The QATSPY GOLF Inside the Leather Sports Page


Inside the leather Classic Golf Swing Mechanics and simple golf swing tips for self-coaching techniques.

By: Charles W. Boatright

Author of The ESPY Golf Swing Coach, Delta Technique Geared for Distance and Control

Self-Coaching Technique to Improve your New Year’s Resolutions



The Odds are Stacked Against You Keeping Your New Year’s Resolution(s), Based on the Following Statistics

  • 92 percent of people who made New Year’s Resolution(s) will fail before the middle of January of 2019.
  • 45 percent of the people making New Year’s Resolution(s) are health and fitness related.
  • Only 8 percent will be successful in obtaining their New Year’s Resolution(s).

Self-Coaching Technique to Improve your New Year's Resolutions

Self-Coaching Pyramid for Successful Goals

To dramatically increase your chances of obtaining your New Year’s Resolution(s), it’s not enough that you answer the top two tiers of the Pyramid of WHAT and WHY. The WHAT and WHY are great starting points, but to reach your goal, you have to determine the more important aspect of HOW. You can attend lectures, read books, watch specials on health and fitness, but until you develop a self-coaching technique, that you will follow and become a part of your lifestyle you will be faced with insurmountable odds, resulting in failure.

Coaches all are too aware of WHAT and WHY; the bigger question is HOW. When you think about the HOW, you start looking at techniques and procedures you must use in achieving your goal. Here are some Techniques and Procedures you can use:

  • First, determine what you CAN DO NOW, not in 4 or 8 weeks in the new year. Figure out what exercise elements you need to do and the duration, based on your present fitness level and activity you are trying to improve. Make sure you record these exercises in reps, sets, and duration time, if you can’t measure your fitness, you can’t improve your fitness.
  • If Health & Fitness is your New Year’s Resolution in the new year, you will have to include Exercise and Diet. Exercising is only 20 percent of your health and fitness pursuit; the other 80 percent is the “D” word, Diet.
  • Diet, like sleep patterns, is based on your Circadian Rhythm. Your body has an 8-Hour clock when it Metabolizes food effectively. Instead of gaining weight, you can actually turn your body into a calorie-burning juggernaut, based on two factors: WHEN you eat and WHAT you eat. Please refer to my SR925 MET Diet for WHEN and my Weight Factor for WHAT, as these are very EFFECTIVE and are FREE.
  • When you put together an exercise regimen, include a very effective technique called RIP (Rest Interval Performance). I typically do 100 sit-ups each day in my CASPER Fitness Program. How I can perform 100 sit-ups is by doing 10 reps in a set, with 10 to 15-seconds of rest break between sets. You will be surprised at the number of reps you can do with a 10-15 second rest break. Even in boxing, they have periods between the 3-minute rounds.
  • If walking, jogging, or, what I prefer, bicycling is a part of your fitness regimen, have rest or slow down periods in your walking, jogging, or bicycling routine. If you jog, start by jogging and walking first. Jog for 100-yards, followed by walking 100-yards. If you haven’t trained in years, don’t expect peak performance. If you jog on a track, jog the straight-of-ways and walk the turns.
  • During your first exercise regimen that you do in the new year, use a spiral binder that I referenced to record what you CAN do first and start building your stamina from there. Your starting point is what you can do, not what you want to do in 8 to 12 weeks. Not only record the reps and sets, but the total exercise time from start time to finish time each day. Most I-Phones have stop watches, or timers as an app. This is a great and convenient app to use in your exercise workout. Your goal is to get at least 20 to 40- minutes of exercise in between 3 to 4 times per week. The main thing is to just Start from where you are NOW and not from where you are going. Reps and duration time are the key. Also you don’t have to spend a great deal of money on exercise equipment. I just have basic equipment in my home gym shown below:

Also you don't have to spend a great deal of money on exercise equipment. I just have basic equipment shown below

Select on the image above and find the list of equipment I use in my CASPER Fitness Program

Yes that is a punching bag in my exercise equipment. If you want a great aerobic and strength training workout, include working out with a punching bag. The punching bag workout is a full body workout and is great if you are a golfer. If you include a punching bag workout make sure you follow these techniques:

  • Keep your elbows close to your body for maximum power.
  • Land you punches on the bag between your Pinky and Ring Knuckles.
  • Use a pair of Kickboxing gloves are the best to use in your punching bag workout.
  • When you throw a punch start from the ball of your foot, through your calf, through your knee up through your Gluts, to your Pectoral muscles, to your elbow, and then between your Pinky and Ring Knuckles. This is a ground up exercise. What you’re trying to do is lean in toward the bag with your knee, Gluts, and Pectoral Muscles.

I do a 3-minute punching bag workout at the start and then again at the conclusion of my CASPER Fitness Workout. A great way to warm-up and cool down. Another benefit is working out with a punching bag allows you to focus which is key in most sports, especially golf. Focus is another word for meditation or mindfulness, the practice of paying attention in the present moment, like your breathing or a point on the bag. I use the EVERLAST label as my focus point.

When I started my SR925 MET Diet Program I went against all conventional wisdom- I started my SR925 MET DIET in the middle of December of 2014, and I was over the age of 55. I lost 8.5 inches in my waist, representing a loss of 43 lbs within 9- months. More importantly, I have managed to keep the weight off for going on 4-Years. Please checkout the results that I have had with the SR925 MET Diet Program below in the waist measuring link.

Another great fitness idea is to include a sport that is supported by your fitness program where you can reinforce the fitness routine throughout the year. I my case I golf where I walk the golf course 4 times per week for an additional 9.5 miles of walking four times per week. The more convenient you can make your fitness routine the more likely you will maintain it and become a part of your lifestyle. Lifestyle is the third component of your health.

To Purchase a copy of my book The ESPY Golf Swing Coach please select the image or the Amazon or Barns & Noble icons below:

Barnes & Noble

This is a self-coaching book allowing the golfer to take their baseball swing from the batter’s box to the tee box.

In 2019, I will be posting training videos using techniques from my book. These techniques can be used anywhere you practice your putting. The ESPY Golf Swing is based on the golfer Syncing and Presetting their wrists.

  • Set Intermediate Goals. Intermediate goals are just as important as your Ultimate Goal. For instance, if it’s been since high school since you ran distances, don’t expect to run 2 to 5 miles right off the bat. Instead, train by walking/jogging with hundred yard intervals until you can increase your distance gradually.
  • Doing CARDIO & STRENGTH training, focus on what you CAN DO, and don’t gauge your results on what others are doing, or what you can’t do. For example- If you can do a Military Press using 15 lbs for only 8 reps, stay with that until you can increase your reps and/or weight.
  • A successful fitness program includes a SECRET TECHNIQUE that I use called RIPRest Interval Performance. One element in my CASPER Fitness Program includes 100 Sit-Ups every day. The secret for me doing 100-Sit- Ups is that I rest for 10 to 15 seconds between 10- sets of Sit-Ups. I do this for all of my Cardio and Strength training.
  • To reduce soreness in your muscles and joints, have a warm-up at the start and a cool down at the end of you regimen. Lactic acid that builds up in the joints and muscle fiber is what causes soreness. Warm up and Cool down with some basic yoga, like the Chair, warrior No. 1, and Half-Cobra pose.

To reduce soreness in your muscles and joints, have a warm-up at the start and a cool down at the end of you regimen. Lactic acid that builds up in the joints and muscle fiber is what causes soreness. Warm up and Cool down with some basic yoga, like the Chair, warrior No. 1, and Half-Cobra pose.

  • If you have back issues, the Half-Cobra pose, role F-1, is a great technique to relieve discomfort in your back and legs.
  • Now for the BIG ONE, weight loss- Don’t expect to lose a tremendous amount of weight just by exercising. Exercising is only 20 percent of your ability to lose weight, but a very important ONE. The other 80 percent of your health and fitness is your DIET.
  • A very successful DIET is based more on when you eat than what you eat. Just like Circadian Rhythms that govern your sleep patterns, you have Circadian Rhythms that can turn your digestive system into a calorie-burning Juggernaut, just by eating between 9 AM to 5 PM and using a Weight Factor to gauge your intake of food. You won’t go hungry. Your major adjustment you will have to make is training your mind and body not to eat past 5 PM until 9 AM, but this is worth the adjustment in your quest for better health.

The Weight Factor is equal to the total Calories divided by the sum of (Carbohydrates + Dietary Fiber + Sugar + Protein)

Not only did I lose 43 pounds and 8.5 inches, I also lowered my blood pressure from 145/95 to NOW 112/61. I take my blood pressure everyday.

I’ve developed a FREE DIET program called the SR925 MET DIET, where I went against all conventional wisdom- I started my SR925 MET DIET in the middle of December of 2014, and I was over the age of 55, just after retiring and before I started my golf clinic. I lost 8.5 inches in my waist, representing a loss of 43 lbs within 9- months. More importantly, I have managed to keep the weight off, going on 4-Years now. I make golf and fitness training videos, and having excess weight isn’t conducive to fitness videos.

 Six (6) of these inches were lost within 4- weeks of starting the SR925 MET DIET. You can access the information and directions to the SR925 MET DIET, FREE of CHARGE, below.

 MET– Stands for Metabolic and is the chemical and physical processes by which cells use food for energy.

Another Success Story

A True story about the effectiveness about the SR925 MET DIET– My wife and I were at the Longhorn Steak House in Madison, MS. Our waitress was talking about a wedding where she was to be the Bridesmaid. She was scheduled to be fitted for her dress in three weeks and wanted to slim down. I gave her the information to the SR925 MET DIET.

Three weeks later, we were at the same restaurant and had the same waitress. I noticed something had changed. First, she was smiling from ear-to-ear and second, she said that she lost 3-inches in her waist. She mentioned for the first time that she didn’t mind having her photograph taken. She went from a size 8, down to a Size 2, or about 3-inches. She was ecstatic about her weight loss.

I will be having a YouTube Video produced demonstrating my CASPER Fitness Program and it is scheduled to be out in February or March of 2019. This fitness program consists of 12- Exercises, with a sport-related activity. This will also include a Nutrition section.

SR925 Diet MET Program lost 7-inches where I went from a 37.5 inches to 30.25 inch waistline within 9 months, and more importantly, kept the weight off and my waistline after 4 years. Not too many diet programs can provide results like this.    CASPER Fitness Program consist of golf exercises with medicine ball to develop a great golf swing workout for DISTANCE and CONTROL