By: Charles W. Boatright
NEW BOOK– The Sayeret Warriors of Rephaim is a book covering two ghost operatives in Dark Ops with an elite Israel Recon unit. This Dark Ops Israel unit is the Sayeret Matkal that works with Mossad, Intelligence Agency carrying out Reconnaissance and Special Ops Missions
I describe myself as a Ghost Writer where I write about historical events with ghost characters based on research missions carried out like by Sayeret Matkal Unit. I created two ghost operatives with the elite Sayeret Matkal Unit that participated in actual historical events that played out on news broadcasts, and in movies. These two ghost operatives are fictional characters with ghost names that I gave them that were engaged in these events.
One of these special ops that involved Sayeret Matkal Unit was the Raid on Entebbe where the Sayeret Matkal Unit lead by Lt. Col. Yonatan Netanyahu, the brother of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, commanded the fighters onboard one of two C-130 Aircraft. Lt. Col. Netanyahu was KIA while helping hostages evacuate on to the C-130 Aircraft.
Details of The Raid on Entebbe: Operation Entebbe, A.K.A. Operation Thunderbolt.
While the names are ghost names of my two characters, the events are paired with historical military operations, with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Sayeret Matkal actually provides the extensive military intelligence and recon to support military operations, both foreign and domestic. These Special Ops that Sayeret Matkal undertake are some of the most critical and hazardous conditions from rescue missions to the defense of freedoms, liberties, and peace of Israel and the United States.
Capturing Jason Bourne or James Bond-type Personalities
These two ghost lieutenant colonels actually represent what our U.S. and the IDF military personnel train for and execute on behalf of our two countries. What they do as part of their duties are nothing short of heroic missions jeopardizing their safety and their lives while carrying out what we would describe as a Jason Bourne or James Bond-type mission.
As the author of The Sayeret Warriors of Rephaim, I wanted the reader to understand and grasp what our intelligence agencies capabilities are and performed in these special missions. Some of these type missions have been reported in newspapers, news broadcasts, and captured in movies over the years like- Raid on Entebbe, Blackhawk Down, 13- Hours, and Zero Dark Thirty. You can’t watch these type movies and not feel respect and appreciation for what our men and women do in serving our two countries.
I wanted to highlight the importance of military intelligence gathering and what it entails from actually having boots on the ground and not just from electronic surveillance only from satellites and drones. These Intelligence missions are carried out in foreign hostile countries like Iran by military teams under the direction of Mossad, CIA, NSA, and MI5.
Importance of having Boots on the Ground
Israel has a slight edge over most nationals in the area of intelligent gathering. One reason being goes back to the Babylon era (modern-day Syrians) where King Nebuchadnezzar II invaded Israel in 597 BC. The Israeli exiles that were taken to Babylon were influenced by one of the greatest cultural centers known to the world of that day. The exiles were exposed to mathematics, science, and astronomy.
Then the huge technological advancement came in 239 BC when Persians conquered Israel and Babylon by the Persian king Cyrus the Great. Some of these events of Israel exile in both Babylon and Persia are covered in the Books of Esther, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and up to Daniel.
These two conquests by Babylon and Persia Empires, allowed some of the Jews to escape and migrated to the Mid-East, Asia minor, Europe, and North Africa. North Africa is where it is thought that the lost tribe of Israel reportedly escaped to. Migration to these countries provided Israel with one of the most extensive networks of intelligence on earth.
This intelligent network that was scattered over the Mid-East, Asia minor, Europe, and North Africa provided Israel with some of the best ground intelligence that exceeded that of MI5, CIA, and NSA. These military intelligence and military tactics that were learned from MI5 and OSS where Jews served during World War II. This intelligence and military tactics helped Israel fight for their independence and their survival during the Six-Day War and Yung Kanpur War.
Israel Intelligence is without parallel up until the October 7th, 2023, when Hamas launched raids into southern Israel from the Gaza Strip. By anyone’s account and assessments this was a complete and colossal failure of intelligence by Israel. This proves that nations can never be complacent in their defense and intelligence gathering.
Despite what some may think, the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights isn’t solely for sporting, but pinned by James Madison for self defense and an overreaching government. Weaponry along with hand-to-hand combat techniques developed in the mid 1940’s, called KRAV MAGA, is used by the IDF exclusively in their hand-to-hand combat techniques. KRAV MAGA is based on natural defensive postures and movements. Even the FBI agents are now being trained in MMA and UFC tactics that are based on KRAV MAGA.
Along with KRAV MAGA for self defense, I use it as part of my 60- minute workout that I perform six-days per week along with my strength training. I train with KRAV MAGA because it is the most instinctive of all self defenses techniques that is easy to learn and react to under actual conditions. I’m 68 years old, in the photograph below, taken in November of 2024 in my home gym. I have followed my workout technique that includes KRAV MAGA and strength training for over 35- years.
One of the best Anti-Aging technique is simple Strength Training. This is like having your own age-defying spa at home, but this Anti-Aging technique is a lot more convenient and a lot less expensive and has long-term benefits. I offer my AB Challenge photograph below as evidence, taken in November of 2024:
Why We Serve
I joined the U.S. Army with my high school friend Donovan Briley during our senior year of high school, of 1977. Briley selected the U.S. Rangers, as a Blackhawk pilot, that were attached to the 160th Night Stalkers. He was KIA in Mogadishu in October of 1993. I selected the 326th Combat Engineers with the 101st Airborne. I received a medical discharge after an injury that I received in 1981 after four years of service.
I would encourage those in their junior or senior year in high school to consider enlisting in one of the Six-Branches of the U.S. Military service to gain skills and training with experience that will benefit you for a lifetime. Trades are highly needed by companies in all areas.
My book, The Sayeret Warriors of Rephaim, is on Kindle as a E-Book that will be in paperback by the end of April of 2025. You can use the image of my book below to link with Kindle to purchase my book: