The QATSPY Sports Page 4 Golfers

By: Charles W. Boatright Author of The ESPY Golf Swing Coach, Delta Technique Geared for Distance and Control
The Sport of Golf Provides the Basis for Cognitive Behavior Training
Not all students are able to participate in a team sport such as football, baseball, basketball, or tennis, for one reason or another. But it is still critical to provide students with a competitive-type sport, like golf, for Cognitive Behavior Training. Cognitive Behavior Training that is provided by the sport of golf develops critical thinking skills to students/adults for achieving personal success.
Using the sport of golf as Cognitive Behavior Training is great for early childhood development and maintaining physical and mental health as an adult.
While fitness is essential for both students/adults alike, fitness is just only one component in the puzzle to maintain one’s physical as well as mental health and wellness. Cognitive Behavior Training derived from activities like sports offers a person the critical cognitive development for critical thinking and processing of information.
While golf is a physical sport, the sport of golf is far more mental, by providing connectivity within the human mind. The connectivity that the sport of golf provides is the unobstructed pathways between the conscious, subconscious, and the permanent (unconscious) parts of the brain.
Cognitive Behavior Training develops critical pathways for thought processes that include remembering, problem-solving skills, and decision-making. Cognitive Behavior Training like what the sport of golf provides is a vital part of early childhood development through adolescence, especially up to adulthood in the senior years.
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The Importance of Incorporating The Sport of Golf into Your Health/Fitness Regimen
The key of incorporating a sport(s) like the sport of golf into your regular activities is that this provides a Cognitive Behavior Training component that fitness alone doesn’t provide. A fitness regimen, regardless of how it is altered, is based on a routine of elements, mainly impacting the development of the conscious mind. Fitness has minimal impact to the subconscious mind development that contains the person’s motor skills and muscle memory.
An exercise consisting of routines, sequences, and elements is a conscious function. The person’s conscious mind is just the tip of the iceberg, representing about 10 percent of the person’s total mental capacity. When a person performs strength and/or elliptical-type training, the conditions that they are exercising under and results of the exercises are pretty much typical and expected. However, the multiplicity skills required for the sport of golf aren’t routine, nor can they be expected or determined.
Whether the golfer is a 18 handicap or a scratch golfer, there’s a certain degree of indeterminate expectations. There’s nothing routine about the sport of golf. Even if the golfer plays the same golf course three days in a row, the golfer can’t expect to have the exact same conditions to play from or under, nor can the golfer expect the same results. This is what is critical about the sport of golf. It provides Cognitive Behavior Training that performing exercise alone can’t provide. This is the mental element of the sport of golf provides.
The sport of golf provides the ultimate cross-training and fitness that can address all three parts of the mind. In addition to maintaining a routine, sequence, and elements (conscious component) associated with fitness, golf also develops muscle memory, critical motor skills, and stability (subconscious and permanent components). In considering the function of the human mind, think about the subconscious and the permanent mind as being the remaining 90 percent of the iceberg, or brain potential, lying just below the surface.
If a person is seeking to maintain both physical and mental health/fitness, exercise and fitness alone can’t address the person’s overall physical and mental health. Cognitive Behavior Training, like that provided by the sport of golf, exercises both the conscious mind, as well as the subconscious and permanent mind. To maintain a consistent golf swing sequence, the golfer has to develop connectivity between the human mind and the body.
Synchronization of the Human Mind Using the Sport of Golf
Golf requires synchronization between the conscious, subconscious and the permanent parts of the human mind. Synchronization is an important component in Cognitive Behavior Training that requires the golfer to establish connectivity between the regions of the brain and the body. The sport of golf helps to develop the critical pathways within the human mind. Maintaining these pathways and connectivity is key in preventing dementia and the onset of Alzheimer’s as we age.
I would also suggest that you add the daily supplement called DHA to your regimen. The critical supplement DHA is a key omega-3 fat to build and preserve brain health and function for babies, children, and adults.
Cognitive Behavior Training, like required for a consistent golf swing sequence, can also be used to treat PTSD in Veterans and people that have experienced trauma. The conscious mind doesn’t learn at the same rate as the subconscious or permanent mind does. Events that cause PTSD aren’t relatively remembered by the conscious mind as a defense measure, but the experiences are remembered by the subconscious and permanent mind, even down to the sound, smell, taste, and touch. This is the reason that I refer to the unconscious mind as the permanent mind, because of it’s ability to retain experiences.
Think about the approach of the treatment of PTSD as an algebraic equation. What has been done to one side has to be countered and done to the other side, in order to solve for X. The X-Factor represents PTSD. The sport of golf allows the Veteran to establish connectivity between their conscious mind and the subconscious/permanent mind to solve for X. More importantly, the Cognitive Behavior Training that the sport of golf provides helps to develop learning skills at a young age.
Remember the quote by Bobby Jones, Sr.- Golf is a game that is played on a five-inch course – the distance between your ears.
In the process of developing one’s golf swing sequence, it takes every bit of that space between the ears to develop a golf game, as noted by Bobby Jones, Sr. The golfer will work brain cells and neurons that they didn’t even realize that they had. In the pursuit of developing the golf swing sequence, the golfer can develop an athletic curriculum that is tailored for a homeschool setting.
The advantages of the sport of golf do not require uniforms, formation of teams, finding opponents to play, or exposing the golfer to severe injuries that come with most competitive sports. The sport of golf offers golfers stability and balance that are essential for early childhood development and also for adults for rehabilitation.
I would like to reiterate that the sport of golf can either be an individual or a team sport, without the need for officiating, because the golfer is their own referee. The young golfer only needs a few clubs, a bag, balls, and a desire to enjoy the sport of golf that works the mind, body, and heart. Golf also teaches the attribute of sportsmanship, which is an indispensable characteristic for success in life. Don’t leave home without sportsmanship.
Here are just a few sportsmanship characteristics from Section 5.4 of my book, The ESPY Golf Swing Coach, that the sport of golf offers, but first, The Golden Rules:
Respect and treat others as you want them to respect and treat you.
If we as people could follow The Golden Rule, 95 Percent of our problems in the world would be solved!
5.4 In most organized sports, sportsmanship is included as part of the athlete’s curriculum. Sportsmanship includes such characteristics as humility, integrity, commitment, perseverance, respect, honor, honesty, fairness, sacrifice, responsibility, preparation, discipline, trustworthiness, and a hard work ethic, to name a few. An athlete can use true grit and sportsmanship to influence others.
For those who are interested in using the sport of golf as a method to help Veterans deal with PTSD, please refer to my Operation Dog-Tag. This allows a Veteran(s) to develop a Cognitive Behavior Training to help deal with PTSD by using the sport of golf.
To develop a Cognitive Behavior Training from the sport of golf, purchase your copy of The ESPY Golf Swing Coach from the links below, or visit your local bookstore:
In Hardcopy, paperback, and PDF E-Book
My book can also be purchased at Edwin Watts Golf Store in Jackson, Mississippi. Phone No. 601-956-8784
820 East County Line Road, Ridgeland, MS 39157
My book can also be purchased on-line at:
Barnes & Noble
To help develop a more effective golf training exercise in your backyard or vacant field, I would recommend purchasing a dozen or more of the Almost Golf Balls® from LIBERTY Health Supply. Please select one of the products below to purchase these golf balls that simulate the actual golf ball without the concern for property damage or personal injury to others. These balls only travel a third of the distance of an actual golf ball.
10 Pack:
36 Pack:
If you use the Promo Code: ALMOSTGOLF you will receive free shipment on any order of Almost Golf Balls® from LIBERTY Health Supply.
I have a utility bag full of these Almost Golf Balls that I practice with three to four hours per day, four days per week.
Health and Fitness Program Golf Exercise for Power
This book is based on a self-coaching forum (ASPEN Pyramid). The ASPEN Self-Coaching Technique provides the beginner and advanced single-digit handicap golfer with a safe, ergonomic classic golf swing mechanics. The ASPEN forum for coaching golf provides basic skills for more power and control in the golf swing sequence without debilitating injuries that are common with some modern-day golf swings. As part of The ESPY Golf Swing Coach forum is a workout program that includes golf exercises with medicine ball designed especially for golfers.
I have also included a FREE SR925 Diet program that anyone can access, where I lost over 40 pounds and 7.5-inches in my waist within nine-months. I went from 37.5 inches in November of 2014 down to 30.0 inches in July of 2015 with the effective SR925 Diet Program that I developed, see detailed below.
Please take advantage of my SR925 Diet Program, where I lost 6 inches in my waist in 3- months (FREE of CHARGE) with the CASPER Fitness Program, detailed in Section 20 of my book, great golf swing workout:
One component in my CASPER Fitness Program that I follow is using a Medicine Ball golf swing workout to perform what I call Stocking the Shelves, illustrated below in the figure:
A part of the CASPER Fitness Program are golf exercises with medicine ball – that includes Stocking the Selves and medicine ball exercises Burpees. For endurance and a full body workout, I also include a boxing glove-punching bag exercise.
Please include an exercise routine in your weekly schedule.
Additional Motivation to Develop a Fitness Program
If you need addition motivation, which the subconscious mind works from and consist of 90 percent of the classic golf swing, include a fitness and exercise program designed for the golfer daily schedule. This type of exercise provides the critical overload underload training to improve the golfer’s power and speed in the golfer’s game, please look at another golf fitness enthusiast: The Fit Golfer Girl
Operation DOG TAG
Sports, such as golf, along with fitness and an exercise regimen that includes yoga, has been proven to be a great Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for trauma victims. Veterans and those who have experienced a traumatic situation where the mind has been traumatized and disrupted can use golf and yoga to help re-establish connection and pathways in the brain. Golf also provides an excellent opportunity for trauma victims to reconnect in a social setting to develop a dialogue without the pressures of clinical visits.
Introduction– Forum for Coaching Golf and Life Skills Operation Dog Tag
Section 1– Operation DOG TAG | GOLF CBT Intervention for PTSD
Section 2– Operation DOG TAG | Objectives and Scope
ESPY Golf Swing Coach- Rhythm Without the Blues
ESPY Golf Swing Coach- ESPY Golf App Develops the golfer’s Rhythm w/o creating the golfer’s Blues. The ESPY Golf Swing helps the golfer establish the correct wrist action in golf swing demonstrated by David Duval in an interview with Charlie Rymer on Golf Channel.
Also, learning The ESPY Golf Swing Coach process is an excellent way to develop natural Rhythm without experiencing the Blues in your golf game to build confidence; learn how to take your baseball-style swing from the batter’s box to the tee box.
Songs are a great method to use to develop your Rhythm and tempo in your golf swing sequence this helps the golfer to develop their mental game of golf.
THE LOCKER ROOM a source for golf tips
Please visit “The Locker Room” for an Index of all my golf articles to improve your golf game and life. Discover how you can take your baseball swing from the batter’s box to the tee box.
Learn How to take your baseball-style golf swing from the batter’s box to the tee box.
Time-lapse photography that I reviewed during my Kinesiology Xerox Box Golf Research Project compared the golf swing vs. baseball swing and how similar the Sync/Preset wrist action in the golf swing was to the baseball swing sequence.
For Comments or questions please contact me at 1-888-514-1228 Mon – Fri from 9 am to 4 pm CT Zone.
A Recommendation for your Golf Game:
I would like to recommend an interesting radio program that I regularly listen to originating from my home state Arkansas on my I-Heart Radio app on KARN 102.9 FM station, out of Little Rock. They air a golf show called Arkansas Fairways and Greens, at 7:00 AM CT each Saturday morning, hosted by Bob Steel, and co-hosted by Jay Fox and Charles Crowson. Bob occasionally as has his guess Alex Myers with Golf Digest and Ron Sirak with Golf Channel. I was interviewed on his show about my book, The ESPY Golf Swing Coach. This show is worth tuning into for golf news and information.
Jay Fox is an Administrator with Arkansas State Golf Association that discuss amateur golf and rules of the game.
Check out my full library of BLOGS @ or purchase your copy of “The ESPY Golf Swing Coach” @
Facebook – The QATSPY Golf Approach
Twitter – @cwboatright
Google+ – ESPY Golf Swing Coach
YouTube – ESPY Golf Swing Coach
Once you learn WHY, you don’t forget HOW!
YouTube Videos: (Cam & Cam-over elements) (Figuring your proper swing plane) (Developing muscle memory)
Two decisions that you can make for yourself and your kids are to get a copy of my book and place the book and a golf club into their hands. You will never look back, but only forward. You will not miss with this for yourself and/or your kids.