THE QATSPY® Yankee Professional-Style and Traditional Apparel Quarters
By: Charles W. Boatright
The A-2 Leather Firefighter Crew’s Jacket for the First Responder that runs to a Firefight without reservation to Save Lives and Livelihoods
The same A-2 Leather Flight Jacket that is worn by pilots and elite military personnel in the U.S. Military is available to our first responders who run to the firefight to save lives of people they serve. This A-2 Leather Flight Jacket with Firefighter’s patches recognizes the men and women that put their lives on the line to pump and roll, in response to emergencies in their communities. Whether medical or to fight a fire, these men and women respond day, night, weekends, or holidays to serve their community.
The same A-2 Leather Flight Jacket that is supplied to the U.S. Military is personalized for our hometown heroes to recognize them as being First Responders. The same A-2 Military Spec Leather Flight Jacket worn by our U.S. Military that distinguishes their service can recognize the Firefighter to the people they serve.
The A-2 Leather Firefighter Crew’s Jacket comes with the FIREFIGHTER or VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER patch options and/or patches you or your Fire House provide to THE QATSPY® to be sewn onto the Crew’s Jacket. The photographs below show an example of how your A-2 Leather Firefighter Crew’s Jacket can be personalized for an individual or the entire FIREHOUSE Crew. The Link below will provide you the ability to select standard patch options or patches that you provide of your FIRE HOUSE.
Build Your or the Entire Firehouse Personalized A-2 Leather Firefighter Crew’s Jacket:
For 10 or more Personalized A-2 Leather Firefighter Crew’s Jackets, please call for Large Order Discounts at 1-888-514-1228
We are here to serve those that serve us and protect us, God Bless you and your service: