By: Charles W. Boatright
Following Up on Your Health Factors– Ravages of aging can take a toll on your ability to maintain an active life-style that is essential. Last thing you want is reach your retirement and your health limits your ability of sports and hobbies
Never accept limitations concerning your health just because you’re over the age of 50 to maintain an active lifestyle. First maintain a healthy diet (accounts for 80% of your health) along with following a challenging fitness routine that includes aerobics, cardio, and especially strength training. Strength training is your fountain of youth against the effects of aging. You can do as the song states- If I Could Turn Back Time. And you can!
I’ve been writing articles about what I thought were sciatic nerve issues, because of the excess of 550 flight-hours that I spent in a cockpit flying for over 35-years. Sitting can lead to disc issues that can place pressure on the sciatic nerve. I convinced myself that I had a sciatic nerve issue and tried to self medicate; WRONG THING TO DO guys and gals!
I finally saw my orthopedic surgeon in September of 2024 that had X-Rays done from my lumbar area to my toes. The good news is that it wasn’t a sciatic nerve issue that I had that caused numbness in my feet and balance issues when I worked on my farm, hanger, and in my welding shop.
My main objective of my health status is to stay active in my daily life with sports, hobbies, social activities, and writing articles on health and sports. These activities keep my mind, body, and soul healthy.
We were able to diagnose my issue as neuropathy with a neurologist in March 2025 where they performed what is called an Electromyography (EMG). This EMG is essentially a low level electrical impulse that they attach at various locations similar to a EKG; but this is from your lumbar area to the bottom of your feet to measure any resistance to your neurological pathways signals.
The EMG gathered enough data from the test to determine that I had a low level of neuropathy to a point that the neurologist could hardly measure the neuropathy levels.
The Importance of Documenting your Medical History
Now to why it is important to keep track of your medical history and status that includes illnesses and dates, to all of your medications, and medical procedures. I do my updates in a WORD document that I can update as needed and print out when I see a medical professional and attach my document to their forms.
Two things caught the attention of the neurologist FIRST– My taking Prilosec that I take daily since 2014, it can hamper your body’s absorption of Vitamin B-12. SECONDLY– Colectomy that I had performed on November 27th, 2017. This is where dates are important in your medical records. The neurologist explained that after a seven year (7) period after a surgical procedure involving the intestines, the body’s ability to absorb vitamin B-12 is dramatically decreased. Vitamin B-12 is important for our nerve health.
NOTE: Majority of the body’s digestion takes place in the intestines.
The ability to maintain nerve health and function is with the body’s ability to absorb vitamin B-12 and testosterone to maintain nerve health. And YES, both men and women produce levels of testosterone.
I was focused on my testosterone levels because in October 2023 I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Prostate Cancer. Guys get your PSA Test done annually during your physical!
I had my testosterone levels checked back in September of 2024 and my testosterone levels readings were normal, so the lack of vitamin B-12 is what we are focusing on now to address my neuropathy at this time. This is easily fixed with supplements of B-12.
Since I’ve been taking Vitamin B-12 for a week now, my numbness in my feet has decreased by 60- percent. I hope to have a full recovery in the coming months.
If you have medical issues that limit your ability to enjoy your life and especially your retirement years, DO NOT hesitate to address your issues. You don’t want to have worked 30-odd years and not enjoy your retirement. DO NOT neglect your health issues or DO NOT self diagnosed, or self-medicate, but see your health provider before the situation gets worse.
Also one medical issue can identify another issues. I have three close friends that went in for one issue and discovered a life threatening issue that they are addressing that saved their lives.
One of the Most Important Medical Devices you can Purchase
One of the best things you can do for your health is to purchase a Blood Pressure Cuff (from Walmart or your local drug store) and take your blood pressure daily. Elevation in my blood pressure in September of 2023 caused me to move up my physical in 2023 from December to October when it was found that I had an elevated PSA.
Here’s how serious those three months were in my case; I had a biopsy in December that indicated I had Stage 1 Prostate Cancer. By February 05th, 2024, when I had a Prostatectomy, I had Stage 2 Prostate Cancer. As in the movie THE ROCK, where Sean Connery told Nickolas Cage- Never hesitate!
My NEW BOOK, The Sayeret Warrior of Rephaim
Read an intriguing book that you will find hard to put down on events that you saw unfold on news and in movies from the personal perspective of two military officers.
This book, ‘The Sayeret Warrior of Rephaim’, is based on 2- fictional characters, Lt. Colonel Sotenberg and Rosenstraus that looked like they had just stepped out of central casting for one of Ian Fleming James Bond, 007, movie series. This is a combination of James Bond and Bourne Identity depicting actual events. Both Lt. Colonel Sotenberg and Rosenstraus were both trained in Krav Maga combat tactics, military strategies and weaponry, with gathering military intelligence, and that spoke five different languages.
This book starts with the ill-fated Operation Gothic Serpent, to extract Aidid by the U.S. Rangers, the 160th Night Stalkers, and DELTA Forces that enter what was a HOT ZONE where U.S. Forces used only light armor vehicles and small arms. The local guerrillas that were loyal to Aidid, including kids, that were armed with AK-47’s and RPG’s placing U.S. Military in an urban-type battle.
Most Democratic Administrations use the military (DOD) as the extension of the DOJ with micro management and placing restrictions to the Rules of Engagement. This was typical of placing the U.S. Military in a police-type action starting with LBJ during the Vietnam War to the withdrawal from Afghanistan that resulted in colossal failures.
This became a troubling practice by Democratic Administrations from the LBJ’s to Biden’s Administration that provided limited to no support to military engagements that they had planned. This occurred numerous times since Vietnam and up to Mogadishu, Benghazi, Iraq, Ukraine, and to the Afghanistan withdrew.
The Sayeret Unit
The Sayeret Unit is the most elite military unit in the world where one of their most famous missions was on July 4th, 1976 during The Raid on Entebbe. This was where they recused hostages from a hijacking incident. This was when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu brother, Yonatan, was KIA executing this mission.
Background of Rephaim
A little background information on the term Rephaim. The significance of Rephaim Valley is from 2 Samuel 5:22 where King David launched a frontal and later a flanking maneuver attacking the Philistines’ rear. Rephaim was also known for being the valley of giants. The translation of Rephaim refers to “Spirits and also refers to the dead” as in the Valley of the Shadow of Death I think that might have been what inspired King David to write the 23rd Psalms; but there is no evidence to that fact.
I hope that you will enjoy reading through The Sayeret Warriors of Rephaim and remember our service personnel both active military and Veterans that have served our nation protecting our freedom along with Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and with unlimited opportunity for all.
The Sayeret Warriors of Rephaim will be in paperback and hardback in mid-April 2025.