carbs destroys your ability to reverse the aging process and prevent joint discomfort.

Joint pain and discomfort is what discourage us from having an active lifestyle at the very time we need to exercise and be active the most. You have to look for ways to remain active over the age of 40 and increase joint health. This isn’t the time to slow down, but get active in sports and hobbies.

The best hobbies are those that include VOLTECH Skills; my is welding that I thoroughly enjoy doing. I love Burning rods, smelling flux, and enjoy heavy metal with my coffee in the morning.


I Don’t Know too Many People over 40 or 50 that wouldn’t What to look Younger

I don’t know of too many people over the age of 40 or 50 that wouldn’t like to look and feel 15 to 20 years younger. Your body is designed by God to maintain a healthy active and having an enjoyable lifestyle. Your body can actually repair and rejuvenate itself especially at night by getting proper diet, exercise, and sleep. If you want to drop weight and years, it is just as simple as having your meals between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Two of the most important parts of a healthy diet for age-defying health and fitness are based on WHEN you eat (between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.) followed by WHAT you eat (DAC score below 3.25). Eating based on these two factors can turn your body into a Turbocharged Calorie-Burning, Age-Defying Juggernaut. This allows your body to burn off excess fat that you might have accumulated over the years and not only reduce the aging process, but actually reverses the aging process.

I just celebrated my 67th birthday on July 04th, 2024. After I did a photoshoot for our Fall sportswear cockpit collection at our hangar, I posed with my INDIAN Motorcycle in our hangar in the featured photo, above.

Here is a surprising fact, I’m three years away from my 70th birthday and I am in the health and condition of a man in his mid-30’s. There isn’t a better age-defying drug or cream that is on the market today that can provide you with these type of results and have a healthy active lifestyle as well.  

I contribute my Age-Defying Health and Fitness to the MELIORA DIET & FITNESS Program. This is a Diet and Fitness program that turned my body into an Age-Defying Turbocharged, Calorie-Burning Juggernaut where I dropped not only my weight, but years off my body. It is kind of nice to be 67 and retired and be as if I’m in my mid-30’s. That is the benefit we all want to have- Being old enough to be retired; but yet young enough to enjoy retirement as if I’m in my mid-30’s.  

I’m constantly hearing retire people that state- That if I just had the health and fitness that I had in my mid-30’s when I’m now retired. BUT IN ACTUALITY, YOU CAN have both. The biggest growing sector of our society are people that are Baby Boomers! Not surprising.

The major key in defying your age is to challenge your body and mind by keeping active in hobbies, sports, and mediation and following a healthy diet and a proper fitness program. Anyone who are approaching their late 20’s or 30’s, if not sooner, should eat healthy, exercise, and be involved in hobbies and sports.

Please don’t reach your 30’s and 40’s and start becoming inactive. That is a death sentence for you.

An Active Lifestyle

A great way to remain active is to FIRST be involved in a sport and have a proper fitness routine. SECOND, to develop a hobby or hobbies that can become your second career when you retire, as I have done, welding. I would suggest to you to develop a trade skill as I have done. If you really want to focus on your health and fitness just start modeling that I do for my Sporty’s Wright Bros. Safari Cockpit Collection & Gear. If you want to challenge your age over 50, do some modeling in front of a camera. The camera will be your worst critic ever.

If you want something that challenges your body, mind, and especially your soul, take up boxing bag workout. Boxing bag workout is probably the best meditation that you can do for 3-12 minutes.

One major improvement that I have seen in my health and fitness is that I considered my fitness workout like a sport itself. You are competing with and against yourself. We are know that competition provides the best results especially in education and free markets.

Part of my active lifestyle includes flying WWII aircraft, golfing where I coach, working out in my Mojave Gym, and writing articles for my ACE SPORTS PAGE. I have people who writes to me suggesting that I need to slow down and enjoy my retirement years. That is actually the very worst thing that anyone could do with their life over the age of 50. That is exactly how you accelerate the the aging process.

If you want to Look, Feel, and Act years younger than your age, Eat a healthy diet, exercise that includes fitness with strength and conditioning, and enjoy an active lifestyle. If you need help looking and feel years younger, please purchase my MELIORA DIET & FITNESS Program by selecting the link below:

To the younger generation please DO NOT TAKE anything that isn’t distributed by a druggist or purchased in a sealed container or from a store. I listened to a mother who described with emotional pain one of a parent’s worst nightmare at the Republican Convention where her 15- year old son took a pill that was laced with Fentanyl and died.

The last thing a person under 60 should have to be concerned with is death. Fentanyl is flooding our cities and killing over a hundred-thousand per year. This is not just a drug to take for pleasure; but a drug that will kill you.