By: Charles W. Boatright, President & CEO of THE QATSPY®

Why The SOUTH Holds to Our GUNS and ROSES: We the People forged a union based on Defending our blessings of Freedom, Liberty, and Prosperity. President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation was the Rose of Freedom, Liberty, and Prosperity

Ms. Eleanora Holmes Norton, Democrat Representative from DC, on the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability made an opening statement on Monday, July 22, 2024, on the hearing looking into the Secret Service protection of former President Trump.

Ms. Norton statement was more about gun control than about the assassination attempt on the former President Trump. In Ms. Norton statement, she was detailing her experience coming to Jackson, Mississippi on the day before Medgar Evers was shot and killed on June 12, 1963, by Byron De La Beckwith Jr., a Democrat KKK member from Greenwood, Mississippi.

The statement made by Ms. Holmes Norton described was her trip to Jackson, Mississippi, a Democratic State then, to work as a Civil Right worker. The Democrat Governor then was Ross Barnett who was a segregationist.

People that opposed the Democrat Machine then were met with violence and death. We that supported Civil Rights learn to protect ourselves, our families, and property. We learn from the Colfax Massacre that took place in Louisiana on April 13, 1873. This was when Southern Democrats and their KKK strong arm members disarmed Blacks Americans by violating their Second Amendment Right to bear arms then murder over 60 Black Americans that day.

This in all intensive purposes ended Reconstruction where there were more Black Americans that were able to run for political office under the Republican Banner than any time in history coming off the heels of slavery. This is why we strongly believe in the Second Amendment to protect our rights.

During the riots of the Summer of 2020 in Blue States and Cities, Governors and Mayors ordered their police to stand down, allowing rioters to burn, destroy property, and assault citizens of those Blue Democrat Cities. So if Ms. Eleanora Holmes Norton is wondering why we, especially in the South, support our First and Second Amendment to bear arms, this is the reason for why we support Guns and Roses in the south. We witnessed the Democratic Machine particularly in the south that supported segregation.

Promises of Reconstruction (between 1865-1877)

First of all, I would like to correct the assumption by both Jennifer Psaki (MSNBC) and Sunny Hostin (The VIEW) that it is an anomaly That Senator Tim Scott is a Black Republican. Just after the Civil War had ended and during Reconstruction (1865 – 1877) more Blacks ran for political office ran as Abolitionist, or Republicans, Lincoln’s Party. American History is foreign to most of the Media and especially to the Democratic Party.


Unfortunately, it took a bloody Civil War to finally settle the Slave issue in the Democratic South that had been festering since before the ink was put to parchment to draft The U.S. Constitution that was signed on September 17th, 1787.


Some people are under the impression that the right to bear arms pertains to the military or for the purpose of sporting only. Our Founding Fathers dealing with the cancer of slavery knew that the very worst thing any government could do was to abuse its power and authority by restricting the rights of Freedom and Liberty to its people, our Rose.

The First Amendment

The power of the government should rest with its people ONLY and not a privileged few. We the People are guaranteed the freedom of expressing our Faith without the government prohibiting the free exercise thereof of; or establishing one Faith. The government can’t establish one Faith over another; nor can the government require a practice of a particular Faith.

The blossom of the Rose of Freedom is the right of citizens to express themselves with Free speech, Freedom of the pen, and the right of people to peacefully assemble to express these rights without disturbing the peace or the rights of others.

Referring to the Freedom of the Press, last time that I checked, The Holy Bible was a book that we believe is under the protection of the Free Press that is now banned from our public schools. This is actually unconstitutional to ban a book.

The 2nd Amendment

The right under the First Amendment can only exist if We the People can defend our rights against oppressive powers to deny us these rights. Thus our right to bear Arms.

We as Americans have the express right to bear arms to protect ourselves, our rights, our families, and our property from illegal acts, unlawful oppression or seizure. The reference in the Second Amendment to the militia was in reference to a militia that was formed by We the People, or civilians. At the time the militia was a group of civilians, called The Minutemen, that helped fight for our independence and freedoms then from a foreign power.

Our Oath that I Took

The oath that I took when I entered the U.S. Military was to… defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same….

Without the Second Amendment, the First Amendment would only be hollowed out words without any substantive meaning or power. I appreciate our law enforcement on the city and state level, but we as common citizens don’t have personal protection for our rights in our daily lives.

This was proven as noted in the Summer of 2020 in Blue Cities. Your rights in these Blue cities were at the whim of local officials, i.e., Mayors. Some officials of Blue cities instructed their law enforcement to stand down. This was what the Second Amendment was intended for and why our Founding Fathers drafted the Second Amendment to do- To preserve the Rights of The People.


The Second Amendment provides us the ability to defend our rights, ourselves, our families, and our property, the blossoms of our Rights. The Founding Fathers were all too aware that there is nothing more dangerous than a government that unconstitutionally restricts its citizens from exercising their First Amendment Rights, thus needed the Second Amendment.

The restrictive gun laws instituted by local or state governments are unconstitutional at best that restricts ownership and the right of law abiding citizens to have the ability and right to carry for the sole reason of protection, and not just for sporting purposes. The restrictive gun laws passed by these institutions impact only the law abiding citizens. This is defined as unfair application and enforcement of the law.

Prohibition of Rights

The restriction to the Second Amendment hearkens back to the failures of the 18th Amendment of Prohibition. It led to the largest organized crime wave that controlled cities and state’s leaders. This is much like the Democrats have done in their Blue cities and states. The 18th Amendment was repealed by the 21st Amendment.

Our Responsibilities

Our Freedoms have responsibilities, we can’t use our freedoms of our faith, speech, power of the pen, and/or association to threaten the rights of others. Same with responsibilities that comes with the Second Amendment. We can’t use our second Amendment right to threaten the rights of other citizens.

Part of the responsibility is prohibiting criminals, cognitive challenged persons, or minors from having ownership of a weapon without supervision of an adult in the case of a minor.

In regards to the minor use of firearms, we want them to learn, respect, and enjoy the safe, responsible use and operation of a firearm under the supervision of a responsible person over the age of 18. This is part of our heritage.

One of the reasons that our U.S. Military is so efficient in military operations throughout our history is the familiarity of service personnel with firearms, i.e., The Rough Riders in 1898 during the Spanish-American War. That was also highlighted in the story of Sergeant York and his marksmanship.


Democrat Segregated South before the 70’s

This is why our views on Guns 4 Roses (that defends and represents our blossoms of our Liberty and Freedom) is important to us in the South. We never want to return to the dark shadow days of the segregation of Jim Crow that was instituted by Democrats.

Just before the Civil War ended in April of 1865, President Lincoln layout plans with General Grant of Reconstruction that was implemented to provide the former slaves with basic rights that they had been denied for decades in addition to rebuilding the south.

For 12- years, African-Americans saw the prosperity of ownership, running for office, and the privilege of obtaining an education and having a voice in their government under Reconstruction. This was only possible with enforcement under the occupation force of Union Soldiers up until 1877.

The Democrats attested to the occupation of the Union Soldiers. After the Union forces left the south, Democrats imposed their form of Jim Crow laws that eliminate rights under the U.S. Constitution to the recently freed African-Americans slaves. Two interesting story to read are from two (2) former slaves named- Jeremiah Haralson from Selma, Alabama and Booker T. Washington from Tuskegee, Alabama

Democrats’ Jim Crow Law and Colfax Massacres

Colfax is the Parish seat Grant, Louisiana,

Just after Reconstruction ended, in 1877, when Union troops withdrew from the Southern States, Democrats simply substituted Slavery with Jim Crow Laws and Segregation that ended the dreams of Reconstruction by President Lincoln and General Grant. Democrats under Jim Crow Laws restricted the African-Americans’ access to education, business opportunities, freedom of association and interactions, financing, education, and voting.

The real setback for African-Americans was the Colfax Massacres that occurred in Louisiana on Easter, April 13th, of 1873. The Colfax Massacre was led by White Supremacist Democrats, who were known as the strong arm of the Democratic Party, A.K.A. Ku Klux Klan

Black militiamen were ordered to surrender their firearms to former Democratic Confederate soldiers that in turn slaughtered an estimated 150 African-Americans. It is not surprising that Democrats still want us to surrender our rights to bear arms NOW! NO WAY IN HELL to that!


After the African-Americans surrendered their arms they had no means of protecting themselves. This sent shock waves throughout the entire south that would setback civil rights for the most vulnerable by eight decades until the late 1960’s.

African-Americans were denied the right to education, business opportunities, financing, and voting by Democrats. In the case of voting, Democrats still think that Blacks are incapable of securing proper Voter ID and are under the notion that Blacks are computer illiterate to a point of not knowing what a computer is. We only have to go back to Reconstruction period in the South, to proved that Blacks were capable of making significant gains in education, business ventures, and obtaining local, state, and national office.


This is why GUNS and ROSES (GUNS and ROSES meaning the defending of our Liberties & Freedoms) are so dear to our hearts in the south for what we witnessed during the 1950’s and 1960’s and we are bound and determent to never return to the former Democrat’s Days of the Jim Crow era. This was on display during the Summer of 2020 in Blue States.

Luke 22:36 He (Jesus) said to them, “But now let the one who has a moneybag take it, and likewise a knapsack. And let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one. The sword that Jesus was speaking to was The Word as referenced in Ephesians 6:17, put on the whole Armor of God- and take…. the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.