THE QATSPY® Quapaw Aviation Tiger Sportswear Performance, Yukan Outfitter Company
By: Charles W. Boatright, President of THE QATSPY®
Age-Defying Effects of THE MACS PFX-25 Health & Fitness SPA– To Slow the Ravages of Aging, But Reverse the Aging Process with a Diet/Fitness
I don’t know of too many people, especially over the age of 40, that wouldn’t want to look and feel younger then their actual age and be able to enjoy a healthier lifestyle without the issues of aging. However, there are some obstacles preventing us from looking and feeling not just years younger, but actually decades younger.
But there is a Fountain of Youth that can help you obtain your aspirations of looking and feeling younger. It starts with A proper diet and fitness regimen and staying active in sports and hobbies that are essential in your efforts to look and feel younger.
It all starts with a Metabolic style diet and a simple Aerobic-Cardio and Strength PFX-25 fitness regimen that takes less than 25- minutes to do just 3 to 4 times a week in your own home. NO GYM or expensive DIET or EXERCISE program needed.
This diet and fitness regimen doesn’t take elaborate or expensive equipment, but uses a simple Medicine Ball, some resistance elastic tubing, and few dumbbells is all you need and the ability to read and use Nutrition Labels, shown below, using 9- data points. That is all you need to get into shape that I have achieved in less than 6- months in 2015 at age 57 and now at the age of 66.
Remember those that have made and fail New Years Resolutions, here’s an important component- 80 percent of your ability to drop Lbs., inches, and years off your body will be following a healthy and effective diet that allow you to read nutrition labels. You can actually eat your way to health and fitness!
I reached my modeling weight and fitness within 8- weeks of starting my MACS PFX-25 Health & Fitness, but I didn’t stop there, I lost a total of 6.75-inches down to a 31-inch waistline in 24- weeks. I now have a 28.50-inch waistline that I have maintained for the past 9- years at age 66.
To illustrate the success of THE MACS PFX-25 Health & Fitness SPA Program, I have posted two of the most challenging photographs that I have pose for, two side shots shirtless; especially for someone that are in their mid-60’s, like I am, below. I’m in my Oasis-Mojave Gym working out on the bag and doing bench presses, these are in my MACS PFX-25 Health & Fitness SPA Program that can be purchased below:
During the summer months, I workout without a T-shirt because I can’t laundered my T-shirts and I have to peel the T-shirt off me after my PFX-25 Workout. Also my Oasis-Mojave Gym isn’t air-conditioned that occupies the attic space over my photography studio. During the summer months, temperatures can reach 118 deg. Fahrenheit. I want to condition my body to work in these types of temps, because my welding shop nor my farm aren’t air-conditioned, not even my tractor, in the summertime here in Mississippi.
For those thinking that we are now exercising hotter summers, I like to add this notation- I do a lot of research since I did environmental engineering studies that was associated with my job before I retired, building transmission lines for 33-years. During the DUST BOWL in the planes states that was from 1930 to 1940, we in Mississippi recorded a actual high temperature of 115 deg. Fahrenheit on July 29th, 1930, without factoring in humidity for Reel Feel.
I have also attached my actual Waistline Chart with my regular blood pressure reading without taking any prescribed medication of any type or kind, below. I kept my Waistline Chart from November 28th, 2014 until September 05th, 2015 to track my results on THE MACS PFX-25 Health & Fitness SPA Program. I have continued to check my waistline each Monday morning for the past 8-years, and I still have a 28.50- inch waistline.
THE MACS PFX-25 Health & Fitness SPA Program has allowed me at age 66 to have the skin and fitness that I had in my late-20’s and mid-30’s, when I graduated college in Engineering in 1986. Since I was 16-years old, I have been following the Sports Performance Athletics program that we did at our high school football during summer football camp and off season football. If you want to stay young, stay active!
My grandparents even stressed the importance of eating a healthy diet and following a fitness regimen that includes aerobic-cardio and strength training exercises. As the result of my MACS PFX-25 Health and Fitness SPA Program is that I’m able to model even in my mid-60’s with young models that work with me that are in their early 20’s.
If you want a challenge try modeling with models 40 years younger than yourself. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then the AB Challenge photograph below should motivate those that need a little incentive to take an assessment of their current health and fitness and get into better shape and conditioning to look and feel younger.
IMPORTANT: Just don’t make your assessment based on just looking into a mirror, but put on an exercise outfit that fits tight or swim suit and have a friend take photographs or you take selfies made of yourself for a realistic assessment. There is nothing that can scrutinize your health and fitness better than photography can, it will be an eye opener for some people. What you think isn’t!
When I started THE MACS PFX-25 Health & Fitness SPA Program on November 28th, 2014, my objective was to start modeling our SPORTY’S WRIGHT BROS. Cockpit Collection and produce training and fitness videos starting at the age of 57 in July of 2015.
Not only was I able to model at age 57, but now, I’m still modeling at age 66. The AB Challenge photograph above, was done after our photoshoot that we did in our hangar for our fall fashion of The SPORTY’S WRIGHT BROS. Cockpit Collection on July 14th, 2023.
I also produce photoshoots for my model, Heather, to use in her portfolio. She does such a classic job for me. I need all the help I can get at age 66.
Please start Your Improving your Health & Fitness TODAY by Purchasing a Download Copy of THE MACS Health & Fitness SPA Program Link below: