THE QATSPY Inside-the-Leather Golfer’s Sports Page:

US WINGS A-2 Flight Jacket for Inside-the-Leather Sports Page

By: Charles W. Boatright

The Sport of Golf, An Excellent Athletic Program for Homeschooling Curriculum

Yesterday on Fox & Friends Brian Kilmeade was reporting on the cost of participating in kids sports (soccer, baseball, football, and basketball). Brian was pointing out that kids sports is such a big business now that it has priced some families out of getting their child into a sport.

Sports are just as important to a child’s development in regards to physical and mental health as any curriculum is in school. But most sports are geared on team participation.

But golf that didn’t get coverage in this story on Fox & Friends, but Golf is unique in that it can be an individual or team sport. Even practice sessions can be geared toward competition which is actually the best means to practice. Even in my practice sessions, that I perform where I practice my putting (see YouTube Video below), I developed The 405- Training Drill that provide similar condition as performing on the golf course which is essential, especially if you video tape yourself.  Golf is safe in reference to injuries, especially head injuries. Golf is perfect sport for the Homeschool setting.

Kid’s clubs are very inexpensive to purchase, especially kids clubs. Even some golf stores has preowned clubs to get kids started. There are special practice balls that kids can use that doesn’t cause personal injuries or property damage that kids can use in their backyard or open field that will allow them to hone their skills. I cover these special golf balls in my YouTube Video. These practice ball only go a third of a distance of an actual golf ball and they can float.

Hint to Parents or Guardians:

Here’s one mental constraint the golfer has to adapt to in order to improve their golf game:

This one thing I can guarantee the golfer, You may very well practice your golf swing and take golf lessons using your conscious mind concerning the WHAT, but I can guarantee the golfer that once they step foot onto the golf course that they will be relying totally on their subconscious mind. The subconscious mind runs the show when it comes to HOW on the golf course. This is the reason The 405- Training Drill is an important component to a child’s practice sessions.

When there’s a conflict between the conscious mind, how the golfer typically practices, and the subconscious mind, how the golfer will perform on the golf course, the golfer’s subconscious mind will win the face-off or duel. If your golf swing isn’t instinctive you won’t have it on the golf course.

Golf- Perfect for Homeschool

There are very few athletic activities that the Homeschooling programs can incorporate into their curriculum. Most sports, such as baseball, football, softball, basketball, soccer, rugby, and tennis, require the formation of teams, officiating, and can also expose students to various injuries.

The Sport of golf is an excellent and a safe sport that homeschooling programs can use to develop character, and promote fitness and health in young people. The lessons learned from the sport of golf can allow the homeschooling student to reach their full potential in all areas of life. The homeschooling students can use golf to develop character and to instill sportsmanship of respect, perseverance, faith, and confidence in their life.

Equipping homeschooled students to play golf doesn’t have to be expensive. Homeschooling students, along with parents, can form a partnership with local churches or other organizations to secure low-cost or, in some cases, free golf equipment. Most resale stores, like Play It Again Sports, Goodwill, or The Salvation Army, have economical starter sets of golf clubs for the homeschooling student to start learning and playing golf.

With the increasing development of golf technology in equipment, most golfers have a spare set of golf clubs in their garages and storerooms that are not being used. The golfers can donate surplus clubs to local organizations, like churches, and receive a tax deduction for the donation.

Churches can reallocate the golf equipment to local, certified homeschooling programs in their area. The sport of golf provides homeschools with an excellent athletic program that can allow homeschooled students to either participate on an individual or a team level year-round.

Golf provides a great opportunity for homeschools to develop tournament leagues. This can be accomplished with the help of golf course personnel and/or churches. I have developed Operation Dog Tag to assist homeschools in setting up a golf program.

Also, each state has a golf association that I would recommend that homeschooling programs get in contact with for support and to get involved with golf tournaments. Also, each state has the P.J. Boatwright Fellowship program that young golfers can apply to. Mr. P.J. Boatwright, Jr. was a distance cousin.

Using the Sport of Golf for Homeschooled Students to Secure Scholarships

Golf provides more than an athletic opportunity for the homeschooled student to participate in the sport of golf at a low cost. Golf is also an excellent avenue for homeschooled students to secure athletic and academic scholarships at colleges.

Colleges are seeking these homeschooled students because of their autodidact ability. Not only can homeschooled students use golf to gain a scholarship, but they can also use golf to either pursue a career in golf or to enhance their career in other fields.

Golf, for centuries, has been used to form and develop special business relationships, and can be applied in the modern-day business world, as well. If you can improve an existing or prospective client’s golf game, you have their undivided attention for three-and a-half hours. I would think that any future business needs that a client would have, your name would come to their mind first. Also, where is your client going for three-and-a-half hours to indirectly talk business?

The Triad Learning Pyramid for an Autodidact Self-Coaching Technique

02PyramidLearningOne of the best means to develop instructional golf is based on ‘The Triad Learning Pyramid,’ an Autodidact, self-coaching technique, refer to: This represents a ninety percent retention rate on learning. “The ESPY Golf Swing Coach” takes advantage of an important muscle memory that most children have acquired at an early age and directly applies it to golf.

The ESPY Golf Swing Coach uses Apperception technique that takes the student’s baseball-style golf swing from the batter’s box and applies it to the tee box, with some refinements. The same muscles used in the baseball swing can be applied to the golf swing to maximize the student’s power, acceleration, control, and confidence. This removes the confusing part of golf for the student and replaces it with a consistent golf swing.

I have several Self-Coaching Training Programs (STP) that can be downloaded that are usually 12 to 22 pages in length that have illustrations and step-by-step procedure for student, parents, guardian, or administrator to use in golf instruction sessions. These are under $25.00 for a download you can use in coaching golf. These are found along the right side of this article.

01ESPYGolfTraining01  01ESPYGolfTraining02

Also, the homeschool program can also set up a practice area in the garage by using some special golf balls that I call SAFE balls. These SAFE golf balls also are called Almost Golf Balls® that will NOT cause damage in a garage setting or the backyard. I use a painter’s canvas drop cloth suspended across the garage door that I use to practice during inclement weather conditions.

I also have a putting surface with a backstop in my training center where perform chip and pitch shots like the YouTube Video shows below:

You can use a plain doormat for your hitting area with a dumbbell to hold the mat in place. You can develop the same muscle memory by hitting chip and pitch shots that are also used in the full golf shot. Matter of fact, you can develop a better feel and finesse for hitting chip and pitch shots using this type of technique. Refer to the photograph of my hitting area. The tape measure indicates that I’m 14 feet back from the drop cloth. For more details on setting up your hitting area, please refer to:

The QATR-408 The Palmer Technique (Wrist action in the Golf Swing):

The Main Emphasis of The QATSPY Golf is Presetting the Golfer’s Wrist

Even Sir Nick Faldo produced what I think is one of the best YouTube videos showing the preset technique. Preset technique is a great ergonomic approach to golf because it sets the Low-Threshold muscles in the wrists and forearms before the High Threshold muscles in the golfer’s arms, shoulders, torso, and lower body.

THE QATSPY Golf Swing consist of very simple elements to Sync/Preset the wrists to complete 80 percent of the golf swing. This provides an amazing amount of Power, Clubhead Speed, and Control in the student’s golf shot.

If the Homeschooled student examines the time-lapse photography comparing the golf swing vs. the baseball swing, the student will see the similarities, if not the exact methods of how both the golfer and the baseball player have Synced/Preset their wrists and forearms in the illustration, shown below. This shows the golfer and the baseball player’s orientation of the wrists and forearms right before impact. This is exactly how the golfer wants to preset their golf swing to initiate their takeaway swing.

The time-elapse photography compares the wrist action in the golf swing vs. baseball swing. This indicates how both the golfer and baseball player have Sync/Preset their wrists and forearms practically in the same manner and same position.

The time-lapse photography compares the wrist action in the golf swing vs. the baseball swing. This indicates how both the golfer and baseball player have Synced/Preset their wrists and forearms practically in the same manner and same position.

Operation Dog Tag, A Program Set up for both Homeschool Students and Veterans 

Operation DOG TAG

I have developed a program called Operation Dog Tag for Veterans returning home. This same Operation Dog Tag structure can also be used to establish a great Homeschool program of athletics, using the sport of golf. I have listed the following references for those interested in establishing the framework for developing a golf program in a Homeschooled setting:

Golf also Provides Homeschooled Students With an Excellent Fitness and Exercise with the CASPER Fitness Program

In addition to learning the golf mechanics and techniques to produce a consistent golf swing, The ESPY Golf Swing Coach also has an exercise regimen for students to develop and maintain physical fitness called the CASPER Fitness Program. This can be performed on various levels, based on the level of fitness required. See my link for more details about how to set up a CASPER Fitness Program, including minimum equipment needed:


The ESPY Golf Swing Coach uses the subconscious mind to execute three very simple S-P-Y elements that we perform on a daily basis — SYNC, PRESET, and YAW. This golf swing sequence eliminates the need for confusing swing thoughts that can be debilitating and also diminish the golfer’s ability to produce a great golf shot. NOW, LET’S GO PLAY GOLF!

To learn more about your picture perfect preset golf swing sequence, purchase your copy of The ESPY Golf Swing Coach from the links below, or visit your local bookstore:

Self-Coaching Golf Swing ESPY App Fundamentals Book for Golfers

My book can also be purchased at Edwin Watts Golf Store in Jackson, Mississippi. Phone No. 601-956-8784

820 East County Line Road, Ridgeland, MS 39157

My book can also be purchased on-line at:

Barnes & Noble

The CASPER Fitness Program for a Golf Exercise for Power

This book is based on a self-coaching forum (ASPEN Pyramid) that provides the beginner and advanced single-digit handicap golfer with a safe, ergonomic classic golf swing for more power and control, without debilitating injuries that are common with some modern-day golf swings. As part of the ESPY Golf Swing Coach is a workout program designed especially for golfers and an effective diet program detailed below.

Please take advantage of my SR-925 Diet Program, where I lost 6 inches in my waist in 3- months (FREE of CHARGE) with the CASPER Workout Program, detailed in Section 20 of my book, great golf swing workout:

SR-925 Diet Program lost 6 inches in 3 months, I went from a 37.5 to a 30.5 inch waistline within 9 months.    CASPER Fitness Program to develop a great golf swing workout for DISTANCE and CONTROL

One component in my CASPER Workout Program that I follow is using a Medicine Ball to perform what I call Stocking the Shelves, illustrated below in the figure:

Golf exercise with a Medicine Ball Exercise for Golf- Stocking the Selves

Golf exercise with a Medicine Ball Exercise for Golf- Stocking the Selves.

Please include an exercise routine in your weekly schedule.

The ESPY Golf Swing Coach- Rhythm Without the Blues

The ESPY Golf Swing Coach- ESPY App Developing the golfer's Rhythm w/o creating the golfer's Blues

The ESPY Golf Swing Coach- ESPY App Developing the golfer’s Rhythm w/o creating the golfer’s Blues

Also, learning The ESPY Golf Swing Coach process is an excellent way to develop Rhythm without experiencing the Blues in your golf game for confidence; learn how to take your baseball-style swing from the batter’s box to the tee box.

THE LOCKER ROOM a source for golf tips

Golfer's Locker Room for learning and applying Simple Golf Swing Tips.

Golfer’s Locker Room for learning and applying Simple Golf Swing Tips.

Please visit “The Locker Room” for an Index of all my golf articles to improve your golf game and life. Discover how you can take your baseball swing from the batter’s box to the tee box.

Learn How to take your baseball-style golf swing from the batter’s box to the tee box.

For Comments or questions please contact me at 1-888-514-1228 Mon – Fri from 9 am to 4 pm CT Zone.

Check out my full library of BLOGS @ or purchase your copy of “The ESPY Golf Swing Coach” @

Facebook – The QATSPY Golf Approach
Twitter – @cwboatright
Google+ – ESPY Golf Swing Coach
YouTube – ESPY Golf Swing Coach

Once you learn WHY, you don’t forget HOW!

YouTube Videos: (Cam & Cam-over elements) (Figuring your proper swing plane) (Developing muscle memory)

Two decisions that you can make for yourself and your kids are to get a copy of my book and place the book and a golf club into their hands. You will never look back, but only forward. You will not miss with this for yourself and/or your kids.

Until next time– Be Synched, Tee-to-Green, with The ESPY Golf Swing!