Modeling is the most challenging situation that one can place on their health and fitness at any age much less at age 68.

♠TOP ACE Kerosene Cowboy’s Sportswriter♠


Strengthen Your Age-Defying Health– The Fountain of Youth that Ponce De Leon was looking for is as close as your GYM with strength training. Modeling requires fitness and a healthy appearance at age 68, modeling with models in their mid-20’s


I have a sports fitness and apparel business where I model our A-2 and G-1 Leather Flight Jackets. Stepping in front of the camera lens to model with models in their mid-20’s is probable one of the most demanding situation one can place on their fitness at any age, much less being at the age of 68.

I contribute my ability to model to God’s grace, first and more most, a healthy diet, The SARSO Diet and Fitness Program. I realize that aerobics and cardio receives the lion shear of attention along with YOGA that are essential. But you have to give strength training a slight edge to defying your age. To have an age-defying health and fitness to not only slow the ravages of aging, but actually reverse the natural aging process that includes shed weight and years, strength training is your key advantage.

I’m not referring to body building or power lifting, but simple strength training where light weights are used by increasing your reps. It isn’t the amount of weight that you lift, but the number of reps you can perform that allows your muscles to release a natural growth hormone that contains collagen to joints and your skin.

Your best options is to select free weights (dumbbells) and increase as needed based on the your ability to perform 15 reps to a manageable resistance. To gain effectiveness in your strength training, have a least 20- second rest period between your sets of 15 reps. You will surprise at how many reps you can perform with just a 20- second rest period between sets. You can make better gains than not having rest periods.

At age 68, I can perform 40- reps bench pressing using two (2) 50- pound dumbbells. I like using dumbbells for safety because I sometimes workout alone and if I get into a bind I can drop them without having a bar-bells to manage.

Bench presses using (2) 50- pound dumbbells in my GYM

The brain needs to be consider a muscle that needs Strength training to work more efficiently just like any other muscle in your body does. After I work out my regular 60- minute workout 6- times per week, I can feel stress relieved from my entire body that includes sweating.

This was taken after our photoshoot we did after the photograph in the main image in November 20, 2024 at age 67.

To firm up by body, I take a cold plunge just after my workout and than a warm shower. The Cryotherapy transition the white fat that is difficult for the body to use as energy into a beige fat that the body can easily convert to energy.

This fitness routine provides an age-defying therapy that NO creams, ointments, or medication can match, but is a lot less expensive and have long term effects inside-out.

My NEW BOOK- I spent 2-yrs writing this book based on dairy, notes, and interviews:

My new E-book on KINDLE, a paperback will be available by mid-April 2025; this link in to KINDLE. Or you can use my name Charles W. Boatright to all my books on KINDLE.

This book, The Sayeret Warrior of Rephaim, is based on 2- fictional characters, Lt. Colonel Sotenberg and Rosenstraus that looked like they had just stepped out of central casting for one of Ian Fleming James Bond, 007, movie series. They were both trained in Krav Maga combat tactics, military strategies, trained in gathering military intelligence, and spoke five different languages.

The story is set against historical events that took place starting in October in Mogadishu, Somalia in 1993. Their primary assignment was to  gather intelligence on various terrorist groups in North Africa and assist the U.S. forces in Somalia. This was during the U.S. Operation Restore Hope that started out as a humanitarian operation to insure food distribution to the Somalian people to prevent being captured by warlords, like Mohammad Farrah Aidid.