THE QATSPY® Quapaw Aviation Tactical Sportswear Performance Yukon Outfitters
Blue Jeans, Boots, Oxford Shirt, & Flight Jacket– Universal Wardrobe Style that can fit the Circumstance or Event without being over/under
I have attended both George Strait concerts, as well as, concerts from the Baroque Period that include my favorites composers, Bach and Vivaldi (who had similar styles). My favorite concerts include both Bach and Vivaldi that are presented as Baroque Boot & Blue. Baroque in Blue is where the audience and the musicians are both wearing button-down oxford shirts, blue jeans and boots to lighten up the mood and just relax.
Every opportunity that I have to travel to meet clients, I wear my LL Beans blue jeans, boots, button-down oxford shirt, and our A-2 leather flight jacket that I refer to as NOT exactly GQ, but GS, The George Strait Style. This is a classic style of George when he performs in boots, starched blue jeans and button-down oxford shirt with his trademark cowboy hat.
This type of attire relaxes the client and also allows me to be comfortable and be confident in presenting our line of sportswear and fitness programs to prospective and existing clients. The same relaxing atmosphere that is created during Baroque Boot & Blue concert also creates the same atmosphere with my business clients and even tailgating with friends.
The Andy Gipson Style
We have an Agriculture Commissioner, Andy Gipson, here in Mississippi that wears the same GS attire representing Mississippi in blue jeans, boots, starched Oxford Shirt and his cowboy hat. I feel that Andy Gipson’s Style makes for a more approachable atmosphere representing Mississippi.
Andy Gipson’s Style that I refer to as GS, helps my clients feel at ease that I’m a basic guy that they can count on and trust. Our core Business is all about forming long lasting relationships than just developing commerce. Commerce is just an added benefit to our business. If I thought that my business was just commerce, I would miss the reason we are here on earth– Relationships.
I’m also a big fan of Henry David Thoreau who had a great philosophy of keeping things simple that reflects my approach to my life and my business. But my blue jeans, boots, and A-2 leather flight jacket affords me the opportunity to ride my Indian Scout Bobber Motorcycle and also fly those World War II classic fighters.
With a little adjustment in my attire to older blue jeans, work boots, and my khaki shirt, I can work around my farm and still maintain my GS style. I feel you should always be conscious about how you, or I, present yourselves to others, even working out in the field or in my welding shop. Some people say that character is who we are when no one is present. I want to be ready at all times for that photograph opportunity like for an magazine like in Garden & Guns Magazine.
This is the GS-Style character I want to have at all times unless I’m working out in my GYM then I’m in my grunge attire that is not fancy that consist of my ARMY shorts or sweats based on the time of the year. I’m a huge believer in fitness even at the age of 65. The best fashion statement isn’t just your attire but your fitness.
Your Fitness is Key to Your Health & Life
Your fitness is key in making your attire look and feel like you are getting ready for a photoshoot. That should be the way you should dress even for the weekend. Always be conscious about how you are presenting yourself like you are getting ready for a photoshoot.
This is where your DIET and FITNESS pays the biggest dividends. I follow The DELPHI DIET & CAST FITNESS System, on KINDLE above; that allowed me in addition to dropping LBS. to drop years off the appearance of my age based on WHEN and WHAT I eat.
My GYM isn’t air-conditioned or heated for conditioning purposes. So during the summer months, I workout without a T-shirt because it would be drenched with perspiration (or what us guys call sweat equity). Sweating is a big part of my fitness and contributes to the health of my skin. If you want an AB Challenge, have a photo taken with your abdominal area exposed from the side or straight on as I have done for this article, above.
Above, in my GYM, working out with my boxing bag in July for the photoshoot I did for my friend. Temperatures in my GYM are near 115 degrees Fahrenheit during the summer months. I contribute my conditioning to the training temperatures in my GYM.
THE QATSPY® Quapaw Aviation Tactical Sportswear Performance Yukon Outfitters Collection provides the style that you are looking for in business and for the weekend with friends. Whether wearing khakis or blue jeans, our leather jackets include the authentic flight jackets we provide the U.S. Military that provide the style for any occasion you are looking for:
Quapaw Aviation Tactical Sportswear Performance Yukon Outfitters Collection:
Our TOP GUN: Maverick Collection:
The Soundtrack Video from Lady Gaga for TOP GUN: Maverick entitled Hold My Hand: