THE QATSPY® Yankee Performance Sports Training & Apparel Quarters

This is a photograph taken of the Griffith Observatory located in Los Angeles, California that served as the backdrop for Adele’s Concert on Sunday night, November 14, 2021. One of my astrophysicist professors attended a seminars at the Griffith Observatory & Planetarium in 1986.

The Griffith Observatory and Planetarium provided a spectacular backdrop for the Adele Concert that provided that regal setting. With the professional lighting and projection system, the Observatory provided what a stage couldn’t deliver.

By: Charles W. Boatright

Griffith Observatory of Adele’s Concert– Adele’s Singing Voice was the Main Event; Adele also Underscores the significance of her Fitness

The Griffith Observatory & Planetarium in Los Angeles, California was the backdrop to the Sights and Sounds of Adele’s concert that was as impressive as what has been viewed of the heavens from this observatory. Adele is one of my favorite vocalists that also writes the lyrics of her songs that she sings. She gave voice to the struggles that she has faced in her life, dating back to her childhood.

As much as I enjoyed Adele’s singing voice, I also was equally impressed how Adele underscored the importance her fitness routine was to her survival and enjoying life. Adele again underscored why fitness of strength and conditioning is essential to our mental health, in addition to our physical and spiritual life.

Oprah Winfrey’s interview with Adele

Oprah Winfrey’s interview with Adele during the intermission periods was as impressive as the concert, because Adele explained how her workout and fitness provides her the ability to reclaim her life and her joy and happiness. Adele explained that she lost one-hundred pounds. As impressive as Adele losing 100 LBS. was, Adele Dead-lifting 170 LBS. was just as impressive.

Adele also revealed an element that people might not have as part of their workout regimen, and that is working out with a boxing bag. Working out with a boxing bag is a therapy that Parkinson’s patients use to manage this horrible disease. The reason that the boxing bag workout is a great component, along with a complete fitness program, to us is the endorphins that are secreted by the hypothalamus and pituitary glands.

This is a photograph taken of my Home GYM that is in what was the attic space over my golf training facility and photography studio. The exercise equipment that I have labeled here is all the equipment that I and my students workout with. There is one more unique part of my Home GYM, it IS NOT cooled or heated. I purposely didn’t cooled or heated my Home GYM to provide me with a element of conditioning. In the summertime in Mississippi with the humidity, the heat index can reach 125 degrees where I workout. NOTE you have to acclimate yourself to these type of temperatures.

How to Invigorate Your Life and Enjoy Your Life

Exercise, besides secreting endorphins, also secretes dopamine from the hypothalamus gland during our workout routine. These hormones allow a person to feel invigorated, especially after a workout. If you are looking for elements to improve your life, research the therapies that Parkinson’s patients use to combat this disease.

I have students that workout in my Home GYM on the boxing bag. Ladies this isn’t just for guys, but is equally beneficial for you just as well.

This is one reason I refer to my health and fitness program as DELPHI- Diet & Fitness System Diet ■ Exercise ■ Lifestyle ■ Health Index, because Parkinson’s patients follow a healthy diet, exercise program, and a healthy lifestyle, which includes exercising, meditation, reading, yoga or tai chi, and social interactions.

The boxing therapy is used by Rock Steady Organization to help Parkinson’s patients.

Adele, Please Continue Giving your beautiful voice to Your Music & Fitness!

Adele, Please Continue Giving your beautiful voice to your music and to your health and fitness that you so eloquently described during your interview with Oprah Winfrey. I always listen to music during my workout sessions, and you along with U-2, Simple Minds, and Boston are among my music selections. Anything with a drum beat that I enjoy listening to during my hour long workout sessions.

A little hint about my workout– I don’t count the minutes during my workout, I instead count songs. I do have a timer that I set prior to starting my workout sessions. These allows me to relax my mind and just enjoy my workout and meditation. Watching a clock is the most boring thing you can do while working out like I do for 60- minutes, five-times a week.


I’ll Let You Be The Judge

I’ll let you be the judge if you think a healthy diet, exercise, and lifestyle that is a part of my DELPHI Age-Defying DIET & FITNESS really is effective. Below, I’m 64 years old, shown where I’m sitting on my INDIAN Scout Bobber 60 Motorcycle in our hangar. I had to revise my DELPHI DIET & FITNESS to include an Age-Defying Component description, after seven years of following my health and fitness program since November 28, 2014.    

This photograph was taken on November 09, 2021 after I did a photo shoot of our US WINGS Fall Fashion Leather Jackets that we have supplied to Hollywood and to the U.S. Military. This was an AB Challenge that the photography crew challenged me to at age 64.

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The Yankee Personalized-Style & Traditional Apparel Quarters

THE QATSPY®– The Yankee Personalized-Style & Traditional Apparel Quarters home of the US WINGS® A-2 Leather Flight Jacket and Indy-Style Leather Jacket that we supply to the U.S. Military and Hollywood Studios.


