THE QATSPY® From the Kerosene Cowboy Journal Perception

By Charles W. Boatright

The Demise of Journalism and The Free Press– How Journalism wrote their own epitaph by losing their Credibility and their integrity! The hard nosed Journalism were stories verified, confirmed with sources, and collaborated doesn’t exist NOW

This article covers why we took the Oath entering the U.S. Military to Protect and Defend the Constitution of The United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic….. I could have titled this article WHY WE FIGHT with Memorial Day this weekend!

The First Amendment is the cornerstone of our Constitution by holding our Government, institutions, and individuals accountable for their proclamations and activities by a FREE press that DOESN’T EXIST ANY LONGER HERE in the U.S. where there is NO LONGER transparency and accountability from our Mainstream Media.

Free Press extends far beyond just the term freedom to publish without the muscle and weight of censorship. But free press is also independent journalism by avoiding the unholy alliance with Government, institutions, or individuals for the pure purpose of promoting a false narrative absence of truth or credibility, we have NOW.

What is even more IMPORTANT than a FREE PRESS is the free exercise of one’s religion or faith and the freedom of expression. All three are important to a FREE & INDEPENDENT society without persecution.

Our Mainstream Media has been reduced to offering only opinions and their views without conveying hard FACTS and TRUTH to their readers allowing them to form their own opinions. How can the reader form their own opinions and assessments when they aren’t provided THE HARD FACTS?

Duke Lacrosse Case and the Mainstream Media

Then when the readers discover that they have been duke with a FALSE NARRATIVE then they, the reader, lose all trust in the Mainstream Media. This was what was on full display during The DUKE Lacrosse story in 2016, where The Mainstream Media lapped up like stray dogs what Mike Nifong was feeding them to boost his own re-election campaign as DA. The same thing that is going on right now in New York and with the Democratic Party!


Nothing Has Changed with the Ferocious Appetite of the Mainstream Media Now!       

The press is most valuable to its readers is when they capture the essence and truth with historical prospectus and reference of a story without providing their own opinions and/or judgments, or criticism. The press has lost their prestige and credibility by providing more editorial to their readers and listeners than hard facts.

Harrison Butker’s Freedom of Expression that is Protected

Another case of Mainstream Media bias reporting is Harrison Butker’s commencement speech at Benedictine College. First I don’t think that a Catholic College administration selected Harrison Butker for his support of abortion or for his supporting of feminism or his lack of religious conviction, but for his views on the importance of the Family Unit that is the foundation of our country.


Now sports reporters from The Kansas City Star are calling for the dismissal of Harrison Butker as kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs for exercising his First Amendments Rights of Religion and Expression. The First Amendment covers more than a Free Press as our Media thinks!

The Mainstream Media has Lost its Credibility because of Title IX                   

One of my best friends, who is a pastor of a church in Arkansas, sent me his sermon last Saturday that he delivered on Sunday (May 19, 2024), covering the 9th Commandment (What I call Title 9). This covered his series on the 10 Commandments. We often consider bearing false witness as it ONLY applies to deceitful statements that are made.

But, making slanderous statements is also a part of Title 9. The 9th Commandment deals with how we label people and how false statements are made whether in speech or in the press. What our Mainstream Media is actually doing is reporting their stories laced with bias and incorrect information based on their opinion to shape a narrative that they want. Then they portray themselves as journalists to their readers. Such was the case with WLBT-3 on Fuel prices that I will cover later, below.

What the Mainstream Media are doing with their coverage is tantamount to tampering with a product that the public thinks is beneficial and factual to consume and believe. If you want to know how dangerous this is go back to 1982.


The Tylenol Tampering Case of 1982

A great example of what the Mainstream Media is perpetrating to the American public for decades is tantamount to tampering with their publications similar to a person that laced a medication with Cyanide. Go back to the Tylenol laced bottles of 1982 by an individual. This is exactly how serious tampering that the Mainstream Media has done with what they call journalism.

When the Mainstream Media or any person defame another person they are essentially murdering that person’s reputation. Where then does that person go to restore their reputation and good name? The Mainstream Media needs to weigh this in their articles like in the Duke Lacrosse Case with the young men that were affected and malign. I don’t have any issue with stating FACTS regardless how hard hitting they are, the truth is the truth!


The problem with the Mainstream Media publications is that it doesn’t come with a tamper proof seal that indicates that the information had being tampered with and is misleading.

The Mainstream Media on Inflation and Fuel Prices

An example of misleading information by the mainstream media goes back to 2022, where I caught WLBT-3 (NBC affiliate here in Jackson, MS) taking liberties with their broadcast concerning high fuel prices. WLBT FALSELY claimed that high fuel prices were the direct result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. THAT WAS TOTALLY WRONG! I had the FACTS to prove my point!

I don’t make any bones about it, but I have a holding in an oil well and I track fuel prices weekly on an excel spreadsheet for the past 30- years. In actuality, fuel prices have been on the rise ever since Biden took office in January of 2021 that caused INFLATION WE HAVE NOW to sore. You lower fuel prices with exploration and drilling and pumping you’ll lower inflation that is a tax on all of us.

The highest spike in fuel prices were actually in April of 2021. This is evidence that the Mainstream Media fails to do their due diligence in verifying their information and data. And my Americans neighbors, DON’T just blame this on Biden, he ain’t running the show, Democrats are running this show and PLEASE vote with this in mind November accordingly.

I sent the following chart, below, to correct the WLBT news team, Howard Ballou and Maggie Wade, that was made in Wade’s incorrect broadcast concerning fuel prices tied to Russia Invasion of Ukraine. I NO LONGER listened to their news broadcast since; thinking about what else do they tamper with in the reporting.


Under President Trump fuel prices was a $1.85 and Inflation was 1.4%! NOW under Biden, the fuel prices are $3.85 and climbing and inflation is actually 9.8% because Government don’t include Fuel and Grocery Cost that are a necessity.


What was really disappointing from WLBT-3 was that they didn’t even offer a correction in the following News broadcast to the cause of fuel prices. Fuel prices have a direct impact on INFLATION COST of everything we use and consume. The main impact is diesel prices, because 18-wheelers don’t run on double “D” batteries.

I run a Welding Shop and I noticed a significant jump in steel prices and the shipping cost of raw steel and my shipping cost to a tone of 48%. When you hear Democrats in Congress talk about their EV’s and driving past fuel stations, I have news for them, diesel rigs don’t and my farm tractor don’t either they run on diesel.

Ask these Democratic Congress people how their EV’s performed in sub-below Zero temps last winter and will perform this summer. There are other issues that they don’t discuss in regards to $25,000 replacement batteries cost. This isn’t your normal replacement cost of your 12- Volt battery of $130.00 that requires replacing every 5-6 years guys. The problem with Democrats is that they can’t see their unintended consequences that they cause us. They just offer an accuse and go on with their lives. Especially these solar farms that are susceptible to Mother Nature’s Fury of hail storms and tornadoes.

I’m the guy in the middle on the Steel Channel X-arm testing out my horizontal life line. This was taken in June, 23rd of 2015 the month I retired at age 57.

I been a Line Grid Engineer for 33- years and alternative energy sources are susceptible to storm damage where your not talking about days to restorer power, but weeks, if not months. We are also not building the new generation Nuclear Generation Units or natural Gas units that both are clean energy sources.


The Integrity and Credibility Lost by News Outlets

Integrity and credibility is hard to earn, BUT IT IS even harder to re-established once jeopardized for such a small amount of gain and notoriety. Fair and Balance reporting by the Mainstream Media (that includes ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, NPR, New York Times and Washington Post just to name a few) has been lost since 1988 on picking sides to support and to sponsor. Our Mainstream Media have actually become public relations and promoters for the Democratic Party.


Now if We could ONLY have a Tamper Proof Seal on Journalism to Use

We learned another valuable lesson in 2016 and in 2020 where our Mainstream Media tampered with information that they provided and at the same time are perpetrating themselves to be journalists, that is dangerous mix to use all. Now they are just opinion propagandists much like what Joseph Goebbels was to the Nazis Party, the Third Reich.

There is not a dime’s worth of difference between our Mainstream Media we have NOW and what Nazis Party Propaganda Ministry did in Germany in the 1930’s and early 1940’s. The only difference is instead of the Nazis Party dictating the message to the German people, our Democratic Party is dictating its message via its Mainstream Media.

Go back to the Russian Collusion, FBI spying on a political party, constant harassment of a Republican candidate and election interference into the 2016, 2020, and NOW IN 2024 U.S. Elections by the Mainstream Media and our Government. A case in point is the suppression of Hunter Biden’s Laptop that is election interference by our Media and Government.

The Ninth Commandment deals with NOT BEARING FALSE WITNESS and 1st Thessalonians 5:21 deals with verifying information- Prove all things; hold fast to that which is TRUE! These are principles NOT held by our Mainstream Media NOW, but should be basic principals!

Gone are the days where the press and journalist verified and confirmed their leads and sources. Our Mainstream Media consider that too difficult in comparison to being FIRST to the presses. Our Mainstream Media are just functioning as copying machines.

Being an Engineer we have to check and double check then verify all information in our designs. One reason, people’s lives depended on us being correct. Our Mainstream Media didn’t check their source that was provided to them even from the FBI. We can NO LONGER even TRUST OUR GOVERNMENT that includes what we respected once, our FBI. Our MAINSTREAM MEDIA worked in concert with the FBI that raided a President’s home under orders to use Deadly Force!

Our U.S. Government and Mainstream Media have lost all their credibility with the American People! They (the Mainstream Media and the FBI are now considered Public Enemy No. 1. Getting it back won’t be soon or easy; and they wonder why they are despised and are considered political hatchet people.

Case in point was COVID and the source of the pandemic that FAUCI stated occurred naturally by bats from a wet market when in fact it was a Gain of Function that Fuauci sponsored then tried to hide, FACTS! FACT always eventually will come out. If this doesn’t lay out evidence to the lost credibility of our U.S. Government and Mainstream Media, then nothing will.


Democrats History

What is even more disconcerting is for a Democratic Party and Biden in his address to Morehead College, that is a Historical Black College for men. Where Biden tells Black young men that Americans hate them, that is totally Untrue. Joe Biden, like most Democrats, are confused about their dark past Democratic History, especially in the SOUTH. Or what Democrats would like to rewrite.


Democratic history is tied directly to where 11- states seceded from the Union over the slavery issue. These same Democratic 11-states supported Slavery, Jim Crow Laws, opposed Reconstruction that gave Blacks the best avenue to succeed in their country. Dems also supported segregation up to the late 1960’s when Republicans throw them out of office.

They also opposed the Civil Right Bill of 1964, and took full advantage of the very people that they have oppressed for over two centuries.

Why We Hold on to The 2nd Amendment

If you want to know why we hold to our Second Amendment in the south, just go back and read the accounts of The Colfax Massacre that took place in Louisiana in April of 1873. This was where Democrats ( and their KKK, the Dems strong arm) disarmed former black slaves and shot over 60 Blacks dead in cold blood.

Biden talks about a Bloodbath, this is what he is talking about with a bloodbath in his speech to Morehead Students. He also stated that THEY want to put you back in chains. Here’s the question- Who are THEY that Biden is referring to? Will THEY are the Democratic Party that supported Slavery and Segregation.

I will never give up my right to defend myself, my family, or my property. If you want evidence of Democrats’ civil unrest, just go back to the Summer of 2020, when Democrat Mayors told their police forces to STAND-DOWN and not protect the public that they took an oath to protect and serve. They then try to persecute people that defended themselves and their property.     

Based on past performance, We the People can’t trust our Government and especially the Mainstream Media or the FBI to what we read in articles or hear that is NO LONGER checked or verified. This once was a part of journalism of hard nosed journalist that they NO longer perform since the 1980’s. I used to enjoy reading the paper in the 70’s, but no longer now and lost all respect for the Mainstream Media and the FBI.