THE QATSPY® Yukon Performance Sports Training Athletic Quarters Health & Fitness Page
By: Charles W. Boatright
Beans of Choice CONAGRA® RANCH STYLE BEANS- A Must at Every Meal for Health/Age-Defying Skincare in a Can that doesn’t Cost a Small Fortune
A side dish that I have at my lunch and dinner meals is a side of Pinto Beans, because they are considered the perfect food. Pinto Beans are high in fiber and protein, but low in sugar, saturated, and trans fats. But if eating Pinto Beans for the high source of fiber and protein wasn’t enough for a great source of nutrition, they also contain a little discussed element called copper.
Not many dietitians highlight the significant benefits of copper contained in Pinto Beans. Copper, besides being great to lower the risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer, pinto beans with copper also contain calcium for bone health. Pinto Beans have the ability to lower blood cholesterol, glucose, and homocysteine levels and to elevate dietary fiber and blood antioxidant levels, as well as, being a great source of Probiotic.
But the real reason that some of you might be interested in adding Pinto Beans to your diet is the Fountain of youth it offers in a can, due to the copper it contains. I’ve been eating Pinto Beans since I was a teenager. A fact that I wasn’t aware of at the time is that copper promotes the production of collagen to keep your skin elastic to reduce wrinkles and age spots. Matter of fact, they apply copper to bandages to help healing process of wounds.
One of the major suntan lotion companies even uses copper in its name. Even if I’m eating a steak dinner, Pinto Beans are the side dish of choice for me. In my humble opinion, CONAGRA® RANCH STYLE BEANS are my beans of choice for taste and quality. Your skincare has more to do with what you put on the plate than what you put on your skin from a tube or jar.
Including Pinto Beans as a side dish with your meals not only improves your skin, but Pinto Beans are a great nutrition booster to turn your body into a fat and calorie-burning juggernaut. Pinto Beans are the cornerstone of my DELPHI Diet & CAST FITNESS Program. The Weight Factor of 2.745.
Below are two photographs one taken during October of 2020 when I was called back in from retirement to work Transmission line damage from Hurricanes Laura and Delta, in the southwest part of Louisiana around the Lake Charles area. This was five (5) years after retirement in 2015 and six (6) years after I started my DELPHI Diet & CAST Fitness Program. The linemen that I was working with during the hurricane restoration work couldn’t believe the shape I was in at age 63. They challenge me to the AB CHALLENGE in the photograph below. The second photograph was taken today, Tuesday, 23Feb2021, after a workout where I’m fine tuning my physical fitness.
Photograph taken on Tuesday, 23Feb2021, after a my regular work out period:
The DELPHI DIET doesn’t required special pre-package food that you have to order, but simply use the Weight Factor to evaluate the food from grocery store or your favorite restaurant that you can enjoy and still turn your body into a calorie burning juggernaut. I personally lost 35- pounds in 4- weeks and a total of 52- pounds within 9- months. The reason I needed to lose the weight I was going to model my line of apparel that I carry in my online store.
Ladies and guys, if you are looking forward to the Spring and Summer months, right NOW is a great time to start your Health and Fitness routine to lose the weight you might have gained during COVID-19 while staying home. Who wouldn’t want great abs and a great physique at the start of warmer weather? The ASCOT-DIET & FITNESS Program is a great way to start without a stringent diet or workout.
The ASCOT DIET & FITNESS offers you both. Purchase yours using the link below:
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THE QATSPY® Yukon Personalized-Style Traditional Apparel Quarters Collection
Our A-2 or Indiana-Style Leather Jackets make a great service or safety award for your associates or for customer appreciation. There isn’t a better public relation campaign than either the A-2 or Indiana Jones-Style Leather Jacket that has its own spokesperson wearing the A-2 or Indy-Style Leather Jacket with Pride.
We can personalized the A-2 or Indy-Style Leather Jackets with your company or organization logo and personnel names. We can even take your PDF file and manufacture patches if you don’t have a logo patch presently for a one-time set up fee and the cost of the patch.
For more information please use click the photograph above or contact our Company, THE QATSPY® at 1-888-514-1228.
The Indiana Jones-Style Jacket that we carry was used in the Indianan Jones Movie. There not a jacket that looks great with khakis for business attire or blue jeans for the weekend. This Leather Jacket holds up under any condition.
We also carry Motorcycle Rocker Patches that we can have sew-on the back of the A-2 or Indiana Jones Style Leather Jackets (See Below for details):