♠TOP ACE Kerosene Cowboy’s Sportswriter♠
Significant of Sports in Homeschool Curriculum– School Choice is an effective basic right of parents to exercise in their kid’s education. But just as important as mental development is our kids physical development with Health & Fitness
Homeschooling offers parents and their Children an alternative to where parents have lost their input and influence to what their children are taught to prepare them for life and actually develop life skills. I’m proof that homeschooling works as far back as The Summer of 1969.
I’m 68 years old and had exposure to the tremendous opportunities that Homeschooling provides as far back as 1969 at age 11. I had a severe learning disability the was discovered my boy scout leader as being legally blind. Up until 11, I was illiterate due to my handicap and didn’t participate in any sports or school activities♠
When I was adopted by my grandparents in 1968, I received a medical procedure that improved my eye sight from 20/275 to 20/20. I can personally identified with scripture verse in John 9:25.. I was once blind, but now I can see. I didn’t even know the world had color♠
The Summer of 1969
At age 11, in 1969, I was in the fourth grade that I repeated due to my severe learning disability. I still remember the summer of 1969 as being one of the hardest most difficult period of my life that I had ever worked through to make up for four- grade levels in three months♠
Each month was equivalent to a one-and-a-third grade level, that was a lot of ground to cover. This type of learning is called Autodidact, like President Lincoln and how most of the slaves educated themselves during Reconstruction. I spent 16- hours a day in catch-up mode with two hours of REC-time, each day. There was simply no days or weekends off. This was by my choice, because no one can make this type of sacrifice unless by choice♠
I was also motivated by what I witnessed during the summer of 1969, I witnessed Neil Armstrong and Buzz Alden that walked on the moon. I had the opportunity to meet Buzz Alden at the University of Mississippi. The Apollo Program inspired me to become an Engineer. Kids, this proves that no dream is impossible to reach for!
I realized the importance of homeschooling during the summer of 1969 and the impact education had on my life then and even now. My Homeschooling allowed me to graduate college with a 3.83 GPA in Engineering and had a very successful 36- year career in engineering where I was a Grid Engineer for a major utility♠
In my opinion, churches missed a huge potential in the early 1960’s to form coops among others churches that could have worked in concert with parents to form homeschooling systems. These private schools working in concert with homeschools would without a doubt challenge public schools to perform at a higher level of performance♠
Forming coops with other churches and helping families to develop homeschooling FAITH BASED curriculum would have been one of the greatest fulfillment of the great commission (Matthews 28:16-20) that the church could have undertaken. Not only are you touching young lives; but the church would be touching families and building strong communities, as well. Even when Jesus Christ walked the earth, He didn’t preach rebellion, but offered alternatives to people of a better life based on freedom of choice. The Church fought the wrong battle when Faith was taken out of schools♠
Their mistake that churches made was fighting against public schools instead of offering a better alternative of Faith Based Education to public education. Churches could have started the battle for School Choice decades before the 1990’s, and won the day. We have to choose our battles well and instead fight where your opposition isn’t.
The Church could have offered a better alternative to the failing grade our national public schools are receiving. The alternative would have been an education system that people could choose from to educate their children rather than just the public schools♠
Importance of Recreation and Exercising for Age-Defying Fitness even at 68
I started working out and getting into shape at age 12 as part of my homeschooling, by incorporating sports into my homeschooling curriculum allowed me to build confidence in myself, that included playing golf. My grandfather was a golf instructor and his cousin was P.J. Boatwright, Jr., the head of the USGA. Sports contribute to my success just as much as did my academics did♠
I applied the Apostle Paul’s passage in 1 Corinthians 9:26 & 27- So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified♠
Sports provided me the ability to develop coordination and discipline to be able to make up four- grades levels in three- months. It took everything I had, but my grandparents and I was in control of my curriculum focusing on just six- areas of education, nothing else- Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science, History, and Sports. My grandmother, to her credit, love literature, especially the classics this help form my appreciation for the classics, especially Henry David Thoreau. I would encourage everyone to read Thoreau’s writings♠
I’m still involved in sports, health, and fitness that has allowed me to stay active both physically and mentally in my hobbies, aviation, classic vehicles, golf, and modeling at age 68♠
The Excalibur, Athlete’s Forge Performance
I wrote a book, Excalibur, Athlete’s Forge Performance, specifically for homeschooling parents and kids that is based on my experiences during the Summer of 1969. Guys, I realize that Bryant Adams have a song entitled by the same mantra. But due to my Diet, Fitness, Sports, and Hobbies, I have the health and fitness (both mentally and physically) that I had when I was 35, now at age 68♠
This book contains my Diet, Health, Fitness, and the Sport of golf explained to help both kids and parents to achieve an age-defying performance to remain active and healthy:
For those interested in the sport of golf, please consider purchasing my coaching book especially for homeschoolers Golfer’s Sync-Preset Strike Zone APP. Below is a short video filmed by a WJTV-12 film crew of me in 2021 demonstrating my Palmer-Pro Golf Swing Technique. I am shown here hitting five- 290 yard tee shots to within 15- feet of an orange bucket in just one take♠