THE QATSPY® From the Kerosene Cowboy Journal Perception

Democrats’ Jim Crow has come to New York– Emmett Till, Medgar Evers, the Three Civil Rights Workers, Justice is on Display in New York City. I hoped that we as a  country dismantle the Democrats’ disregarded the U.S. Constitution

A Great Example of Democratic Hypocrisy

If you need a great example of hypocrisy among the Democrats, just refer to their illegal demonstrations in front of Supreme Court justices homes after the Court referred Roe vs Wade back to the States. This was based on The Dobbs vs the State of Mississippi Department of Health Case. This case should have been decided at the state level since January 22, 1973 Ruling was made. Democrats have demonstrated that they prefer to rule by Fiat.

Just a point of reference- It is illegal to demonstrate or picket a justice according to (18 U.S. Code § 1507 – Picketing or parading). But this U.S. Code didn’t stop the Biden’s Administration and the AG from encouraging these demonstrations; because they disagreed with this ruling. Even Chuck Schumer verbally attacked the Justices in front of the Supreme Court.

Now they want Americans to not use their First Amendment Right to criticize a ruling from a sham trial where the Defendant’s rights were stamped on by a judge that is supposed to protect the rights of the Defendant. Most trials the prosecution has the burden to prove their case. This was reversed in this sham case against President Trump. Trump’s legal team didn’t even have the opportunity to bring an expert witness in this sham trial in New York City.


My fellow Americans If you want to witness what Jim Crow Laws look like that were instituted by the Southern Democrats, it is on full display in New York City. Corrupted Judges and Prosecutors have weaponized the Judicial System to take out their political opponents with the Judicial System to eliminate American People from having their voice.

If you think that it is criminal to be tried on a trumped up charge, then you need to read the history of Martin Luther King, Jr. that was arrested 29 times protesting Democratic Jim Crow Laws in the south. The The trumped up criminal charges go all the way back to Daniel and also Jesus Christ in their shame cases. So this isn’t anything NEW to Real Americans that Love our Country to see weaponized justice department and judges!

New York City’s Modernization of Jim Crow Laws

Jim Crow was a law supported in Southern Democratic Sates just after Reconstructed had ended in 1877 that supported Segregation of Blacks Americans and was enforced by Democrats up until the mid 1960’s. Most Democrats are under the opinion now since this period was a part of the dark history of the Democratic Party’s History are trying to detach themselves from their own history.

It hadn’t been long, since the early 1960’s, that we Americans had seen or experienced Jim Crow Laws, especially in the South where slavery was supported and was controlled by the Democrats. From the Congressional seats, to Governorship, to state officials, to local law enforcement, the South was controlled with the steel claw of the Democratic Party.

Soon after the end of the Civil War, Reconstruction gave Black Americans the rights that were afforded to every American. This period lasted for only a short 12- years. Black Americans prospered under Reconstruction that was proposed by President Lincoln that also signed the Emancipation Proclamation on January 01st, 1863. Under Union soldiers occupation, Blacks ran and won political office under the Republican Party, attended school, and formed business.

Just a sidebar on Blacks Americans running for political office during Reconstruction ran as Republicans. Does anyone in their right mind think that under President Lincoln’s Reconstruction that Blacks would run under that banner of the Democratic Party that held them in slavery for over 215- year? Really!


President Lincoln and General Grant helped form Reconstruction to help former slaves in the Democrat South to enjoy all the rights guaranteed under our U.S. Constitution. This was up until the Colfax Massacre that took place in Louisiana on April 13, 1873. This was when Southern Democrats and their KKK strong arm disarmed Blacks Americans by violating their Second Amendment Right to bear arms then murder over 60 Black Americans that day.

This was the restart of the Democratic Party Tyranny that helped to oppress Black Americans under Jim Crow Law. Biden believes that Jim Crow was instituted Republican! This is Totally WRONG. This oppression continued up until the early 1970’s. I’m Jewish and I had a front row seat to witness the Tyranny of the Democratic Party with discrimination and hatred of people exercising their Rights, especially Black Americans.

Democrats have Resurrected Jim Crow Laws in New York City          

If the Democrats today had their choice they would burn the U.S. Constitution and especially the Bill of Rights that Judge Juan Manuel Merchan and Alvin Bragg had done in New York City yesterday. They abandoned justice and The Rule of Law to prosecute President Trump under the direction of the Democratic Party. Some things DON’T CHANGE with the DEMOCRATIC PARTY, DO THEY!

Once a Democrat, always a Democrat that has turned the State of New York and other Blue States and Cities into a Banana Republic. Democrats took and shredded the Rule of Law and how evidence that was presented in a Kangaroo Court. Judge Juan Manuel Merchan instead of being an advocate for the Rule of Law actually denied the Defense the basic right of presenting evidence and witnesses in the case against President Trump.


What I have Witnessed the Nature of the Democratic Party          

Being Jewish and living my entire life in the south for little over 65 years where I was raised in Arkansas and now living in Mississippi after retiring. I have had a front row seat to the racist, discrimination, and miscarriage of justice perpetrated by Democrats here in the south. You don’t even have to read ancient history to find out who the Democratic Party are and how they have oppressed fellow Americans, especially Black Americans.

1955 Emmett Till

Let me just highlight just some of the Democrats miscarriage of justice here in the south in legal cases and the biases against Blacks in the Democrats controlled South. This was on full display in 1955 when Emmett Till was murder in what was Money, Mississippi, this is in Bennie Thomas Second District. Emmett Till’s murder case was where a Democrat dominated jurors could not deliver justice to Emmett Till’s family even after his body was pulled from the Yazoo River disfigured beyond all recognition.

1957- Little Rock Nine where Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus Denied Nine Blacks to Integrate Central High School

Governor Orval Faubus used the Arkansas National Guard to prevent nine- brave Blacks students from attending Central High Schools in Little Rock. When I lived in Arkansas I played Central High in Football. Republican President Eisenhower sent the 101st Airborne in to execute a Supreme Court Ruling on Desegregation.

1962 James Meredith Denied Admittance to Ole Miss under Democrat Governor Ross Barnett

October 1962 James Meredith was denied admittance into the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) due to his race. Governor Ross Barnett denied James Meredith the ability to attend Ole Miss due to Southern Segregation institutionalized by Democrats just after the Civil War ended in 1865 and Reconstruction had Ended in 1877.

One of the most horrible civil rights infringements to Blacks Americans was ending Reconstruction that was enforced by the occupation Union Troops. Union Troops were made to leave the South that gave way to one of the worst travesties of Justice since the trial jury verdict against President Donald J. Trump. These Democrats have made these Blue States and Cities into a Banana Republic trial under a Democratic Judge.

June 11,1963 Governor Democrat George Wallace Opposes Integration of the University of Alabama

June 12, 1963 the Assassination by Byron De La Beckwith, a Democrat KKK Member, Murder Medgar Evers                  

Medgar Evers was assassinated by Byron De La Beckwith Jr., a Democrat KKK member and U.S. Marine that fought in the Pacific, who was sent from Greenwood, Mississippi to murder Medgar Evers.

Medgar Evers was shot in the back in his driveway after leaving a NAACP meeting with a T-shirt that read JIM CROW MUST GO. Jim Crow laws passed by the Democrat Southerners to deny Blacks the Civil Rights that is granted them by The U.S. Constitution and also conveyed to them by President Lincoln’s via his Emancipation Proclamation signed on January 1, 1863.

This Proclamation Freed all Black Americans in 11- Southern States that fought a Civil War to keep slavery.

Eleven States controlled by Democrats seceded from the Union over the sin of institutionalized slavery. This led to a bloody war that claimed more Americans lives than any other war in American History over the issue of slavery under Democratic controlled states.


June 21, 1964- The Three Civil Right Workers Murder in Philadelphia, Mississippi

Even with this brief history on the Biases of the Democratic Party, they don’t reform themselves by perpetuating their band of miscarriage of justice. Under the eyes of the Democrats and executed by Edgar Ray Killings murdered three (3) Civil Rights workers in Philadelphia, Mississippi and their bodies dumped in an Earthen-Dam. These Three Civil Rights Workers were Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner.

Just another sidebar, two of these Civil Rights Workers were Jewish. Jews have fought for the rights of Black Americans since before we became a country and especially during the Civil War.

The Verdict Crafted by Democrats that Don’t Change their Strips

This verdict against President Trump was crafted by the Democratic Judge that reminds me of the miscarriage of justice that I just laid out briefly above against Blacks particularly in the South.

My Republican friends remember a scripture where Joseph stated to his brothers when he held the highest office in Egypt second only to the Pharaoh himself.


Genesis 50:19-20 But Joseph said to them, “Do not fear, for am I in the place of God? As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today. Don’t sink to the level of Democrats, but seek revenge in getting motivated, speaking out against this Democratic miscarriage of Justice, and vote Republican and use success to defeat Democrats this November.