THE QATSPY® Quapaw Aviation Tiger Sportswear Performance, Yukan Outfitter Company

By: Charles W. Boatright, President of THE GREAT QATSPY® Company
Cheetah Advantage of THE QATSPY® METAFIT– Cheetah Pipe provides an Advantage to increase our Mechanical ability like The QATSPY METAFIT does. The QATSPY METAFIT Turns Your Body into an Age-Defying Turbocharged Calorie-burning Juggernaut.
THE QATSPY METAFIT- Quad Aviation Tiger Sports Performance Yukan METabolic Anaerobic FITness
THE QATSPY is like taking a Diet like Sugar Busters and combining it with The 8-Hour Diet and combining these with Anaerobic, Strength, Yoga, and Pilates Training. This allows you to achieve the next level of health and fitness for your mind, body, and soul.
If your Diet & Fitness Program provides you with this type of results, shown in these photos, even at age 66, you need to stick with your diet & fitness program, if not, please read on-
The Yukan , or Y, stands for a strong warrior in Japanese that is essential for achieving your health and fitness goals. You have to become a warrior to fight the ravages of aging and life, especially over the age of 40. Working in our hangar, my welding shop, on my farm, sports writing, or running my apparel and fitness business, traveling requires a high level of stamina and endurance at any age.
METAFIT or METabolic Anaerobic FITness is a 30-minute high intensity body-weight training that was developed by the Royal Marine Commandos in 2010. I have followed METAFIT Training since November 2014. My results are shown in the feature image, above, and in the AB Challenge below, these two photos were taken on August 12th, 2023, that is proof that THE QATSPY® METAFIT diet, health, and fitness is beneficial in achieving age-defying results.
What is nice about the METAFIT Program is that you can tailor it to your needs by either increasing or decreasing reps, intensity, or duration time of your workout. The exercise equipment is basic.
On November 28th, of 2014, I started THE QATSPY® METAFIT Health & Fitness program to get into shape at age 57 to start my Quapaw Aviation Tiger Sports Performance Yukan Outfitter Company, or THE QATSPY®. I planned to personally model my own aviation tiger sports performance apparel line in June of 2015. So I needed to get into shape at least by May of 2015. The end of June was when I was retiring from Entergy as Grid Engineer in Transmission Line.
I was under the gun to develop a health and fitness plan that actually worked and not just for losing weight only, but more importantly, to tone up and get into modeling conditioning at age 57. Like some of you, I had my share of failed diets and fitness programs over the years that failed. So after my hip replacement surgery in August of 2014, and during my recovery, I developed THE QATSPY® METAFIT Health & Fitness program.
Using my Chemical Engineering Background to Develop THE QATSPY® METAFIT Program
I had all of September, October, and November of 2014 to use my Chemical Engineering background to develop a diet and fitness program to get into shape to start modeling by June of 2015. You could say that I turbocharged the Sugar Buster and the 8-Hour Diets to the next level of performance and results. Then I came across the Royal Marine Commando workout program, METAFIT, in an article in October of 2014, and I had my diet and fitness plan ready to go at the start in December of 2014, when I was fully recovered from my hip surgery.
The Success of THE QATSPY METAFIT Program
THE QATSPY® METAFIT Health & Fitness program was so successful that I lost from 37.75- inch waistline down to 31.75- inch waistline in just within 4- weeks, during the month of December, of all months to lose weight. By February of 2015, I was only three-quarter-of-a-inch (0.75-inches) away from my goal for May of 2015. However, by June 15th, of 2015, I had a waistline of 30.25- inches.
So what is a healthy waistline you might be asking- Here how to determine your healthy waistline- Take your height in inches and divide by 2.0. Here is an example of my healthy waistline- 66/2 = 33- inches. But for modeling purposes I used the denominator of 2.12 or 66/2.12 = 31.0- inches
The results were so impressive at the amount of weight, inches, and even the years I had dropped, almost back to my mid-30’s, as shown in these photographs taken over a period of nine (9) years. What was interesting, I was called back in from retirement in October of 2020 to work both Hurricanes Laura and Delta in October of 2020 right during the pandemic. I had the fortune of working with one of my ole line crews once again. They hadn’t seen me since June of 2015 and couldn’t believe the condition that I was in at age 63, at the time. They asked me if I could pose for a photograph, as shown below, to show my other people that I had worked with over 33- years.
What the crew was even more amazed about was not just the weight and inches that I had dropped, but the decades that I dropped off the age of my skin. I was just trying to get into better shape to model, but I also reversed the aging process by looking younger even at age 63. My age-defying condition was a huge benefit especially for myself modeling in front of a camera. I credit both my strength training and my diet.
The Cause for Failure with some Diets and Fitness Programs
If there is one reason that some diets and fitness programs fail in achieving results; it is the lack of combining proper Metabolic diet, of WHAT and WHEN to eat, with Fitness training. THE QATSPY® METAFIT allows your body to burn food and fat to drop the weight, inches, and even your PEN (Physical Exam Numbers) stats.
Even if you are over the age of 50, you can still gain a Metabolic Fitness advantage following The QATSPY® METAFIT Health & Fitness Program that I have developed and followed since November 28th, 2014.
My PEN ( Physical Exam Numbers) Stats
I recently had my physical on August 30th, 2023, and below, I have posted my PEN stats. My doctor remarked when I returned the following week to review my PEN stats. He remarked that I had numbers of a man in his mid-30’s at the age of 66. These are my actual PEN stats from my annual physical numbers without being on any prescribed medication:
Blood pressure- 115/61
Blood Glucose- 109 (Non Fasting)
Total Cholesterol- 158
Weight- 148 Lbs.
Waistline- 28.50″
THE QATSPY® METAFIT the Cheetah Advantage of The METAFIT
THE QATSPY® METAFIT Health & Fitness Program is Like how we shade tree mechanics/machinists use a combination of a cheetah pipe and monkey wrench to gain a mechanical advantage in our work. The cheetah pipe is just an ole reliable 30- inch by one-and-a-half inch diameter black steel pipe used to gain a mechanical advantage as I demonstrated below in our aviation hangar.
I still do welding and fabrication work in my shop that has become my retirement profession along with aviation, molding, coaching golf, fitness, sports writing, and apparel business.
THE QATSPY® METAFIT Health & Fitness Program is like taking a cheetah pipe to your health and fitness and reverse the effects of aging, by turning back time. How many diets are out there that are advertised showing actual participants doing an AB Challenge on TV, very few, as I did below at age 66 on August 12th, 2023?
The Metabolic component of THE QATSPY® METAFIT Health & Fitness Program is based on WHAT & WHEN to eat. WHAT and WHEN to eat turns your body into a Turbocharged-calorie-fat-burning- juggernaut to drop Lbs., inches, and years off your appearance. The WHAT and WHEN components combine with your fitness to form the METAFIT Diet and fitness program.
This is where both the Sugar Buster and the 8-Hour Diet program don’t provide you with that cheetah pipe advantage where you are able to read Nutrition Labels to identify foods that you can eat to burn those calories and fat off as energy. There are two things your body can use food for- Either burn for energy, YOU WANT TO DO, or store it as fat. Believe me, you don’t want to do the latter.
Even if you don’t need to lose weight and inches, you can still use the THE QATSPY® METAFIT Program to keep your PEN stats low like blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol readings.
The WHAT to Eat Component
The WHAT component of THE QATSPY® METAFIT Diet program are foods that are high in protein, fiber, omega-3 Fats, probiotics, and Pyruvate, but low in sugar and those hidden sugars (those pesky starches). The problem with starches is that they turn to sugar in the digestive tract, but they are also laced with salt. Try to eat just one potato chip: and you’ll see why some diets fail you?
The WHEN to Eat Component
The WHEN to eat is based on our Circadian Rhythms where the body metabolizes food for energy when we eat our meals between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Eating outside this time frame interferes with your body’s ability to process your food directly into energy and more importantly, your body’s ability to repair and rejuvenate itself at night. John Tesh had a great segment on his radio show, Intelligence for Your Life. This also includes repairing and rejuvenating your skin to look decades younger, a benefit that I gained, refer to the four photographs above, and especially the feature image at my age of 66.
The Secret of Your Fitness Component
Here’s the secret of your fitness component that is your secret weapon against the ravages of aging by working your muscles with strength training. This is really your true fountain of youth, not even an expensive jars of skincare cream or SPA treatment can provide you with this type of results that last.
HERE IS the SECRET– When muscles are worked with resistance, or strength, training during Anaerobic (strength and endurance training), your muscles release a natural growth hormone and collagen to repair and rejuvenate your joints and skin. Below, I’m doing a lateral pull with an 80 Lb. resistance tubing. Also this shows all the exercise equipment that I use during my METAFIT Workout, except for my exercise bike.
THE QATSPY® METAFIT Fitness provides is an age defying component that can slow and even reverse the aging process on your body, and especially on your skin.
The Benefits of METAFIT Workout
Another benefit of METAFIT Fitness Workout is- For every pound of muscle that you add, you’re body is burning 50 additional calories per day. I have added 12 pounds of muscles and dropped 54- Lbs. of fat (between 01Dec2014 to 01Jun2015), so I’m burning (12 x 50) or 600 additional calories per day.
During one of my normal 40- minute METAFIT workouts, I’m burning about 475 calories. So in addition to my normal 2,275 consumption of calories per day just working and my normal activities including my fitness workout, I’m burning approx. 3,350 calories per day total, on average.
This is why I can keep in shape and feel like I’m in my mid-30’s at age 66.
Anaerobic Exercise is higher intensity exercise of shorter sets of high intense reps (i.e., 3 sets of 10-to-20 reps with a 15-second rest between sets). This includes strength training, calisthenics like pushups, pull ups, bench crunches, Pilates, yoga, and etc. Anaerobic exercise promotes lean muscle tissue.
Don’t forget to include Pilates or Yoga into your workout that I do during my METAFIT workout sessions. I use both Pilates and Yoga during my METAFIT workout as a relief break and get some water. Hydration is important during your workout.
To purchase a download copy of THE QATSPY METAFIT (Diet & Fitness) Program use the link below: